Alteryx Server Ideas

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Currently, Alteryx server doesn't read multiple files compressed in the zip folder.  Here is more information: How to open multiple xml files using Analytical App workflow saved in Alteryx Server


I think this feature is useful for many people.





Hi all,


For a user to know if a schedule was successful or not, they need to go schedule by schedule to check each of them.


I suggest adding one additional column to show the status of the last run. 

Something like this:




Thank you,

Fernando Vizcaino


Hello Alteryx Developers,


It would be great if you develop a way to connect the Alteryx Designer to AWS Redshift by SSO. When i try to set this type of connection at the Simba ODBC Driver it opens the connection several times with AWS at the browser and that ruin the customer experience.


Best Regards


Danilo Benjamin

I would like to suggest the idea of being able to handle row-level security data sources in a more seamless way using Kerberos passthrough, where Alteryx Gallery will pass the information that User A is running the workflow to the underlying DB and will authenticate as User A. 


We have many workflows that are built to handle different queries of a database that are reliant on knowing who is running the workflow in Gallery. We also have many regional workers, and we want to keep the administration of these connections to the data as simple as possible. 


For more information, check out the Community thread on this subject.

At the moment when you give the "assign job" permission the user can choose any worker, it would be great if there was a way to assign workers to users or groups.


Example 1 (worker 3 is assigned to one group):

Worker1 - Assigned to ALL

Worker2 - Assigned to ALL

Worker3 - Assigned to ArtisansGroup1


In this scenario, all Gallery users have access to Worker 1 and Worker 2 and the ArtisansGroup1 has access to Worker1, Worker2 and Worker3.


Without a doubt, Schedule Forecast is a great feature. I feel Schedule Forecast feature should be enabled for Artisans as well who usually create new schedules on Alteryx Server. Artisans can look up the existing schedule details at a specific time and decide if it is best time for their workflow to run. It will be counter productive otherwise in my opinion as curators have to inform the artisan to move their schedule to some other time as there are several other workflows running at the exact time and impact execution time. 

Hi Team,


Earlier when we are in 2020.2 version we used to have "Company field" option when we are creating New Private Studio in the Subscription tab . Now we have Upgraded to 2020.4 version and we no longer see that option .


We have used Company Field to Tag the Solutions with certain specifications that would help us with the cost recovery mechanism.


So we need to have Option in our Use Case again.  If could you please include "Company Field" option in Subscription tab or if Subscription is deprecated then in Collection tab for coming versions it will help us a lot.


Currently you can only view the workflow results / history for other users workflows that are scheduled and the schedule is shared in the collection.


A lot of our workflows are set up to run on-demand, some as analytical apps and some as standard workflows. 


The first point of reference when a user experiences an issue should be to view the workflow results, but currently this is not possible and just gives an error "Access Denied" even when the tick box is selected within Workflow settings.


My suggestion is that you should be able to see the workflow results of any workflow that is shared with you (regardless of whether it is scheduled or run on-demand) as this would make fault finding and user support much easier.




We would like Gallery admins to be able to add any workflow to a collection - not just the workflows they authored.

The purpose is to have one collection where we have a set of workflows that were reviewed and approved for audits.

Only the reviewer could add to this collection

My team utilizes the Gallery API extensively and have found that we have processes that the API has listed as actively running, but cannot be found via the Controller's GUI.  As a gallery artisan, I can call flows via API, but cannot cancel these executions unless I reach out to the administrator group to kill them manually. 


It would be extremely helpful to add an endpoint with the ability to submit a specific job GUID and have the server/controller kill the execution of that flow and clear up the server capacity.  This could then be scheduled on a regular basis as a maintenance  task to keep the server clean.



When saving to our company's gallery, we must deselect dozens of assets for our numerous workflows every time they need to be resaved, which is very frequent.


I would like to suggest a select/deselect all button under manage workflow assets. This would save a considerable amount of time.

Thank you,

I would like to be able to open a user from the gallery - and see which collection(s) that user is in

If my collection is broken - I cant see users at all

Hey Team,


With 2020.3, the new Groups feature came into light, which is great, but seems like it was only half-thought.

It would have been nicely complemented with some API endpoints that would allow managing the groups' members - add, remove, list members, etc.

Seems like the API on Alteryx is like 100 steps behind and seems like the new developments are not considering adding APIs for the new released features. I feel this is a product roadmap issue.

As an admin, I would like far more ways to automate managing the Server/Gallery than the ones currently provided by Alteryx.


Integration with AD would be nice as well, we use SAML, and would like to have the option to import AD groups that would sync automatically in Alteryx - same way Tableau has those groups that are imported directly from AD.




We have a usecase where we want to check how often a workflow runs via the API so we can automate the consumption reporting we do internally. Right now the API only reads out workflows that were scheduled using said API. That doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Enabling it to also read out all the other workflows would really make this a powerful feature for us and I suspect others.



I could not find any possible way to send an email if the Alteryx workflow is taking more than expected time.

I was wondering if any such feature is available


In my organisation, Alteryx workflow keeps running sometime due to memory issues. It will be great to know about these delay and handle them.




In our private studios and in our home page we see our workflows in grid view by default and can toggle that to list view if we want. 

BUT we can only see our collections and the workflows in them in list view.


Please can you add the ability to view our collections in grid view?

Password is required to execute any command on LLS. Last time we forgot the password, only way to retrieve it was to reinstall the LLS ! 

A command to reset password in LLS should do.


@Kosi @SeanAdams @ydmuley @RajK @LizaNemchynova @Arianna_Fuller @MPistone 

The mongo db back is a working process but I would like to replace individual workflows and not the entire server state.

Hi Alteryx, 


Now, under the Job Tab, it is only show the status of running job.


Suggest to add one new page for showing the run history of each workflow/job.


1. Workflow name

2. Priority 

3. Assigned Worker

4. Start time

5. End time

6. Duration

7. State

8. Job Type (schedule or manual tracker)

9. Owner

10. Message ( e.g. error log)


Best regards,


Hi Alteryx,


The scale of the column width in Alteryx Gallery is fixed.

Sometime may not show the whole word of that column, it is very inconvenience.


Actually, not only in gallery but also in designer. Like the Manage Data Connections pop-up window. 


Even in 2019.4, the display problem hasn't been improved. 

Can Alteryx improve the UI of gallery and designer asap?


Best Regards,

Samuel To