Alteryx Server Ideas

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Aliases are a really powerful tool, particularly when you have multiple environments (EG Test, Prod) and need a published workflow to work without any code changes (In particular in an IT or Release/Change Control model).  By configuring a system alias on your Test and Prod servers, code will dynamically point to the correct server.

However, aliases can be somewhat cumbersome if you have a lot of databases on a server, and those database names change by environment.  Effectively, you end up needing an alias for each Database, which runs into naming convention and standardization issues.

Having the ability to configure a "database value" or a "database alias" would do a lot to help this.  This could either be a file that would be attached (allowing for easy config changes without risk of modifying the underlying code structure) or a secondary tier of aliases, so that a connection string might go from:

aka:SQLSERVER (contains sqlserver and database information)




aka:SQLSERVER||aka:database - so that at runtime Alteryx would evaluate the SQLSERVER alias and the database alias to create the correct connection string for that environment.



When setting custom "Theme" settings for a private gallery, the filter icon seems to be missing. Other similar UI elements are color themable such as the search icon:




Via the setting here:




But the filter icon doesn't have a section to set its color to something besides the stock teal:




Can we please have this icon be color themable? My customized theme has all of the teal removed, except for this icon.




If you get server up and running and develop  200 workflows and then schedule them, and then want to change the schedule on one of them, it is a total hassle.  What did I call that workflow? you sit there wondering as you look through a huge list of workflows.


It would help a lot to have the concept of projects / folders / some type of logical grouping so I say, What did I call that workflow? while only looking in the public safety, or HR, or Accounting, or whatever subset of workflows.  I mean, we don't have to go all crazy and have collections, districts, and private studios, but at least one layer of categorization would go a long way in making a proliferation of workflows more manageable. 




When opening an workflow from the Gallery in Designer, I'd like to be able to filter the search by collection

A little 1 I know, but I'd like an icon on my toolbar where I can open workflows from my company's gallery.  The amount of times I hit the open workflow icon,  to then have to browse the disk.  All my workflows are stored in my company's gallery.

Hello Alteryx,


I know that it wasn't intended to have a long list of people under permission, but because changing a default to viewer, effects everyone we have to manually input everyone we want to have as an artisan.

With this long list it would be nice to sort them accordingly


Permissions tab needs a filter and Sort options.jpg


Thank you

The search for replacing a workflow is poor (and I get that it is probably challenging to write on the back end) but as a result even if I type in the exact title of the workflow (aka copy and paste) Alteryx replace can't find it. Not only does this mean I have multiple workflows with the same name running around (loads of fun with lack of version control) but it also makes this entire thing more frustrating every time I update a workflow (as normally this also means the scheduling of said workflow breaks).


It would be awesome if instead of having to search by title for your workflow that you wish to replace with if you could instead use the URL where Alteryx Gallery put the workflow and then there wouldn't be any confusions about which workflow and you wouldn't have to type.

*This is an idea from @cneivam  from the Portuguese Community*


- Gallery in all supported languages

While adding or editing use permissions in collections, instead of admin option only, there should be option to choose between admin, user (run only) and custom, something like on the attached prinstscreen.
The way it looks now is confusing.



I have missing this functionality in alteryx gallery where we can see the runtime status of running app.


In Workflow result option we can view only post completion of app run.



Is Alteryx looking at implementing some kind of feature to provide a preview of impacted objects (lineage view) & understand dataconnections' changes impact before it's implemented ?



  • Help users understand the ramifications of any changes they make on other cards, DataFlows, or DataFusions.
  • Search and explore data lineage.
  • Easily find broken dataflows.
  • Quickly determine the impact of dataconnection changes on the rest of your Site, Collections, Application etc.


DOMO has this well done in their platform, check it out rather than me explaining here..

Search for Data Lineage & Impact Analysis.


The admin (aka curator) needs to be given more control. The admin should have greater control than the users of the system.


My organization is in the Healthcare industry and we have HIPAA laws to abide by when it comes to data. Not all users should be able to see all data. Developers should not have complete control over the data they publish.


Private studio

  • admin should be able to control if users can publish to Alteryx gallery (compliant issues occur when our organization's data is shared to outside users)
  • admin should be able to control if user can publish to public gallery (compliant issues occur when all users can all see and run workflows)
  • admin should be able to delete subscriptions and users



  • admin should be able to create collections so they can manage the collections and what users have access to (devs should not be able to give any user access to their workflows)
  • admin should be able to control if users can create new collections (again, compliance issues)
  • admin should be able to grant and remove download of workflow rights
  • admin should be able to delete connections


Get tips from Tableau as they have admin controls down with their permissions process.

Because of sensitive nature of data we deal with, all of our infrastructure is located in a restricted area. As a result, our Alteryx server can only be accessed on machines with a corporate-built system connected to corporate network unless the access has been authenticated.

What this means is that while I am on my corporate-built laptop, I can access the Gallery node from anywhere as we use Windows login for authentication. However if I wanted to schedule a workflow while connected to a non-corporate network (eg when working from home) I wouldn’t be able to do it because the controller server can't be accessed - it uses http protocol without authentication.


Currently there's no workaround and the situation creates number of challenges for colleagues using the scheduler. It would be great it it was possible to use DirectAccess or alternative way of identifying that the connection is coming from a corporate client.

It would be great for Alteryx to provide the UI to allow the user to maintain the data on the target table through Alteryx. The workflow application would be a standard way to maintain reference data.


This would allow us to deliver a quick way to interface with relational tables. Something similar to the following projects:


- django admin site

- phpgrid

- etc.



This would avoid using Microsoft Access for example for quick table edits and using the simplified Alteryx app instead

I would love the ability to select multiple workflows at once to disable/edit/move workflows to a different studio or disable the schedule all at once (so like a check box to select them)- instead of having to manually select each one and move them and have to go back and forth.

This would also help during update time- as the longest part of the updates is waiting for the service to stop.  If i could select all/multiple schedules to disable at once- then the service would be able to stop when I chose (instead of waiting for scheduled workflows to run)





When installing and configuring Alteryx, the wizard allows the administrator to select the Gallery authentication to be used among:



Integrated Windows authentication

Integrated Windows authentication with Kerberos

SAML authentication


The note states:

Once an authentication type has been selected, it should not be changed. Changing it may cause technical problems.




The gallery manual states "Once an authentication type has been selected it should not be changed or Gallery functionality may be compromised.


If you are reading this idea suggestion, I hope it is not too late for you. Why allow the user to change the authentication method once the install is completed? What are the options to solve this?


One option would be to grey-out the "Authentication Type" section in the  "Gallery Authentication" screen, so the user is not able to change authentication methods once after the first configuration is set. This would still allow the user to change SAML settings.


Another option, if somehow there is a reason why a user would want to change authentication types even though it is not supported, what about changing the layout to make it more difficult to change the authentication type.


What are your other suggested changes?


This is not relevant if this idea is implemented


However, I would imagine that a UI change would be a lot easier to implement that supporting overhauling the user management in the MongoDB.




For a multi tenant Gallery environment it would be great if one could define a dedicated stylesheet / "them" per tenant. Currently, the Gallery allows for only one theme as to be defined in the general admin section of the gallery.

Enhance the USER tab in Gallery for showing the active user status, last login time


Easy to filter out the active user

Allow Admin to kill user session 

Currently any workflows/apps published to the gallery can be found via the search function - even when the particular user has no permission to this workflow/app. While this only allows for the non-permisssioned user to see the title, this could still leak information as it allows anyone to find apps published in someone's private gallery.


Both the Alteryx Public Gallery and the Private Gallery product are impacted by this. Additionally this is not just limited to logged in users, but also public viewers of the gallery.


My proposed idea:

  1. Force the search function to be permission aware, and only show a user workflows they have permission to see/execute.
  2. Allow for option 1 to be enabled/disabled if there are use cases where anyone should be able to search and find any app/workflow on the server.


Best regards,


This may be more from an admin standpoint but once I add workers into a cluster (controller token added), I have no way of knowing if the worker is now added to the cluster unless a workflow starts getting serviced and I view it from the 'View schedules' tab.


This causes issues specially when we have to add multiple of them and need to keep a track of which ones are added to the cluster or not.


On the admin page, I should be able to view the list of the workers that is currently existing on the cluster.