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Disable or Default CSV Encoding Type at Output on Gallery

2019.4+ Server now prompts users to select an Encoding Type when downloading a csv on the gallery. Unfortunately there is no way to disable the prompt of which encoding option to utilize or an ability to select a system default. Please provide these server options as this is causing confusion across departments. 


.csv output.csv output

.yxdb output, csv format.yxdb output, csv format

(many users like the preview provided by yxdb but want excel download)


During development in Designer, when the workflow is configured to output to csv it already has the encoding configured, please provide the option to at least default this at output on the gallery:

.csv config.csv config


The only alternative at this time is to republish all workbooks configured to output .csv or .yxdb to be .xlsx. This is not ideal.


Note: Scheduled jobs are not affected - I tested a scheduled run and csv files were successfully written out to a file share on the server. Content format appears to not be impacted. 



5 - Atom

This default feature would be a great enhancement for our business needs.

5 - Atom

Please fix. Our user have no idea what encoding is and while they can learn to always pick a certain one, they are prone to mistakes.

11 - Bolide

This would solve a lot of issues for many of my own clients.

5 - Atom

Is there an ETA on allowing for default selection so the user doesn't have to choose? 

5 - Atom

I discovered a workaround if anyone is interested...


16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Over 2 years old and still not implemented.  @KylieF - anyway to ping the server product team to see where we are with this?  Thanks!

11 - Bolide

@JoshIsford  - What is your workaround?


I can have the workflow automatically save to a network drive to bypass this prompt, but the end user would require access to the network drive.  Some users would need to use the workflow in gallery but do not need access to the specfic network drive.

8 - Asteroid

@JoshIsford I'd be interested if it's at the admin level and doesn't require touching existing published workflows. I don't believe there's a way to query output type as all published workflows are encrypted on gallery. I don't have a way to easily identify existing workflows that output to csv or yxdb.

9 - Comet

Any plans to move forward on this one? :)))

8 - Asteroid

Any updates on implementing this solution? This would really save us time, headaches and emails.