Alteryx Server Ideas

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The page title never changes from Gallery when navigating through it. This is quite frustrating if you are trying to go back to a specific page or searching for something on the browse history.




Currently we can create static pages on the gallery from the Admin view using the Pages tab. I haven't been able to add in custom HTML code and would like to have such a page dynamically updated from the output of an Alteryx workflow Render tool (or similar). Ideally it would allow as much functionality as possible so that arbitrary HTML features could be implemented. Partly suggested by a prior idea:


Experts - 


I think the user experience in the "Workflow Results" area could be vastly improved with a simple tweak: rather than having 1 record per job we could have 1 record per workflow, with the ability to then expand each workflow to see all associated jobs, and then expand each job to see all the associated messages.  


Even better: add the ability to toggle sorting by job or workflow!


Most of the time I need to find a particular job (and we may run each workflow a lot during testing) so seeing a long list of workflows with the same name is sort of clunky, and then having to go page by page looking for the job in question makes it even clunkier.  


Thanks for the consideration!


I think it would make sense to let user have more flexibility when they want to schedule. 

For instance, we should be able to set a schedule every 2 hours for a certain time range on certain days. EG : Every 2 hours from 8am to 6pm from Monday to Friday.


Right now, this is not possible. 


Hi folks


There are quite a few very useful Alteryx items I have been using recently that I have found on the help pages / public gallery. However, when I searched for them, I didn't quite use the correct search terms so this took longer than I had hoped and I was on a tight deadline. An example is the "Server Pre-Upgrade Checks" workflow used during Server upgrades.


My idea is to put these utilities in the Download portal in the same way that the Server Usage Report is. 


Of course, there should be a limit as to what goes in there but, like the Server Usage Report  can be done on a case-by-case basis. 


Cheer, jonna



Hello Community!


I really enjoy the concept of the Data Connection Manager, but we have controls in place that don't allow our users to share database connections with each other - the official data source owner needs to approve. We have been able to do this with the typical Data Connections through Active Directory groups that we load into Gallery custom groups. 


It would be nice to be able to allow users to create their own data connections to be shared but we would like to add a couple of governance features:

  • When an Artisan wants to publish a data connection to Gallery, they publish it to a shared space (could be within collections). For example, they could share to the HR Data Connection space. 
  • That shared space is governed by custom groups in Gallery, similar to assets in a collection for workflows (who can access, who can add, who can modify, who can remove, who is the owner)
  • Ideally, we would also like to have more of a submission process - someone can submit a data connection, and then a data owner can "accept" the data connection. The data owner would then check to see if they are connecting properly before it is added to the shared space. 

Perhaps a change in Designer too, but I want the output on the server and for workflows stored on the server.


There is an existing "tool" Auto Documentation to load a locally stored Alteryx flow and to provide a pdf file with an overview of the workflow, the used tools and their configuration.  Example: input file is sales.xlsx, filter on month: January, sum of sales amount.


I would love a functionality that would output this together with the other output on the server for the flow that ran.  This can then be used as a sort of proof in case of an audit on how we got to the numbers of the output.



We are getting an error saving flow to our private gallery with US Geocoder tool.



The error speak to "public" and not "private" gallery and we get the reasoning except that we should be able to save to our private gallery and deploys solutions internally that we built using these tools and data.


We are on 2020.4.6 on both the gallery and laptop.


Laptop is in Business Insights trial.

Servers all have Insights add-on


I found in the community a post where you can manually update the flow run settings but the user mistook that the flow did save even with error.



This allows the job to work but it is annoying that

  • Each flow they build they would have to accept that it is ok on saving with error
  • I am concerned they may miss a real error buried in the messaging
    • Please change the font color and message to a “Warning” in gold font like the “Results View” vs an “Error” in red font because it is not really an error and any real errors would then stand out
  • Then they have to take extra step in the Gallery to enable the flow to work…


I recommend modifying the User “Actions” options to include an “Allow Insights” option.

This can then be used in

  1. determining if to even generate messaging on these jobs at save time.
    1. user has authorization and this is to private gallery and not public gallery
  2. avoids having to make someone made a curator when they SHOULD NOT have curator/server wide powers.
  3. Preset the workflow setting based on the saving developers user setting thus eliminating the extra step of setting the workflow setting in the Gallery post save.


Doing this simplifies and automates the process and significantly improves user experience when developing insights flows for use in the gallery.









A user/curator/artisan can schedule a workflow to run even if they do NOT have access to 1 of the database connections within the workflow.  The Alteryx Gallery still allows the user to schedule it to run.However, the workflow will never run because the user does not have access to 1 of the database connections within the workflow. Ideally, the scheduler should validate that the user has access to all 

needed connections within the scheduled workflow.


sometime the schedule workflow is too heavy and take few hours.

it impact the normal workflow run. as it take all workflow slot.


so my idea is to limit the schedule workflow and always leave space for manual workflow. 

to avoid delay of both work.


I have inherited admin duties, and have been running to many problems. Some of which will escalate when the subscriptions go away. 

The pages desperately need to be updated for a more streamlined admin experience.

Couple examples I came up with below. 


Naming Convention

  • Allow workflow renaming without the replace function.
  • Force a unique plan name across all private studios. instead of being unique on just ID.

API Access

  • Allow any user who can access the module from Collections to be able to trigger it from the API using their own API key.
  • Store results of "API" triggered workflows on the page.
  • Groups:
  • Identify Users without a group
  • Identify users in more than one group
  • Add multiple users at one time (Muticheck box) with filters.

User Page

  • Add/remove Users to Groups
  • View, add, and remove Collections from Their User Page

Collection Page

  • Add Collection from the Admin collection Page

Designer "save" window.

  • Give the ability on Save As & Save for the user to automatically share the plan with their collection(s).
  • Default all "Workflow" assets to be unchecked by default, rather than relying on users to click "workflow options"," manage workflow assets", and then uncheck everything.

Workflow Page

  • Change Owner (Can be limited to admin only)
  • Add directly to collection from this page.
  • Do not reset the "private data exemption" to default every time an updated version is updated.
  • Allow admin users to see logs of all users who run the plan (Also add this to the admin page while you are at it)





In our environment, we decided to do not use the Data Connexion from the Gallery for internal security reason.

Then we use the internal Designer in the Server to create (IT Teams) all the BDD Connexions for our workflows (In Memory and In DB).

Our Curators (not in IT Teams) has only access to the Gallery and not directly to a Server but it's responsible of these conenxions.


I checked all the API and we cannot retrieve the list of our "In DB" Connexions.


Is possible to have a new API to list all these connexions or to have an update of the existing API /admin/v1/systemdataconnections ?


Thanks !



When it comes to cancelling a running/queued job though the Gallery admin portal it never fails to add some new jobs to the list right as I am about to click to cancel a job,


thus instead of removing the unnecessary queued job I actually cancel the job that has been running for the past hour creating the report I need for the meeting in 30 minutes 


I think that adding check boxes (similar to the "Users" page) would be a nice UI enhancement to this page  


Would like to see more flexible options for workflow run-as credential settings, both for when publishing the workflow and kicking off the job. 


Here is a thread where we discuss the limitations we are seeing when trying to publish the workflow to Gallery via an API. We would also like to see more flexibility when our users want to kick off their workflows via an API where they could pass in different run-as credentials they would like the job to run as.



My customer want to set a certification process for the workflow or application published on gallery, on the same model than Tableau has for datasource :


Best regards,



In the User record you can get the subscription ID, but it doesn't show the Subscription Name and doesn't provide a link to the subscription which would be helpful (and seems pretty simple to implement).


I know subscriptions are going away, but until they do please make working with what we have easier.    Thanks!


There is a typo under the Help area for the Default Gallery Administrator (System Settings). It should be a backslash, not forward slash there. Correct is: domain\username




2021.4 Server comes with a ton of new great features. 

The one that shouldn't be implemented is moving away from Alteryx initial intentions of being a place of data artisans, and turning the Gallery into a Spreadsheet.


A homepage should feel like home. It should have the flexibility to customize it for each Organization to move workflows, pictures, and notes around to guide the user to the application they need to run their workflow. 

Most people using the HomePage Gallery aren't major developers, but new users or even non-analysts who want to run an app to get the report they need. 


Please don't go backward by taking away flexibility, readability, and increasing difficulty to understand and get to an app. 

But give more freedom to Alteryx Admins to customize and make the user experience even better. 



Lean more into these ideas where we can showcase and feature apps and show descriptions of tools




Just like your homepage we should be able to show videos and use negative spacing to help guide users, and be able to scroll down the page




Instead, you took away all spaces and tried to turn everything into raw data. There were spaces and extra lines on the app, but it's all stripped away on the Gallery in 2021.4





Again, lean into your roots of canvases where each artisan can design and put tools and items that make sense to them and their Organization. 
Please add features... don't take them away




Currently we can only configure questions and flow priority when using the POST API to queue workflows.

Would be good to be able be able send some of the Runtime configurations as well.

This would allow for much more flexibility.








,{"name":"Test_txt","value":"schedule test"}

, "priority": ""

"disable browse":"True"         // When running flows in production this would reduce resource usage as data will no longer be cached. Having it as a parameters would mean that we can ensure that it is disabled

,"disable output":"False"       



Current Fields

Possible other fields




It would be beneficial to have integration between Alteryx and SIEM solutions, and  send all Alteryx logs to the SIEM solution just like any other IT solution. The reason is to comply with the policies of customers, where InfoSec team must have centralized logging for all systems and hence a holistic view of the security posture for the infrastructure.


An Example of this would be seeing logs concerning change of user privileges' and system settings (on the SIEM).