Alteryx Server Ideas

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The idea is that we could grab a workflow that had been placed in the scheduler db and then if the workflow is lost as a file then it could be reclaimed from the scheduler db

Currently any workflows/apps published to the gallery can be found via the search function - even when the particular user has no permission to this workflow/app. While this only allows for the non-permisssioned user to see the title, this could still leak information as it allows anyone to find apps published in someone's private gallery.


Both the Alteryx Public Gallery and the Private Gallery product are impacted by this. Additionally this is not just limited to logged in users, but also public viewers of the gallery.


My proposed idea:

  1. Force the search function to be permission aware, and only show a user workflows they have permission to see/execute.
  2. Allow for option 1 to be enabled/disabled if there are use cases where anyone should be able to search and find any app/workflow on the server.


Best regards,


The SDKs are great and allow the community to expand Alteryx in many ways. I think it would be great to have some way to package these so we could easily share them and provide updates and fixes.


Not sure how many people use the SDKs but being able to easily share and install the output would help up take I think.

When setting custom "Theme" settings for a private gallery, the filter icon seems to be missing. Other similar UI elements are color themable such as the search icon:




Via the setting here:




But the filter icon doesn't have a section to set its color to something besides the stock teal:




Can we please have this icon be color themable? My customized theme has all of the teal removed, except for this icon.




It would be nice to connect multiple Databases from different servers, without configuration of Linked Servers


The gallery needs to implement basic auditing in the data connections.Currently, there is no way to determine who or when a data connection was created or updated.


The dataConnections Collection contains data connections with these keys

  • _id: (ObjectId) Document primary key.

  • ConectionString: (String) Hashed database connection string.

  • PasswordSecured: (String) Encrypted password for the database connection.

  • ConnectionName: (String) Data connection display name.

  • Subscriptions: (Array) Array of subscription IDs the data connection has been shared with.

  • Users: (Array) Array of user IDs the data connection has been shared with.

  • UserGroups: (Array) Array of group IDs the data connection has been shared with.

Add these keys to provide a basic audit trail

  • CreationDate: (DateTime) Date time in UTC when the data connection was created.
  • CreatedByUser: (String) user ID of the user that created the data connection.
  • LastUpdateDate: (DateTime) Date time in UTC when the data connection was updated.
  • UpdatedByUser: (String) user ID of the user that updated the data connection.


Modify the gallery to allow the values of the new keys to be displayed. Modify the API endpoint to retrieve this information.


When there is an app that has multiple tabs across the top but can extend down below the page, the user will scroll down to complete the boxes and click the 'Next' button at the bottom. 

This takes the user to the next tab but remains at the bottom of the page.

It would be very useful for this 'Next' button to jump back to the top of the page.


You cannot currently upload a new workflow and specify your own workflow_id GUID.  This would be useful for systematic workflows that need to be referenced in code.  Currently, you either to search for a workflow by name, but you are not guaranteed it a workflow instance you uploaded.  This would be helpful for server and workflow administration.


Given there are multiple api versions.  I need a way to call the api and get the server version so I can make the correct API call or construct code logic which provides the user code requirement based on the versions features or limitations.


I propose a api call ../getserverinfo/ that returns server metadata like version, default worker thread count, and default memory allocation.


There is currently not a way to call the API and find out the calling user.  For instance, if I have a user API key and secret, I  to return the rest of the user info for the calling user or who is calling the api.  I propose a api call like ../user/whoami



Workflows which are scheduled and continuously failing in a row 5 times need to stop/disable the schedule. Sent a mail to the workflow owner stopped schedule due to continuous error.


For Administrating the schedule workflows this feature helps a lot. Many users create workflows and dump into server and schedule it and forgot it if we implement this strategy, it will be helpful to both users and Admin team.


At my organization, we have many workflows on our server that take data from one database and store it on another. We would love the ability for an alert system that warns us when a job fails so that we can solve it immediately and not risk the chance of not noticing until a few weeks or months later.


Please could all log file paths on Server have the option to change their location, including 




To enable all log files to be written to an alternative drive than the installation.


The benefit it to prevent excessive space usage on the C: drive


Support have advised there is no way to alter the path or limit these log files by number or size.


Many thanks.


why didn't you implement the search in the schedules for users, it is available for admins?

for users who have a lot of schedules, it's essential




in version 2019.3, with artisan role, I able to add workflow to collection in the workflow page.

I not sure for later version, but in version 2021.4, only curator can do so. 



If I uploaded a workflow, designer already give me a link to the workflow, hence if I can add the workflow to the collection.

it goes through 2 pages within 2mins (max). it is very fast for me. 


but now, I have to go back to the homepage > collection > add workflow > wait eternal time for server to get the list of workflow > select it > click add.

it extra 5~ steps. with min 10mins extra time. and if the number of workflows larger and larger, 

it has chance that it fails to load the list and have to wait another 10mins, and another and another endless 10mins.


so 2mins > endless 10mins? please add back this feature.



Hello! We just upgraded to 23.2, and I see in v3 an endpoint to start a job (v3/workflows/{id}/jobs) and then another to get that job's status (v3/jobs/{jobID}). Compared to v1, I think the outputs endpoint is missing (v1/jobs/{jobID}/output/{outputID}). I'd love for this to be added so we can upgrade from v1 to v3. 


I want to let my artisans choose the collaboration option when sharing dcm sources. Currently they'd have to be promoted to curators to do this.


Results page keeps defaulting back to 50.

I would like that each user for the gallery can default his own amount of records show on the gallery ui .


At the moment i go in a set it to 100 but as soon as the gallery completes a job it then defaults back to 50. i want to be able to go into settings and have a function that says default view and it remembers that every time i open the gallery.



I remember when i started using Alteryx and the gallery i was able to display the results of a workflow run and then copy a value from the screen to complete checks on.


Now when i run a workflow and the .yxdb results and displayed ever if its one record i have to download a file and open it just to copy the value.


Can we not get the screen to allow highlight and control c of text as required?


It would be good to see when a workflow started running on the gallery when looking at Workflow Resuts. 
Currently it only tells you that the worklfow is running. Seeing when it started would be very helpful.