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Submission GuidelinesHello all,
This may be a little controversial. As of today, when you buy an Alteryx Server, the basic package covers up to 4 cores :
I have always known that. But these last years, the technology, the world has evolved. Especially the number of cores in a server. As an example, AMD Epyc CPU for server begin at 8 cores :
So the idea is to update the number of cores in initial package for 8 or even 16 cores. It would :
-make Alteryx more competitive
-cost only very few money
-end some user frustration
Moreover, Alteryx Server Additional Capacity license should be 4 cores.
Best regards,
Can we have search option enabled in Gallery Admin > Jobs to filter on running jobs to specific ones or to check specific job schedules.
It would be useful there was the concept of a description for Alteryx content, which was displayed within Gallery, as even with logical folders, naming conventions & tags when there are several hundred items available this additional metadata would be highly beneficial to users to know what the content they can see actually does. The ability to search this description would also be highly useful.
While in a workspace or collection, it would be great to be able to select multiple workflows and perform a bulk action on them (e.g. delete). This would help cleaning up unused workflows quicker.
Thank you
Suggested information to be included in audit logs.
A secure audit record of all activities on the system:
At minimum the logs should include the following:
I believe many customers could benefit from this type of audit logging, especially those who are required to obtain specific security certifications for their alteryx deployments. From what I can see online there does not seem to be out of the box functionality for this. If anyone has implemented any type of audit logging like this please feel free to comment.
When looking at a Workflow in the Gallery there is no way to tell if it currently resides in a collection. As a suggestion, a good place to have this information would be in the header block of a workflow where the version information and number of times a workflow was run is stored.
A better process Needed for Alteryx Backup and restore.
Please fix it ASAP,
Hi all,
Currently, it is very challenging, nearly impossible, to distribute your workload between worker nodes as the image below. Curators should be able to manage this in multiple ways since the end-user doesn`t have a full understanding of the server architecture or strategy behind the idea.
It would be helpful to have the worker tags working similarly to the credentials pyramid where we can have levels of permissions. That way, we can have collections, user groups or even single users with worker tags configured.
This is an addition to the idea suggested by @ivane_meimban
Thank you,
Fernando Vizcaino
In stead of having to create an event to notify me when workflows are failing, I would like to easily enable that option from gallery after scheduling a workflow.
In Gallery, I'd like to see the execution log in the workflow results, i.e. what you get if you run the workflow from Designer. I'd like to see this whatever the status of the workflow completion. Would be useful to assess warnings and the performance of components within the workflow. Also would give me useful stats about records loaded etc.
When saving a workflow to the gallery, none of the options I could choose from Set workflow credentials validates a workflow successfully when using database connections due to missing permission on the server (No specific Run As is configured on the Server). Apparently the server validates the workflow as following:
User is not required to specify credentials:No possibility to add credentials when running the workflow on the server. In that case, the workflow validates database connections with errors due to missing permission on the server. This error was expected.
User must specify their own credentials: This option is the most appropriate in case of working with database connections with regard to our use cases and security policies. Unfortunately this option is only enabled when the workflow is saved on the server already and run from the gallery. In case of the validation step when saving the workflow to the gallery, the server evaluates with the system user of the server. As a result, the validation fails. In that case, I expected the server to run the validation with the user from the Alteryx Designer.
Always run this workflow with these credentials: This option is not appropriate in terms of our security policy, since the workflow is permanently set with the users credentials.
So my suggestion would be to:
Otherwise is see no benefit of the validation feature (with respect to our use cases and security policies)
For large implementations of Alteryx - you'd want to have a live control-center view that allows you to see:
- The state of health of all the server components
- the depth of the queue in the controller
- Jobs failing vs. succeeding.
While this can be done by running alteryx jobs, and by going and looking for problems - what we'd want is to have a heads-up control center view which is self-refreshing all the time so that administrators can be notified when there are issues. And this should not be e-mail notification (it's too easy to miss an e-mail or an SNMP alert)
Think about a 40 inch monitor on a wall (like in a traffic control center) that allows the server management team to see the state of health of the plant at a glance, and dive into issues without having to constantly be looking for them. this is a critical capability for enterprise install-base and would be a very useful capability to add to the platform.
Allow admins to configure an outage window(s) of a specified amount of time (say 5-6pm every sunday) for conducting admin activities. Specifically this outage window would block any scheduled jobs, drive any manual started jobs to queue, and also issue a popup on the gallery to notify users that it's during an outage window.
I would like the ability to add a workflow description on Alteryx server. This step would be done after the workflow is published, this way future edits can be made without having to republish the workflow. A checkbox to allow HTML content would also be appreciated.
I'm not sure if this is too similar to this server idea
but I'd love to see the ability to add webhooks to Alteryx Server to launch a workflow. I believe that is how Flow (now PowerAutomate) can run an event. I had to spend hours figuring out how to build a "Flow" workflow which would have taken me minutes in Designer. For example, when I receive a new MS Forms Survey submission, I can shape the data and build a sharepoint list, rather than waiting for whatever interval I set in the scheduler.
Alteryx has its own version control built in - however in large Enterprise environments there is a requirement to be able to use the version control platform that already exists.
In other words - when you install the server - you are asked:
Do you want to use Alteryx for version control, or your own SVN; GIT or a 4th custom option based on API integration (i.e. build this yourself based on a defined API).
This is very important to ensure that enterprise assets are maintained under the regimen of control that our Infosec & Auditors need, and the investment in making sure that Version Control contains all the right discipline; governance; etc - is all done in the enterprise Version Control platform.
Can we please extend Alteryx to have this flexibility so that we can cater to large Enterprise customers, and also anyone else who has a strict governance & change control requirement with existing infrastructure already in place?
If this is built as an independant layer and separated out from the core server slightly - it will be possibly to flexibly add other VC systems later (or provide companies with the ability to build their own).
Thank you
Enhancement for the ability to trap errors at the tool level, take actions, and direct workflows based on error messages. If a tool presents an error, check for additional handling instruction in the configuration panel.
Enhancement request that there is an ability to limit collection naming rights to the collection owner and/or collection admins. Currently anyone with access to a collection can rename it.
Without a doubt, Schedule Forecast is a great feature. I feel Schedule Forecast feature should be enabled for Artisans as well who usually create new schedules on Alteryx Server. Artisans can look up the existing schedule details at a specific time and decide if it is best time for their workflow to run. It will be counter productive otherwise in my opinion as curators have to inform the artisan to move their schedule to some other time as there are several other workflows running at the exact time and impact execution time.
Hi Team,
Earlier when we are in 2020.2 version we used to have "Company field" option when we are creating New Private Studio in the Subscription tab . Now we have Upgraded to 2020.4 version and we no longer see that option .
We have used Company Field to Tag the Solutions with certain specifications that would help us with the cost recovery mechanism.
So we need to have Option in our Use Case again. If could you please include "Company Field" option in Subscription tab or if Subscription is deprecated then in Collection tab for coming versions it will help us a lot.
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