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Alteryx Server Ideas

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Enhancement for the ability to trap errors at the tool level, take actions, and direct workflows based on error messages. If a tool presents an error, check for additional handling instruction in the configuration panel.

Hi all,


I would like to suggest the idea to make the ability to add a graphic to an Interface on the server as well. 

Currently, the function only seems to work on Desktop, but having it work on the Gallery as well would be very nice.

Especially if we could have the image be horizontally oriented as well as vertically, depending on our other interface tools. 


Would love to hear any other related comments or ideas!

As we have more and more users onboarded to the Server, and many users share similar names, it is getting more and more complicated to manage. 


It will be great if we have a management console that allows us to create User Groups, Tags, set User Departments, and more controls alongside their curator, designer, etc status on Server.


Groups like User Groups gives a group of people access into certain workflows, districts, collections, etc. It will also be helpful as it can also be an audit trail of who ran what - with a feature that allows users or groups of users to run certain tasks or schedules. 

Sometimes, a workflow posted to the Server is calling from a source data that has dimensions which are specific to certain users based on departments, divisions, countries, regions, states, or etc. depending on the level of granularity. 


Although Alteryx developers can create Analytical Apps that have the option for end users to select these dimensions, a more seamless experience for end users (and better for security as well) is to have the ability to configure such filters for existing users on the Alteryx Server itself.


So, if Person A belongs to State 1 and Person B belongs to State 2, by default when both Person A & B enter the Server to that specific workflow in a collection or district, they will automatically be filtered for State 1 and 2 respectively. 


This is similar to Section Access configuration - whereby users have already been pre-filtered the moment they enter.


The current workaround is to create multiple workflows and store them in different collections or districts specific to end users, and to make any changes will require a change to the workflow itself. 


It will be great to have a dashboard that allows for Alteryx Server admins to configure on their own without hassle.


When running an analytical app in designer desktop, the user has the ability to choose the location they want the output saved.  However, when you move that same app to the gallery, they no longer have that option.  They have to download the file and move it to the intended location.  Being able to specify the location would save the end user time.  I also have an app that uses a formula tool to save the output to the same location as the input, but moving to gallery does not allow the user to do this.


Currently there is no way to clear historic notifications, it would be good to add this functionality.


Linked to this is system messages do not work as expected, as system message should either be present or not. However, when cleared it persists in the notifications and the clearage also shows as a blank entry, which is a poor user experience.


Having the ability to clear notifications would help with this, but ideally system messages should be separate from the notifications, as in whilst it is active it should appear as a banner in the UI as per the documentation and not be clearable by the user and when it is not in place, i.e. the event has occurred, it should not be present, there is no need to refer back to this system message.


Currently users have to be manually added to groups and those groups linked to collections.


For large organizations this is time consuming, it would be better if users could automatically be assigned to the relevant collection based on matching an attribute of the collection with an attribute of the user/group.


To take this further, when using SSO the information, such as group could automatically be passed in by the claim and so fully automate the process.


Currently SAML configuration can only pass First Name, Last Name & Email Address. It would be useful if additional attributes could be configured, such as group information. This would link to another enhancement that is automatically linking new users to a given collection based on this additional attribute.


Currently any pages or links that you create are displayed as uppercase, which is a poor user experience.

Hello all,

Alteryx Designer Cloud is quite young, somehow incomplete, not compatible with Alteryx Desktop etc... but I'm very optimistic than in a few years it will become a killing app !

That said, I'm more skeptical on this race to the cloud : from my experience, Cloud should just be one way of selling a product, not the only one. It has a lot of cons and a lot of pros and customers should have the possibility to choose between "on-premise" and "cloud"  product, and change from one to the other very easily.

My main customer on Alteryx is a government agency that deals with highly confidential, personal data. They won't go to cloud. Not in the next ten years. But they would love to have the Alteryx Designer Cloud on their own server.

Best regards,



Allow Collection owner to be a point of contact rather than a sub-Curator. We want a ticket process to control access to collection workflows and users in a SOX-dedicated gallery and giving those permissions outside the ticket process would be a hole in our control environment. Currently we make a service account the owner, but that means we need a list of contact people on the side.

In an enterprise multi-node Alteryx Server deployment that has existed for many years and many upgrades, there are artifacts within the MongoDB that are unknown to Gallery Administrators. I envision a workflow or app that is developed by Alteryx that queries the MongoDB and looks for orphaned documents in the MongoDB across all collections. With 2022.3 there is a pre-upgrade check, however, it does not find all unexpected items within the MongoDB. Regular ongoing MongoDB health helps with overall management of the environment and could prompt for support cases before it becomes a problem during pre-upgrade activities.


Imagine the dream : Alteryx Designer Cloud with in database tools.

Well, that would be so great I won't write more....

Best regards,



When a user saves an APP and that APP contains macros with embedded macros (2 to N layers deep).  Make package with ALL subroutine/macros included an option.  This is a PAIN for users to try to manage otherwise.






The Gallery (previous to 2022.1) Districts used to be viewed as a grid.  The districts would be listed across the page.  Now the Gallery Districts are in List format.  All down the page in one column and you have to scroll.  Before all our districts fit nicely on one page.  Is it possible to have an option to view by List or by Grid?

API that allows to specify the workflow version to download.

An example would be where a user has a scheduled workflow that runs at regular intervals and they might want to look at the logs from the results from a specific date. Having the ability to filter the date column would help with this, as the only other alternative at the moment is manually working through the pages.


Hi Alteryx Team,


in one of my current projects we would like to set up a Alteryx Gallery Collection using the API, which already works fine using the current API implementation.

In addition we want users of this collection enable to use DataConnection to DBs they are allowed to access. This can already be done manually. I can create a Data Connection manually and then I assign the same users I already assigned to the Collection also to the Data Connection. Adding these users to the Data Connection can also be done using API. The only part that is missing is the CREATION OF DATA CONNECTION USING API.

The other option is to make it possible to assign Data Connections to Collections, which is unfortunately also not possible at the moment.

Our challenge is that we want to create those kind of workspaces a lot of times for a lot of colleagues without additional manual effort.

That's why I ask for enhancing the DataConnection API in order to create Data Connection using Gallery API.





Upon utilizing the Alteryx gallery to create and test an automation app in cooperation with other business areas, we found that the list of "recent modified files" that appears when selecting a file browse query has several issues, or areas in desperate need of improvement:


Not only does this list append new files to the bottom, resulting in a less than desirable experience when selecting files from this list across multiple occasions when testing, but the list eventually reaches a capacity where no new files can be shown. Furthermore, for processes that involve small modifications being made to a file or group of files that is fairly consistent in naming, a list of ambiguously named files will quickly cause confusion. If this type of small improvement is possible, please reach out to me about any avenues towards achieving it, or if there is a person or department to appropriately contact.




A maintenance mode would not be luxury, so that the worker does not take any more new job and finishes those which it has in progress. to be able to stop this one more easily.

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