Alteryx Server Ideas

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It would be nice to have workflow version information on the Workflow Results page for every running status.
The reason for that is after workflow was scheduled and then the published version has been changed, there is no way to follow versions.

The job timeout function is a perinate issue on the the Alteryx server because scheduling workflows on the server that overlap with another workflow can cause bottleneck issues. Depending on the number of workers and the other workflows, the workflow in question could fail to run or not complete running at the desired date and time. I recommend a view option of the Schedule Forecast feature for all users, so as to allow all users to effectively schedule workflows on the Alteryx server that do no conflict with other workflows. 

When rerunning a failed manual job, the same Priority is used, but the Optional Job Name is not and cannot be re-entered on submit.  User has to go to Workflow results page and Edit to add the Optional Job Name for a rerun.


I suggest the Optional Job Name text box be added to the rerun submit page.

Prefill using the original job's value if one exists.





As we look at upgrading Alteryx Server - one of the challenges is that it's an all-or-nothing approach; and there doesn't seem to be a guided wizard approach to upgrading.


The upgrade process would be much less intimidating if we could create a Migration tool which can work across versions - similar to Microsoft SQL Server which has the.    This would allow us to:
- Migrate a subset of assets up or down versions

- Migrate across servers to do consolidation or to split loads into different servers for the purpose of segregation

- Progressively migrate over time to limit the risk.


cc: @JohnPelletier 






Some of our artisans are unable to publish straight from designer and it would be great if there was an "Upload workflow" button in the private studio just like there is for curators in the admin panel.

The gallery shouldn't allow to create data connections with already existing names.

For example, in designer it's difficult to choose which data connection we want to work with if they have the same name, please verify the images in attachment.

Alteryx Server seems to natively support MicrosoftSQL and Oracle connections on Alteryx Server. It would be helpful to natively support (i.e., a non-ODBC connection) for Cloudera Hadoop as well.

As a Gallery Admin I would like to be able to add and remove a user from local groups on the User page.

I realise that this would only work for local groups and that AD groups would need to be excluded (and indicated as unavailable for editing)





On the Users page it is quick and easy to see what Role each user has - UNLESS they have been assigned the "Default" role in which case it will depend on Gallery Default Role and which Group(s) they are assigned to.


I propose an additional column be added to the page to show the Effective Role for each user. The purpose of this change is to allow an administrator to quickly and easily confirm the effective Role of any Gallery use by viewing the User page, without having to check the user's group membership and the Role assignment that those groups provide.


For those users with a assigned Role other than "Default" that value will obviously match the assigned Role.


For users assigned the "Default" Role the page should show the result that would be returned by the appropriate permission resolution code when determining their effective Role from the Group membership and the Gallery Default.


[Screen image is from 2020.4 - with my suggested positioning for Effective Role added]




As a further enhancement a set of checkboxes showing the value of the special permissions e.g. Create Collections, would be good but might require a more significant re-design of the page and would only be saving a single click. I suggest instead that it might be useful to have an enhanced filter view of users which allows an administrator to view e.g. all users who can Create Collections etc.



It would be helpful if there was a way to setup notifications so that it would email Admin whenever a workflow runs longer than a preset amount of time.


Admin would set time threshold for triggering notification i.e. > 15min and Alteryx Server would email Admin whenever a workflow runs longer than that so that they could monitor this specific workflow and take corrective action,



Allow admins to configure an outage window(s) of a specified amount of time (say 5-6pm every sunday) for conducting admin activities. Specifically this outage window would block any scheduled jobs, drive any manual started jobs to queue, and also issue a popup on the gallery to notify users that it's during an outage window. 

In any large IT environment - you will have multiple systems which each use different nomenclature to describe the same thing


This relates to products; currencies; customers; suppliers; trade types; etc.


At present - our users are bridging this gap either by:

a) creating a bunch of excel spreadsheets with "Magic Code Translation Tables" - which is unfortunate because these become unmaintainable very quickly and live on people's desktops (and are not reusable assets) or

b) creating a whole morass of one-way-translation tables to translate from each input source to the normalized format - these are all hand-rolled translation tables; with hand-rolled ways of adding translations etc.



What would be very useful is to allow Alteryx users to specify these kinds of domain concepts on the Alteryx server, with a flexible way of adding synonyms.  For example - our master customer list is kept on the server with a master customer ID (call it MID for Master).   If I'm dealing with a new system that uses a different customer ID (call it NsID for New SystemID), then I can map the NsID to the MID centrally so that anyone who wants to do analytics on this data can just drag in a converter from NsID to MID; and also drag in the master customer list with the MIDs.


This would allow all these Magic Translation Tables to become an enterprise asset rather than isolated data islands, and act as an accelerator for every other team using this data.






Please keep in mind that this is a suggestion from a container novice! 🙂


However, our situation is such that our release upgrade deployments are taking significant time to install, test and sign-off from DEV through PROD for the four main life-cycles involved in our server environment. Even if we script the deployment to save time, there's still manual configuration needed to confirm the new version works in the next server environment.


Similar to how Promote can deploy from DEV through PROD using images/containers, my suggestion is to package the Server components into images/containers that can be similarly deployed through the life-cycles. While the container with mongoDB doesn't need to move to the next life-cycle, the containers with the web server, load balancer, and engine nodes could move with the click of a button. And if needed, reverted to prior version with similar ease.


I forgot to ask about this idea at the UX lab during Inspire, but would be very happy to hear if it's already in the pipeline!


Thank you for your consideration!

Many organizations have IT applications (Splunk, OSIsoft PI, etc.) that can consume, historize, and monitor Windows Performance Monitor items.  If would be great if Alteryx wrote application-specific information to PerfMon.  Things like: number of engines running, number of workflows in the queue, number of people logged into gallery, time it takes for data to pass between DB/Controller/Gallery, etc. This would go a long way in helping admins to properly size systems and monitor them for upsets.

If you run an Alteryx app on your desktop or hard drive, a help button will appear in the bottom right. This button defaults to sending you to, but you can adjust it to send you to any location by adjusting the app in the interface designer. This means that you could use the help button to send users to a location detailing how to actually use the app built. The issue comes that when you upload an Alteryx app to the Alteryx Gallery, the "help" button disappears. I propose that the help button be made available in the Alteryx gallery for apps so that designers can use it to direct users to locations detailing how to use the apps.

With Version 2018.3, you removed the Autodetect SMTP button, and with it, have rendered the Email Tool virtually useless for many people, which is a shame because it is a critical tool for some of us to share reports produced in Alteryx.


In requiring an SMTP path, there are a host of authentication issues that need to be addressed, and we can't seem to figure out how to configure the path and From emails properly to allow the tool to work without errors. 


My only solution at this point is to rollback to 2018.2 so I can continue to use the Email tool. 


Please address this so we can use the tool as before, or provide the necessary configuration options to allow for proper authentication with popular email services (Gmail, etc.)


So you've created your workflow with variable inputs and saved it to the server.  Would love to schedule the workflow to run on a recurring basis with saved input values.  I.e. single workflow with multiple schedules with different saved values.

I think this may be covered here, is there an update?




Currently, even if Alteryx Server is installed in E drive, RuntimeSettings.xml is generated in C¥programdata¥alteryx. Users cannot replace RuntimeSettings.xml to other folders.


It would be nice if a feature that users can specify place to save RuntimeSettings.xml.


Or, it would be nice if this specification  is put in the documentation.

Hey Alteryx,


I'm liking the new ability to change the permission for users to schedule, prioritize and assign their work.


I would also like the Permissions to not show if I've turned it off. For most users this feature will not be available and showing a feature they won't be able to use will cause more problems then answers.


Just like in the notification tab, I would like the features that are off not show up in the end users profile tab


Permision Requests.png


It would also be nice if we could assign this to a workflow and not just a person. A more likely scenario is that an App that needs a user input shouldn't be scheduled since it won't work. 

To have the ability to turn off the scheduling for just that workflow is more likely then to turn off that feature for an entire person.


Thank you

The Admin Gallery api needs to have the ability to get questions,execute jobs, get outputs. Currently I can only get questions, execute jobs and get outputs of my private gallery flows, I need to be able to do this for other Artisan flows without having to have their key/secret.