Alteryx Server Ideas

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Show a users effective Role on the user page when their assigned Role is Default

On the Users page it is quick and easy to see what Role each user has - UNLESS they have been assigned the "Default" role in which case it will depend on Gallery Default Role and which Group(s) they are assigned to.


I propose an additional column be added to the page to show the Effective Role for each user. The purpose of this change is to allow an administrator to quickly and easily confirm the effective Role of any Gallery use by viewing the User page, without having to check the user's group membership and the Role assignment that those groups provide.


For those users with a assigned Role other than "Default" that value will obviously match the assigned Role.


For users assigned the "Default" Role the page should show the result that would be returned by the appropriate permission resolution code when determining their effective Role from the Group membership and the Gallery Default.


[Screen image is from 2020.4 - with my suggested positioning for Effective Role added]




As a further enhancement a set of checkboxes showing the value of the special permissions e.g. Create Collections, would be good but might require a more significant re-design of the page and would only be saving a single click. I suggest instead that it might be useful to have an enhanced filter view of users which allows an administrator to view e.g. all users who can Create Collections etc.



1 Comment
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

hi @Paul_Holden, thank you for this detailed idea! Our product team is constantly striving to make our products better, and the user feedback we received is critical in that mission. Make sure to also check out other users’ ideas, and "Like" the ones you'd like to see in the product!