Alteryx Server Ideas

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Having the option to disable schedules within the Designer application would be advantageous for we support staff.  Especially when multiple service restarts or server reboots are required.  When we perform migrations or restores or even upgrades or when conducting server maintenance actions.   As we know starting of the Alteryx service immediately queues up workflows to be run based against there schedule times.   When maintenance is being performed we do not want workflows to run, and/or having to wait for completions or have the user to rerun the workflow.   The option to temporarily disable schedules globally with a click of a button is far better then changing the parameters of the schedule or even deleting it.   To go a step further = an internal mongodb administration command to disable/enable schedules would also be helpful at the database level 




System Administrator should be able to configure portal pages be being able to choose the columns, columns widths, and sort order.  For Example  in the collections view,  there are columns Inight Count, User Count, Studio count which add no value to my user community.  Yet the name column is not wide enought to show the full names. The collect page is sorted by Create Date which does not add value and once you get above 20 collections  


The recommendation would be to allow System Admins to be able to change these settings.  If the definations are stored a json or xml file or some other file that can be edited, allowing for the customizations.  Admins would edit at their own risk working with in parameters and documentation provided. 



 Java Version upgrade requires LLS settings to be changed manually and LLS service to be restarted. 


Product should be capable of using the newly installed configuration and not require manual Config change and service restart. 


so every time there is a java version upgrade,  users have to be notified of the downtime  (even though they could move into 7 day grace period) and then the flexnetls.settings file should be updated with Java home path.  


@Kosi @SeanAdams 

Password entered during installation is changed to LLS default password after the following sequence of events.

LLS Service start -> Settings update -> Service restart (to let the settings change take effect). 


Avoiding this behavior will save server admin's time in changing password every time setting is changed. 

@Kosi @SeanAdams @ydmuley @RajK @LizaNemchynova @Arianna_Fuller @MPistone 

In any large IT environment - you will have multiple systems which each use different nomenclature to describe the same thing


This relates to products; currencies; customers; suppliers; trade types; etc.


At present - our users are bridging this gap either by:

a) creating a bunch of excel spreadsheets with "Magic Code Translation Tables" - which is unfortunate because these become unmaintainable very quickly and live on people's desktops (and are not reusable assets) or

b) creating a whole morass of one-way-translation tables to translate from each input source to the normalized format - these are all hand-rolled translation tables; with hand-rolled ways of adding translations etc.



What would be very useful is to allow Alteryx users to specify these kinds of domain concepts on the Alteryx server, with a flexible way of adding synonyms.  For example - our master customer list is kept on the server with a master customer ID (call it MID for Master).   If I'm dealing with a new system that uses a different customer ID (call it NsID for New SystemID), then I can map the NsID to the MID centrally so that anyone who wants to do analytics on this data can just drag in a converter from NsID to MID; and also drag in the master customer list with the MIDs.


This would allow all these Magic Translation Tables to become an enterprise asset rather than isolated data islands, and act as an accelerator for every other team using this data.






One of our biggest areas of confusion for new users of our Gallery is the Download button. They often click it thinking that will give them their information right away. It would be great if the person didn't see that or the scheduler option if they were not an Artisan, since they can't use the workflow anyway. It would be even better if selecting the workflow took them straight into the question portion.

When a render tool is run on Designer pointed to a temporary file the log gives you a clickable link to access the output.  When deployed to the Gallery unless you have given it a specific output destination with %temp% in the filename you get... nothing.  


What did I expect?  The pdf or other temp file to render on the screen or at least download for me.  Or give me a dropdown selection of the various files render could create for me.



Currently if there is a password change, I have to download my workflows, update the password in the Tableau connector, and reupload the files. 


This would enable groups with a single sign on to ensure scheduled workflows are not interrupted. 

Currently, we have the functionality to set a recurring schedule with daily frequency with an option to 'Run only during work week (Mon-Fri)' I would like to add this 'Run only during work week (Mon-Fri)' option to the Hourly frequency interface. 




No current option to run on weekdays only:




Currently a workflow sends notifications when is configured to do so (by adding an event in Designer).


I think that there should be an option to add a notification event for a schedule. It makes more sense because:

- I don't need notifications when I run a workflow by myself. I need it for schedules

- Turning on/off a notification is technically a development - it should be a configuration.




It would be great if each user could persist their gallery UI sorting/view changes and leave them as default. When I log in I nearly always immediately switch to list view and sort by most recent modified. This means everytime I access a set of workflows there are at least 3 click actions before I can even start working.

In Alteryx Gallery admin, please add a confirmation before applying a change to the default user roles.  Since it can be changed so easily and isn't very clear to what happens when new admins make a change to that drop down.  For example:  They do not realize they changed all the default users to curators!  But they do learn quickly.



John Colgan



Hello Alteryx Team,


we would like to customize SAML login with additional claims (departement)?


We want to grant authentication based on claims we are using in addition of firstname, lastname, email. 


So we need custom code as well, is this possible to integrate or merge with alteryx code ?


simple example would be:

we add city to the claims and on user with from city "New York" will be accepted all others will get access denied page.


Best regards,



My company is using SSO which prevents us from publishing datasets to Tableau or Wave/Einstein Analytics. Is there a workaround for SSO? 


With a majority of our Alteryx users working via VPN, our Firewall systems are detecting a brute force attack if a user tries to open another Alteryx tab within 60 seconds.  We would like to request to reduce the amount of authentications attempts on the Alteryx Gallery site when launched, so there isn't 100+ 401 unauthorized errors to trigger the Firewall system to disconnect the session.

The Inputs to an Alteryx App look very clunky and are not formatted well on the Gallery.  The App Inputs look fairly decent when executed from Designer, but the Gallery input tabs looks like a work-in-progress that never got out of beta.  We desperately need some way to make the app input tabs aesthetically pleasing and functional.  An "artisan" does not like to create a masterpiece app that has a Model-T front end.  

Gallery Scheduler can schedule the workflows recurring,custom and once.


Idea 1 : Incase the scheduled run fails it would be good to have an retry option incase the source file path has network latency or network glitch.


Idea 2 : It would also be good if the scheduler checks if the latest feed or file is present in the source file path and have an option to kick off to run job the moment the latest file is present.


Idea 3 : For workflow to run on start and end of the working day month date we currently do not have an option in scheduler. we have an option to choose the first day and last day but the first and last working days in a month.


Idea 4 : When we choose the replace workflow option that changes the version of the workflow on gallery the schedule automatically is disabled. We will have to manually enable the schedule and also re-enter the credentials which is difficult if we keep updating our workflows every time with new changes as per business needs. request to have the schedule option enabled incase the replace workflow is done and also not to erase the workflow credentials.

We are constantly moving workflows from our Dev environment up to Prod and then back down again to improve them.  Even though we only used Gallery shared data connections, and both environments have the same name for each connection; the connections still break when opening the workflow in the other environment.  This is because designer actually uses an ID code behind the string name instead of the name.  And, even though connections exist by the same name in each environment, the code behind them is different.


I would like a way to be able to specify the data connection code so that I can make the code the same in both environments.

We have a bunch of workflows in our public gallery that have no inputs, and so the results are the same no matter who runs them, it just depends on the time.  It is a huge oversight and a massive waste of resources that a person can only see workflow results for the times that one user ran the workflow.  If I have user A run a workflow at 10AM and user B doesn't know about it, he's going to run it at 10:05 AM and we just wasted valuable compute time and resources to produce the same exact data set.


Or, say it runs on a schedule, and you want people to access the results via gallery instead of saving as spreadsheet or something somewhere.  But you can't.  Only the person who setup the schedule can see the results.


Now, I can see that some workflow applications may produced different results based on inputs, and some results may be sensitive.  But then at least make it a check box when publishing the workflow to gallery whether or not results should b shared globally.

The Pop up window for Browser tool currently is working in the App environment but not working in the Gallery environment. It is essential when you want to show user the immediate results. there will be too much efforts for user to see the results if I use output/render tool.