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When you open from Server - save to server!

When opening a canvas - it is possible to open from the gallery, which is important in a team environment.




However - as you work on this canvas - if you hit save, it does not save a new version to the server and increment the original (as would happen on sharepoint) - instead it asks you to create a new file.    


Please can you change this behaviour as follows:

- If I open from the gallery then when I save I'm updating the same Gallery asset and incrementing the version ID by 1.

- The only time I would save in a new file is if I use Save As; and explicitly pick a new file.


 cc: @jalvarezv

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)


This functionality already exists in Server. Was there something different that you wanted?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Thank you @JohnPelletier - you're absolutely right, this is now the way that the designer works in interaction with the server - so we should mark this one as done.


the issue at the time was that we were able to open the canvas from the server, however when we hit the save button, it brought up a dialog with the canvas name.   What would then happen is that Alteryx server would create a brand new asset, and we were seeing dozens of different copies of each canvas as development progressed.   Not sure if this is a change that has been made to the designer & server, or if this was a transitory error with the version of the server we were on in Aug 2018


Thank you for checking in!

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Implemented

Thank you for checking in @JohnPelletier and the confirmation @SeanAdams !


I'm updating this idea to implemented this this feature exists in the current Server version.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

It can be a little confusing that the Save As button creates a new asset for you, even if you choose the same gallery from which you pulled the workflow to edit it.

However, if you use the Save button instead, it will automatically go back to the same gallery and save a new version of the original asset. 

Just wanted to point this out for any future readers who navigate here for help.