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Scheduling Workflows to run on Business Days

Currently when scheduling workflows, there is an option to schedule based on the calendar day but not on business day. For example, if I want to run a workflow on Business Day 1 of every month, it is not necessarily the first day of every Month. For the month of June 2019, Business Day 1 is June 3rd, since the 1st and 2nd fall on the weekend. Many departments run their processes on Business Days rather than Calendar days. Also factoring Holidays into consideration would be a plus since January 1st for example is a Holiday, Business Day 1 would fall on the 2nd.

11 - Bolide
11 - Bolide

Need this function in the scheduler.

5 - Atom

Hi All,

My project requirement is to run Alteryx workflow on first working day of each month in Alteryx gallery.


For example. if first working day of month between  Monday to Friday then it should run once and it should not execute again in the same month, workflow should run on next month on first working day of month again


If it is not executed on 1st then on 2nd day is should run if 2nd day is not Saturday or Sunday.




11 - Bolide

I've got jobs that I don't want to run on Christmas day or whatever.  I can, of course, construct something on a workflow by workflow basis to handle skipping holidays, but it would be nice to be able to have a checkbox there that could just make it work.  This should be relatively simple to implement.  

7 - Meteor

This feature would be a tremendous value-add to my company's workflows!!!!!

5 - Atom


6 - Meteoroid

Would be really great to be able to schedule every N hours/minutes on business days only too



8 - Asteroid

Since all organizations observe different holidays or have different closure schedules, if there was a way for us to create, load, or maintain our own organizations "business days" this would also be a beneficial add.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Not Planned

Thank you for our feedback and idea!


After reviewing and researching the technical requirements required for implementing this idea, we have decided the best status for this idea is not planned as this feature would be a very large undertaking that could not be completed in the near future. Should we be able to return to this idea in the future we'll update the status back to under review.

8 - Asteroid

I want this feature as well, so it's unfortunate that Kylie says this is not a planned development.


Here's a possible solution.

Hypothetically, you can run a report daily, but with a filter that results in no output. You can use a formula to get to a business day. You can factor for holidays based on a custom input.

6 - Meteoroid

Is there any update on this topic? In my organization we would appreciate a lot this feature too! It would be a big step towards automation for the workflows that we already have on Alteryx Server and that need to be run on the first business day.