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Alteryx Scheduling control

Hi all, Per this thread, it would be helpful if we could have finer control of scheduled jobs in Alteryx Server:


- Dependancies (one job should run after another in a chain)

- lower priority (some jobs should go down the priority queue to allow for others so that high priority jobs are not blocked by other less important ones)



Thank you Sean

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Under Review

Hi @SeanAdams - thanks for this post!  I agree that being able to schedule dependencies and to gives jobs priority is something that would really enhance the capabilities of the Alteryx Scheduler.  We've heard similar feedback from other customers, but I am hoping that anyone who sees this post and agrees will vote this up as well.  Thank you again for the feedback!

12 - Quasar
12 - Quasar

After reviewing the thread @SeanAdams I would even be happy with initially being able to route certain job types to a particular server.  Then transition it to ranking. Would you want the user to be able to rank the priority of the job based on their server permissions or is it going to back end only?


The workflow dependencies would be huge. The closest I can get to it are the CREW runner macros, but they are plagued with problems when pushing them to the server. Have you figure out another way to chain them? 

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

The way that we chain things right now is to embed them in fake batch macros.    Batch macros seem to have a behavior that they don't flow-through to the next component until all batches are done, so this allows you to put step 1 into a batch macro; then step 2 into the next one, and know that they will run to completion in sequence.


It is a bit fiddly, but if you want I can put together an example - just pop the question onto the data blending thread, and I'll reply with an example (sadly we can't attach anything to ideas post replies)


Have a good Friday


Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Under Review

Updating this idea's status back to Under Review, to be in line with past product updates.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Implemented

Thank you for your idea! We were successfully able to implement priorities it Alteryx scheduling, and dependencies is handled by the orchestration or schedule sequence so I'm going to update this idea to Implemented.


However if we didn't cover something in this idea that you would like to see please feel free to submit another idea and we can look into it accordingly!