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Alteryx Server Ideas

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It should be possible to trigger the same workflow in different ways from Alteryx Gallery: 

- Workflow chaining: 

      -  Workflow B runs after the successful execution of Workflow A

      -  Workflow B runs after the failure of Workflow A

 - Schedule: Workflow B runs on multiple schedules

- API call (even when it is not an analytical app) 


For example (considering the same workflow): 

- Audit workflow runs every day

- Audit workflow runs every hour during the last day of the month

- Audit workflow runs if triggered by financial close on 3rd party tool 

- Audit workflow runs after the execution of the financial workflow




Rather than schedule to put things on the 5th day or the 14th day of a month, we often want to schedule our flows to run on the 5th business day or the 14th business day. I know that the term 'business day' means different things in different parts of the world, but I think it would be a feature that many reporting-oriented departments would enjoy. Let people specify a formula or have a table to go off of for their definition of 'business day' and it should be easy to implement.


I would add a <scheduler> label to this but there isn't one.

We have installed Server on Azure VM and have looked into options such as a replica AD Domain Controller in the Azure environment for authentication, however, we would like to have Server authenticated using Azure AD.  

Would it be possible to specify whether a worker handles scheduled jobs, ad-hoc jobs or both?  Right now it seems that the workers treat both types of jobs the same, meaning that a slew of ad-hoc jobs initiated from the Gallery could slow down jobs that are scheduled to run on a regular cadence.  It'd be great if those scheduled jobs could have a dedicated worker (or workers) and have any ad-hoc jobs handled by a separate worker (or workers) so that the scheduled jobs (which might be more important) are not held up by one-off jobs.

Can we make the ability for a developer using Alteryx Designer and having a workflow using in-DB tools to pass along their credentials with the workflow when scheduling to run on Alteryx Server.  An individual user may have access to only certain tables in Teradata for example and the ODBC connection on Server may not have access to the same tables so we need to be able to pass along the encrypted credentials.  THanks!

Within the Mongo database on the Alteryx Server, when using WinAuth,  if you use AD Groups for Permssioning, there is no direct way within the Mongo database to go from the AD Group to the User table.  This is important if you need to report on who, base upon their AD group membership with their associated role is a user.  Example.  AD Group 'Example-AD -Group'  is assigned Permission Curator.  The AD Group contains user 'Jay Smith'.  'Jay Smith'  is on the user Collection.  activeDirectoryPermssions Collection  contains the Ad Groups and permissions.  But,  in order to connect the two collections,  you will need to go externally to define the AD Group memebership to join these two collections together.




It would be very useful if Alteryx would allow users to create folders under their Private Gallery. My private gallery is now 3+ pages long & it would be super helpful to be able to organize the workflows into different folders (Archive/Retail/Linear/Fin/etc), allowing for easier housekeeping & tracking. I realize their is collections but I'm not trying to share anything here, just organize my content for easier viewing.


Thank you!

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While Alteryx is a self-service tool for the business there is a need for administrators to get a little more insight to the usage of the installation on the server. Each customer is forced to create their own monitoring tools. I understand NewRelic and Cloudwatch can easily be used but there is a need to split the admin view by organization departments since each dept needs their own resource utilization and workflow report. Logical split view reporting should be facilitated by the Alteryx server product.

I was trying to embed the javascript share embed source or an <iframe> tag from our Tableau server into the Pages functionality of Alteryx Gallery Server admin section. What I like to do is be able to show inside the Gallery pages the Gallery Usage and Scheduler setup, usage and results from a Tableau workbook we built of the MongoDB. In this way our Alteryx server users can view their usage and Admins/developers can see what is scheduled and results over time.


In general embedding webpages besides a link as iframe or javascript embedding would be a nice feature. We have an Alteryx Community page internal with various collaterol pages we can embed and share for training purpose directly on the server if that could be enabled.


Currently the BODY element of the editor does not allow for javascript or the <iframe> html tag.

It would be great if there was a way to turn-off the validation processes associated with saving applications to a private gallery.  Alteryx is an amazing workbench because it allows users to build a variety of correct solutions.  However, we cannot publish several of our quite correct solutions because they don't pass the, as we see it unnecessary, validation requirements for saving to our private gallery.  The issue, if unresolved, will be a roadblock in our application development and deployment process.

A couple examples..

  • An application that is SQL code with parameter strings that need to be replaced by users selection from application interface.  Cannot publish because syntax errors before parameters are replaced.
  • Application appending In-DB SQL queries from multiple connections inside of container tools.  Union tool has error because it does not see inputs from closed containers.    

We get a lot of comparisons with DataStage ETL and what Alteryx can do. DataStage has the capability to partition queries and run on multiple worker nodes to allow the execution to be more efficient and faster than if it ran on one worker. We want similar capability on Alteryx as our case study shows right now that Alteryx is 10X slower than a query ran on DataStage through the GRID.


So there are freemium apps in the gallery and

server customers have their own apps published in their private galleries...


What if one want's to sell apps like in iOS app store,

Provide insights from the app as a service either prepetually, annually or monthly so that the locked apps can be used

  • on a basis of pay per monthly subscription model or
  • pay per transaction model etc.

possibly payments being handled over Alteryx Public Gallery.

Does the Alteryx roadmap include such a business model in the future?



As a Curator, I need Artisans to be able to create & maintain their own Gallery connections (rather than only Curators)

- My Artisans use their own credentials in their connections

- Their credentials are subject to a periodic reset policy, so they need a self-service capability to update their connection credentials (and sharing settings)


*This is an idea from @riverotoledo_21 from the Portuguese Community*


  • How to bring user’s variables/information that we want to use within the workflow that will be published in the Analytic App in the Gallery (For example, I believe that all “non-sensitive” information from MongoDB related to the Gallery actual session should become variables)

Right now, with LSS, the only thing you can query who has taken seats on licenses (you get user's email and host name).  This is OK, but it would be great if we could get more information than that.  Primarily

  • What was the date/time that the user first grabbed that license
  • When was the last date/time the user connected to the license

As you know, there is no way to forcefully remove a license from the LLS (you either have to have user deactivate from Designer, or wait 7 days).  Knowing this information would help admin's know who is actually using the licenses and if someone leaves the company, you can get a countdown until that license is released.

For historical tracking and auditing, I would also like to setup an Alteryx Workflow that puts licensed user information into a table or DB so we have a log of who is using the licenses.

System Administrator should be able to configure portal pages be being able to choose the columns, columns widths, and sort order.  For Example  in the collections view,  there are columns Inight Count, User Count, Studio count which add no value to my user community.  Yet the name column is not wide enought to show the full names. The collect page is sorted by Create Date which does not add value and once you get above 20 collections  


The recommendation would be to allow System Admins to be able to change these settings.  If the definations are stored a json or xml file or some other file that can be edited, allowing for the customizations.  Admins would edit at their own risk working with in parameters and documentation provided. 



Hi there,


Please can we extend the support for MongoDB to include MongoDB Enterprise latest versions, and certify at latest version within 3 months of release (both with the connector components, and the server infra)?


Given the deep dependence that Alteryx server has on MongoDB, being current with the latest version is critical (since many enterprises have a policy of moving to the latest version within 6 months, and shutting off old after 12.


Mongo 3.2 has been out since Sept 2015, and my understanding is that Alteryx Server is not yet certified for 3.2 - so it may be worth skipping to 3.4 (released 11 Sept 2017).


Many thanks



We are looking for the ability to use Alteryx as PaaS in the Azure cloud similar to how Databricks is working on Azure. So servers spin up when demand shows up and then they spin down.  Where we are not on the hook for server patching etc., but instead, we lease processing power/time from Alteryx in the cloud on an as needed basis. The licensing model will also need to be a scalable to support this type of usage.

It seems from my own experiences and other community posts (e.g. that when scheduling a workflow in the gallery, the gallery will run whatever version was most recently uploaded, regardless of which one has been labeled as "Published". Since naturally the intent is for the Published workflow to be the only version running, it would be nice (adnd would me much more logical and intuitive) for the scheduler to run that version.

Alteryx Server seems to natively support MicrosoftSQL and Oracle connections on Alteryx Server. It would be helpful to natively support (i.e., a non-ODBC connection) for Cloudera Hadoop as well.

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