Alteryx Server Ideas

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Judging by the Community, it seems like the Alteryx business model is to crowdsource documentation. Do the same for a QA checklist. The 2019.4 release of Server shipped with some major regressions, notably:

DE21143 Workflow events no sending Email

DE22751 32-bit OCI connections not working in 2019.4 release


The QA team should publish the QA checklist and allow feedback from the community. The entire point of the community is to make the users and the product better. Let the users see which scenarios are tested and add ideas here for the QA team to utilize.


With Version 10 of Alteryx Server Gallery, if new user signup is disabled, people see the following when clicking the sign in button:




If someone tries to fill out the "Join Now" section they then get:

access denied.png



In Alteryx Server Version 9.5, when new user sign up was disabled, the join now section of the prompt was not present. This is our prefered behavior. Another option would be to change the "Access denied" message to something more descriptive such as "New user sign up disabled."






In the View Schedules screen, currently one must select the Controller at the beginning of each session before being able to see any workflows, schedules, queue or results. This is especially annoying when a company only has one controller and yet must select it each time. However, I would guess that even when an organization has multiple Controllers, each individual user is likely to spend most of their time in one.


It would help both of these situations if the most recently used controller is automatically selected when launching Alteryx Designer.


Please bring back the feature for showing the approximate file size for a workflow & dependencies when publishing/saving to the Gallery.  This "feature" was part of 9.5 (see lower left in the attached screenshot). This is a useful indicator and helps highlight when there is a large external dependency that will get replicated onto the server when publishing.  


An example of when this is useful:

When a publisher sees a large file size, they might change the dependency path from being a local path (that will result in a copy being published to the server) to a UNC path i.e. \\servername\path


It might also be useful to add the size information as a column in the "list view" in the Gallery.  




The main user profile icon has centralised text. However, for Owner icons under collections the text is top align and does not look as clean. It would be nice if these were consistent and centralised.




The Swagger page looks completely different to Alteryx Server, and essentially looks like a suspicious webpage to users clicking on. It would be preferable if this was uplifted to be Alteryx branded.


With 2023 release of server you now have two tabs Home & Admin, which is nice for Admins, but unless there are plans to add additional tabs for standard users showing the Home tab button is pointless. This is exacerbated but the fact that you cannot change the selection colour of dark blue, which doesn't work well with darker backgrounds, reducing the usefulness of theme settings.


It would be a better user experience if for standard users the Home tab button was hidden.


Currently pages you add to server when opened via the link icon open in a new window. If you are using SSO authentication, such as SAML this essentially logs the user out in that window. This is not a good user experience.


Ideally there should be an configurable option to open pages within the current window, thereby maintaining login and provided a better navigation experience.


Why not?


  1. How about having Alteryx Designer with Scheduler (may be hard to do on Server OS)
  2. Alteryx Server/Gallery Setup for exercising Admin capabilities..
  3. Having a Demo Alteryx Connect session capable to interact with multiple online users/testers
  4. Alteryx Promote on CloudShare to try and test quick deployment before buying?

Alteryx designer has a 3 hour demo session on CloudShare but no Server, no Connect, no Promote!


 Looking forward to try and test before you buy? Than give me a "like" please...