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Remember the last Controller used

In the View Schedules screen, currently one must select the Controller at the beginning of each session before being able to see any workflows, schedules, queue or results. This is especially annoying when a company only has one controller and yet must select it each time. However, I would guess that even when an organization has multiple Controllers, each individual user is likely to spend most of their time in one.


It would help both of these situations if the most recently used controller is automatically selected when launching Alteryx Designer.

1 Comment
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Not Planned

Thanks for posting to the Alteryx Community. Your idea is very interesting, but we have determined that at this time the idea is not something we are planning to do due to many factors. If at some point we feel that this idea is something we are interested in creating we will change the status “Under Review”.