Alteryx Server Ideas

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Hi, our analytics team has dozens of workflows saved to Gallery and scheduled to refresh at regular intervals--or at least we did up until this weekend when the scheduled refreshed terminated for some unknown reason.  We currently have a team investigating the cause. 


The last run for the workflows took place between 10 PM on Friday 3/6 until 2 AM Saturday 3/7.  We didn't notice the refreshes getting terminated until start of business Monday morning.  Immediately our internal customers started asking us why things were out of date and we quickly found the issue and we're now going back and refreshing the data and re-initiating the scheduled refreshes.  However, some of our workflows can't be retroactively restated, so we'll just have a gap in the data from this point on. 


Needless to say, this is unfortunate for our org, so I'm trying to think of ways to avoid it in the future.  Having a notification set to send an e-mail when a workflow errs is helpful only if the workflow gets kicked off to run to begin with.  However, this will not help in cases when something has gone wrong to prevent the running of the workflow to begin with.


What I think we need is a system to auto-generate an e-mail to a person/group whenever a schedule is termed for any reason whether if it's by a person actively terming it, or for any other reason.  Just as you get a confirmation e-mail whenever you term an e-mail subscription, getting a confirmation whenever a scheduled refresh is ended, would be extremely useful.  


Thanks, Kurt


Hi Team,

     Just like the workflow upload API, could you please provide an API end-point for deleting the workflow,Job results and it's related information. In a scenario we might use gallery for one time execution of workflow, once the output was generated there is no point to have some workflows in the Gallery hence in this scenario the Delete API helps as a clean up activity on the Gallery to avoid the Junk/Unused information (Workflow/Job/Outputs). 


Hi Alteryx,


When a staff leave the company, his/her AD account will be removed from the AD directory,

However, the user record is still exists in the Alteryx gallery. For example, still existing in the user list of data connection and the permission tab.


Can Alteryx provide the following features ?


1. Identify the user that do not exist in the AD directory anymore.

2. one button to remove all of the setting related to that user in the gallery.  


Best Regards,



Are there any plans to add support for the Spatial Object, File Browse and Tree questions for the Gallery REST API?


I see via the Interface Viewer in Designer that the "answers"/values to these questions are just (messy) XML I realize the File Browse could be difficult because it would involve accommodating some type of BLOB data but the Spatial Object (one or more lat/lngs describing a point or shape) and the Tree questions seems to be fairly straightforward.


We currently get around the Spatial Object limitation by specifying a latitude and longitude (for a Point) in text boxes. For shapes (polygons) we just stuff the WKT (Well Known Text) representation of the polygon in a text box. This works fine but requires special handling on the workflow side. 




I have a chained app that is running on the gallery/server. When I run it, I see status changing from Processing to Running, but the window doesn't show a meaningful message as to which app is running. Is it possible to show that in the Browser window which reflects what stage is currently running in the Chained App? 


See snapshot of window below.


This would be super useful to monitor the progress of the chained app currently executing on the server. 


Allow the server administrator the ability to create named, shared, custom calendars, such as:

-- Holiday Calendar

-- Manufacturing Calendar

-- Accounting Calendar

-- Trading Calendar



The idea is to have a predefined calendar that can be used, by name, with identified working and non-working days.



When building a complicated or resource heavy workflow, it would really useful to be able to have menu option upon right-clicking a tool output to add all the downstream steps to a container.  With that one option, a user could then


  • Pause all the down line tools while troubleshooting or adding and testing an upstream set of tools without having to wait for the remainder of the workflow to play out.
  • Move the entire set of down line tools to make room for more tools upstream.



Current Data Connections options are limited to db connections: MSSQL, Oracle and Others.


In my opinion, it should be expanded by at least:

- FTP/SFTP addresses

- URLs to webservices or resources

- Cloud resources like AWS S3


The server should manage resources as much as possible





Gallery Devs - 


When I click 'Add Tags' to an application in Gallery, the tag listing comes up chronologically by time time created, as opposed to alphabetically.  It looks ridiculous to see this:










This is the easiest fix ever. 


When user execute workflow from library, it is better to show workflow with execution status at each step.

It will help for business to identify the failed tool instead of validating entire workflow.



As you can see from the screen shot below, “Version 10” is my latest version, but I’ve selected “Version 9” to be the published version. When I hit “Run” or when I schedule a run, it is running version 10 instead of version 9. The only way for me to run version 9 is to click on it and select “Run Selected Version” (also in screen shot below).


This doesn’t seem logical to me that the runs are not using the published version. Would love to see this setting changed! :) 


Screen shot 1.pngScreen shot 2.png



Whilst executing long running jobs in Gallery, it would be useful to be able to view the log so I can judge progress.


A suggestion, in our environment, we see workflows getting into Initializing Status often in scheduler (this could be because of the environment we are in)


If workflow in “Initializing” Status > n minutes (where n is configurable)


Kill the workflow, and resubmit


Ref: Case # 00260492


Currently 'Schedules' are a separate category in the navigation bar on the left, and while it is nice to have an overview of all my workflows/apps, most of the time I need that information in the Private Studio screen where I'm checking in on the run status and getting ready to schedule the job again.


Additionally, Designer disables the schedule whenever it saves the workflow/app back to the Server. This is not always the desired intent when we make a small change to the workflow/app. Having an option to disable a current schedule would be better, with the default to keep the current schedule. Also, the abilty to manage the schedule from the Private Studio to say 'Activate' a disabled schedule, or schedule the workflow/app multiple times with different inputs would all be good.


A strange issue is found that the Alteryx Gallery schedule suddenly becomes disabled.  After checking with support, it looks like the mechanism underlying is using a concept of queueID.  Whenever there is a network issue between controller and worker, the queueID get scratched, the job gets corrupted.  This means it cannot calculate the next run and thus, it will disable the schedule.  When the worker node gets back, it cannot "try again".


From usage perspective, if network is having issue, it is assumed that the connection gets back, it would "re-try" and resume.


Hope Alteryx team can help consider a fix on this technical issue.




The gallery needs to implement basic auditing in the data connections.Currently, there is no way to determine who or when a data connection was created or updated.


The dataConnections Collection contains data connections with these keys

  • _id: (ObjectId) Document primary key.

  • ConectionString: (String) Hashed database connection string.

  • PasswordSecured: (String) Encrypted password for the database connection.

  • ConnectionName: (String) Data connection display name.

  • Subscriptions: (Array) Array of subscription IDs the data connection has been shared with.

  • Users: (Array) Array of user IDs the data connection has been shared with.

  • UserGroups: (Array) Array of group IDs the data connection has been shared with.

Add these keys to provide a basic audit trail

  • CreationDate: (DateTime) Date time in UTC when the data connection was created.
  • CreatedByUser: (String) user ID of the user that created the data connection.
  • LastUpdateDate: (DateTime) Date time in UTC when the data connection was updated.
  • UpdatedByUser: (String) user ID of the user that updated the data connection.


Modify the gallery to allow the values of the new keys to be displayed. Modify the API endpoint to retrieve this information.


When there is an app that has multiple tabs across the top but can extend down below the page, the user will scroll down to complete the boxes and click the 'Next' button at the bottom. 

This takes the user to the next tab but remains at the bottom of the page.

It would be very useful for this 'Next' button to jump back to the top of the page.


You cannot currently upload a new workflow and specify your own workflow_id GUID.  This would be useful for systematic workflows that need to be referenced in code.  Currently, you either to search for a workflow by name, but you are not guaranteed it a workflow instance you uploaded.  This would be helpful for server and workflow administration.


Given there are multiple api versions.  I need a way to call the api and get the server version so I can make the correct API call or construct code logic which provides the user code requirement based on the versions features or limitations.


I propose a api call ../getserverinfo/ that returns server metadata like version, default worker thread count, and default memory allocation.


There is currently not a way to call the API and find out the calling user.  For instance, if I have a user API key and secret, I  to return the rest of the user info for the calling user or who is calling the api.  I propose a api call like ../user/whoami