Alteryx Server Ideas

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Our team is still fairly new to the Gallery, so if there's something existing that I'm missing, I'd be glad to hear it.

I recently found the following thread :


Which included a text box input with a title of "_cloud:UserID".  I was able to use this to pull in things such as the users login information, email address, etc.

I would like to be able to use a function similar to this in order to generate user-specific usage reports, or dynamically update a "Send Email" tool with the email of the running user.

However, when I inquired about this "_cloud:UserID" API call, I was told that it is an undocumented and unsupported call.

Ideally, I'd like an application/macro tool that does something similar - which takes the user's credentials automatically from the gallery and runs the Application based on those credentials.  This could modify Emails or filter the output of the Workflow.  I'm sure there are other use cases as well.  I think having an officially supported tool to manage this would allow for a wide variety of dynamic applications on the gallery.


I was trying to embed the javascript share embed source or an <iframe> tag from our Tableau server into the Pages functionality of Alteryx Gallery Server admin section. What I like to do is be able to show inside the Gallery pages the Gallery Usage and Scheduler setup, usage and results from a Tableau workbook we built of the MongoDB. In this way our Alteryx server users can view their usage and Admins/developers can see what is scheduled and results over time.


In general embedding webpages besides a link as iframe or javascript embedding would be a nice feature. We have an Alteryx Community page internal with various collaterol pages we can embed and share for training purpose directly on the server if that could be enabled.


Currently the BODY element of the editor does not allow for javascript or the <iframe> html tag.


 We need a way to figure out at which tool alteryx workflow is currently at (i.e., workflow execution progress log) when the workflow is running on the alteryx server scheduler.

This is very useful especially if you have analytical workflows that take long time to run (say 4-6 hours) and at the moment there is NO WAY to figure out at which stage the execution is at from the scheduler.

We can't open the log file on the server as the workflow is IN PROGRESS (we get the standard The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process) . We can't see the underlying progress log under Scheduler Queue tab either.

It will be useful to capture that information in MongoDB or somewhere so that we can read the In progress log in the real time..



It would be nice to connect multiple Databases from different servers, without configuration of Linked Servers


There is Alteryx Designer, Alteryx Server and now why not an "Alteryx Cluster"?


  • I've seen some vendors merging the self-service analytics tools with Hadoop
  • I presume they believe the business unit needs to create a data lake for a specific purpose for a specific time span (like a dedicated analytics project etc.), not so frequently but yes they do.
  • And these vendors too want this without a need for full stack IT developers or having to invest in huge bare metal databases...

Does it sound attractive to you to build a Alteryx Server+Hortonworks bundle or package that you may set it on 2 or more machines and your compute cluster is ready to go?!


As far as I know Alteryx Server has MongoDB installed on it

guess not to create a data lake but to store gallery macros and version history...

