Alteryx Server Ideas

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It would be a nice feature for users on the 'keys' tab in gallery to provide code examples in python (maybe pre-configured in python tool) or javascript (maybe pre-configured in js tool) or even offer download of @patrick_digan 's API macro with the key/secret already placed in the macro with the end game being able to not have users stumble through building a block of code that they know or don't know should work! 



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I would like to see ability to limit the number of versions a user can save of a workflow. As a server environment ages we start to see the database become unnecessarily larger because the number of version of workflows. For servers related to DEV and QA environments as an Admin I would like to be able to say users can keep their 10-25 most recent versions of their workflows. Then anything over that will start to auto-delete just like the auto save feature in Designer. 

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Alteryx saves log files in UTF-16 please change the format to UTF-8 as the logs can be streamed using applications like New Relic to track the performance as they only support UTF-8 format.



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Sorry if this idea has already been addressed, but I would love an enhancement that would allow users to upload multiple files to the Gallery to be processed and ran by a published app. 


Currently, the only way to accomplish this is by adding multiple File Browse tools to the published app. But if you have a workflow that needs to upload more than a couple files, this becomes a problem. 

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Similar to other code/software repository, it would be nice to have the ability to add a message to the reason why a workflow is updated/modified for users of a collection with access can easily review and revert back to older versions quickly.


Fix typo in introduction to user guide


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As a part of the installation process or Configuration setting for Alteryx Server , can there be an option added to turn on "Subscription API" enabled for ever

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It used to be possible to create a robust user profile within the gallery, with many additional user details fields available. However all have been taken away leaving only a name and email address as a user profile.


Please bring back those user details as having additional information about the user always beneficial. If internal to the company, sometimes I need to know what department they are from or what office. And if external to the company, I need to know what organization they are from.


Having no additional user information can cause a lot of confusion, especially if any two users share a name since I don't know if it's the same user with a new email, or a different user completely.



0 件の賞賛

We have configured the service account for Alteryx services on workers, controllers and Gallery. Kindly go through the below problem statement and current scenario and help to provide solution.

I will appreciate if we can setup a 30 minutes call and discuss on it.


Purpose/Current Design :

  1. Our purpose was to on board the account in EPV-AIM/gMSA solution so that password won’t be hard-coded anywhere in the config for service LAN account.
  2. Use same LAN service account to run the workflow on workers and write the output at destination paths [ Shared paths, Mailboxes]

Problem Statement  :

As we have added service LAN account  in multiple AD groups [ global and local ] it has become member of 440+ groups which has resulted in the approx.. token size to 8421.

Active directory has a limit of having approx.. token size to 10000 (10k) for LAN accounts and after that it will fail to authenticate with AD ; which will result in failure of starting Alteryx services.


Please refer below link to know what exactly issue we are facing and looking solution from Product team[Alteryx].



We are looking from the Alteryx team :

  1. Find a solution and provide some enhancement where we can use multiple (more than one) LAN accounts to run the workflows.
  2. In Large scale when we are running workflows of different team’s it is obvious that LAN ID will be member of multiple AD groups and it will reach to Token bloat threshold.
  3. We are looking something which can be provided as solution within the same setup to add multiple accounts or any other solution .


We already explored the option you suggested [] but as per our firm’s password policy we cannot save/use/withdraw privilege account passwords.

Because if we go with the suggested option we have to add the particular accounts in Windows server privilege group [ Log on as service, App_Security Logon locally and run batch job].

To meet compliant policy ; Any account which is privilege should be considered as app to app account and it should be integrated with Microsoft’s gMSA or CyberArk’s EPV-AIM solution to be on boarded account in vault. [ No human interaction with account ]


Feel free to reach out to me for any additional clarifications.

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I know the Alteryx server supports auto-scaling up and out as of now. Alteryx Servers should also support auto-scaling down and in.  

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Links included in the notification emails sent to users (e.g. links to collections/workflows in our Private Gallery) or copied from the browser address bar only works for public workflows or for workflows in your private studio.

If the workflow is in a collection shared with you, clicking on the link takes you to what seems to be the gallery page for the workflow asking you to sign in, but after you sign-in you are redirected to the gallery home page and not back to the workflow page.

The same occurs regardless if you're already signed-in or not.

This was related to support case: 00352021

0 件の賞賛

Alteryx server APIs are associated with Subscription ( private or shared studio) and an Artisan could be part a of either a private or shared studio. In an enterprise environment you want the ability of scheduling workflows from private studio ( automation of private workflows) and shared studio ( production automation). You can achieve both in an enterprise environment with governance and control if Artisans ( along with Curators) have the ability to switch subscriptions. This will enable them to publish workflow in their private studio for automating personal workflows and in shared studio for production automation. In this way admin or curator still control the data connection creation and assignment , run as credentials but switching subscriptions can be provided to Artisans as well.


Shared studio's private api key and secret can be setup in other scheduling systems such as Ctrl-M and individual leaving or moving departments will not have any impact  on the scheduling configuration.

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At present Gallery API events are captured without User details..



if an Admin user changes the "Default permissions" under "Permissions" this will be captured as a galley API event in server Gallery logs..
but it will not capture the user details, who has changed the same..


Looking forward to a feature which can accommodate this..

0 件の賞賛

In Gallery, we can see the workflow run details for a scheduled workflow that just ran, and the only way to dive into these details is to query the database.  We're requesting these details being changed to a hyperlink that sends the administrator to the information it is referencing.

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Currently, workflow history is available to specific user only but cannot see workflow history from other users even they are in same studio.


For example, in Private studio "MAIN_STD", user A to run workflow “WF1”. User A can see the running history while user B cannot see.

0 件の賞賛

The workflow execution log file is locked while execution is in progress. Can we look at making the log file available in read only mode while execution is in progress. This will to triage any performance issues on run time and track the progress on run time, rather than waiting for completion of entire process.

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I am leveraging the server as much as possible while working remote.  I usually use it mostly for scheduled workflows when I am in the office, but limitations come up with the efficiency of the VPN and poor bandwidth when I am remote.


A typical process is to save to server, validation cycle runs, then open the workflow on the server in a browser, click run.


An ideal would be a macro or option that would combine two steps; for example, instead of "Save to Server", "Save to Server and RUN".  At that point you can collect your workflow when it is down running. 

0 件の賞賛

Hi, our analytics team has dozens of workflows saved to Gallery and scheduled to refresh at regular intervals--or at least we did up until this weekend when the scheduled refreshed terminated for some unknown reason.  We currently have a team investigating the cause. 


The last run for the workflows took place between 10 PM on Friday 3/6 until 2 AM Saturday 3/7.  We didn't notice the refreshes getting terminated until start of business Monday morning.  Immediately our internal customers started asking us why things were out of date and we quickly found the issue and we're now going back and refreshing the data and re-initiating the scheduled refreshes.  However, some of our workflows can't be retroactively restated, so we'll just have a gap in the data from this point on. 


Needless to say, this is unfortunate for our org, so I'm trying to think of ways to avoid it in the future.  Having a notification set to send an e-mail when a workflow errs is helpful only if the workflow gets kicked off to run to begin with.  However, this will not help in cases when something has gone wrong to prevent the running of the workflow to begin with.


What I think we need is a system to auto-generate an e-mail to a person/group whenever a schedule is termed for any reason whether if it's by a person actively terming it, or for any other reason.  Just as you get a confirmation e-mail whenever you term an e-mail subscription, getting a confirmation whenever a scheduled refresh is ended, would be extremely useful.  


Thanks, Kurt

0 件の賞賛

Hi Team,

     Just like the workflow upload API, could you please provide an API end-point for deleting the workflow,Job results and it's related information. In a scenario we might use gallery for one time execution of workflow, once the output was generated there is no point to have some workflows in the Gallery hence in this scenario the Delete API helps as a clean up activity on the Gallery to avoid the Junk/Unused information (Workflow/Job/Outputs). 

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Judging by the Community, it seems like the Alteryx business model is to crowdsource documentation. Do the same for a QA checklist. The 2019.4 release of Server shipped with some major regressions, notably:

DE21143 Workflow events no sending Email

DE22751 32-bit OCI connections not working in 2019.4 release


The QA team should publish the QA checklist and allow feedback from the community. The entire point of the community is to make the users and the product better. Let the users see which scenarios are tested and add ideas here for the QA team to utilize.

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Currently we have built-in authentication for Alteryx Server.
In that state, the Default user role of Gallery is set to "Artisan",
If you sign up to create a new user and log in,
It will be registered as "Viewer".


I want the default user to be valid even with the built-in authentication.
