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Alteryx Server Ideas

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Please provide support for sharing a (gallery/Stored) Workflow Credential with a Group.  


Current capability appears only to support Users/Studios.




How about adding a CAPTCHA option for Alteryx Server?

That will block bruteforce attacks, bruteforce to crack or bruteforce to lock...




In the View Schedules screen, currently one must select the Controller at the beginning of each session before being able to see any workflows, schedules, queue or results. This is especially annoying when a company only has one controller and yet must select it each time. However, I would guess that even when an organization has multiple Controllers, each individual user is likely to spend most of their time in one.


It would help both of these situations if the most recently used controller is automatically selected when launching Alteryx Designer.


As part of the Persistence Expiration processes, within Designer we have the ability to set a retention threshold of the results tab.   i.e. 30 days.

After enabling this - all completed results are purged  but all the "error" results remain.  And this depending on the original count can run into the thousands, such as in my environment.   Id like to see the "Error" results become part of the clean up processing because of the following reasons:

1.  We do not have dedicated admins that have time to manually or by group delete these error result items.

2.  Most if not all - errors are resolved immediately.   if there were to be kept as a reference, a screen shot of the results are normally taken and filed away.


Support says this is intentional for resolution tracking purposes - but to counter - as I stated in item 2 - most errors are immediately looked at and worked on. So there is no reason to keep errored results. Especially when they are time-stamped dates greater than the expiration values selected.



Currently only 5 workflows are displayed per page in a collection.  Currently we have about 30 workflows (soon to be about 100) and paging through workflows to find the one you want to run is time consuming.


It would be great if there was an option on the page so the user could select the number of workflows per page.


If you are viewing schedules, on the Queue Panel, you should have the option to refresh the information to get an idea how far things are progressing.  If you swipe back and forth between panels you get updated % done information, so it is definitely available.  Not the most pressing need, but a very easy fix. 


Ninja Edit:  Did not know there was a dedicated server ideas forum so I removed a part. 


When you want to re-run a chained app in Alteryx Server, give the option to run the first, second, etc app. Right now it only reruns the last app.


I am running version x of Alteryx locally and my server is running x-2. If I publish a workflow with error reporting via email, the server is not able to recognize that my workflow has error logging because it automatically kicks a version error. The events portion of the XML should be read regardless of the server version and trigger an error when this happens.


Hi All,


We are preparing to rollout Alteryx Server in a large organisation and can see that the creation of Collections by many analysts may become problematic over time.


It would be good if we can disable the functionality and only allow for gallery admins to create new collections.





(Commonwealth Bank of Australia)


It is more convenience that allowing gallery admin to download any workflow from the gallery for trobleshooting.

For example, if the workflow is long running , the gallery admin can download the workflow and then drill down to it to find out the root cause. Sometimes, it maybe workflow design related issue.


Please bring back the feature for showing the approximate file size for a workflow & dependencies when publishing/saving to the Gallery.  This "feature" was part of 9.5 (see lower left in the attached screenshot). This is a useful indicator and helps highlight when there is a large external dependency that will get replicated onto the server when publishing.  


An example of when this is useful:

When a publisher sees a large file size, they might change the dependency path from being a local path (that will result in a copy being published to the server) to a UNC path i.e. \\servername\path


It might also be useful to add the size information as a column in the "list view" in the Gallery.  




As the single user who upload workflow MYWorkspace ends up being very crowded.  I move them to collections to be able to share but on My workspace, I can not see which collection they are associated to. It would be nice if there was a column displayed that showed associated collections.   As well as being able to have some different types of category classification.  I would want something like a development stage: (In-progress, UAT level, deployed, retired) If they are retired a way to remove them off my general workspace area.




Workflows which are scheduled and continuously failing in a row 5 times need to stop/disable the schedule. Sent a mail to the workflow owner stopped schedule due to continuous error.


For Administrating the schedule workflows this feature helps a lot. Many users create workflows and dump into server and schedule it and forgot it if we implement this strategy, it will be helpful to both users and Admin team.


At my organization, we have many workflows on our server that take data from one database and store it on another. We would love the ability for an alert system that warns us when a job fails so that we can solve it immediately and not risk the chance of not noticing until a few weeks or months later.


Please could all log file paths on Server have the option to change their location, including 




To enable all log files to be written to an alternative drive than the installation.


The benefit it to prevent excessive space usage on the C: drive


Support have advised there is no way to alter the path or limit these log files by number or size.


Many thanks.


why didn't you implement the search in the schedules for users, it is available for admins?

for users who have a lot of schedules, it's essential




in version 2019.3, with artisan role, I able to add workflow to collection in the workflow page.

I not sure for later version, but in version 2021.4, only curator can do so. 



If I uploaded a workflow, designer already give me a link to the workflow, hence if I can add the workflow to the collection.

it goes through 2 pages within 2mins (max). it is very fast for me. 


but now, I have to go back to the homepage > collection > add workflow > wait eternal time for server to get the list of workflow > select it > click add.

it extra 5~ steps. with min 10mins extra time. and if the number of workflows larger and larger, 

it has chance that it fails to load the list and have to wait another 10mins, and another and another endless 10mins.


so 2mins > endless 10mins? please add back this feature.



Hello! We just upgraded to 23.2, and I see in v3 an endpoint to start a job (v3/workflows/{id}/jobs) and then another to get that job's status (v3/jobs/{jobID}). Compared to v1, I think the outputs endpoint is missing (v1/jobs/{jobID}/output/{outputID}). I'd love for this to be added so we can upgrade from v1 to v3. 


The dcm admin apis look promising. I would love if they could add put endpoints for sharing/execution and sharing/collaboration for admins. There is already a delete command for those two endpoints


I want to let my artisans choose the collaboration option when sharing dcm sources. Currently they'd have to be promoted to curators to do this.

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