Alteryx Server Ideas

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On the Job page, in addition to seeing the worker tag that a job is running on, it would be great to see which server the job is running on to ensure the work is being spread out and look for bottle necks.  We have a group on servers broken down into Small , Medium and large with several servers in each group.  Looking at the current screen, you can not tell what server a job is running on within the group.  Example, 'Large' has 3 servers with 4 jobs running on it.  But you can not identify which server the job is running on.


I would like to be able to suspend scheduled jobs - those that are queued to run. 

The only option currently is just to delete them. 


I want to be able to 'put them on hold' then release them as and when is convenient.  Once you release them, they just go back in to the queue or run if there is a free scheduling slot.


I develop workflows or analytical apps in the Designer and save them in a Gallery. If I need the setting "Always run this workflow with these credentials", I have to type in my username and password every single time I want to save it, even in the same Designer session. This is very annoying and results in saving the workflows much more seldom than I would do if I did not have to type in the credentials every single time.


My idea is to cache the credentials (login name and password) for one Designer session. It would be perfect if it was for the entire Designer session for multiple files. But even if it was specific to the opened file it would help.


Result would be:

  • After loading the file, the user has to type in credentials only for first saving.
  • Every subsequent save would be done without further interaction.
  • After closing and re-opening the file, credentials have to be typed in again.

Most companies work on a period level basis and that is every 4 weeks.  There is no way in Alteryx currently to schedule workflows to run only every 4 weeks, the monthly options do not match this cadence.  If the option was added to select "every X week(s) on X day" this would also encompass biweekly scheduling as well.  Outlook currently has exactly what would be needed (screenshot attached.)

Given some jobs are scheduled / can take a while to run it would be useful if Server provided the option to notify the submitting user when it has been completed, which a link to the results.


If you look at post: Re: How do I extract Server Job Run ID at runtime - Alteryx Community amongs others you can see there have been various attempts to create workarounds for this using a combination of API's & Mongo DB calls to build up the information to provide a URL in an email at the end of the flow. However, it feels like this should be an out of the box notification that can be enabled/disabled at the flow level with Alteryx Server.

Currently, we see the Districts and Collections now compressed into a list view. 


Previously, the Server had the widgets feature which really showcased the self-service nature of the Sever. Losing that just made decreased the emphasis on user experience. 


It would be great to allow Server Admins to decide whether they want lists or widgets to be available toggles as a design feature for both districts and collections will be of great help.


In addition, regardless of the option, the image size and wording size should be much larger - easier for people to see. Right now, we have to zoom to 150% to make it easier for ourselves to see. Having the ability to control font size, font control with bolds, italtics, etc. will be very helpful as well.

Improve Gallery scheduling to allow the end user to specify company denoted Holidays when scheduling a workflow. If the workflow is scheduled on a Holiday the schedule would not run. This should be configurable per workflow schedule. Example: A daily report Monday through Friday would be able to skip Holidays based off a Holiday exclusion list. 

The AlteryxService internal authenticated API that the nodes use to communicate with each other for status is not accessible to customers because it is using an undocumented authentication method. The data this appears to provide would be useful to server administrators to determine the true health of the individual nodes and for reporting purposes.

When I create a DCM Entry in Gallery, it would be great if the users I share it with would also be able to reference the credentials in their desktop designer when they sync their connections to the Gallery. 

When adding jobs to the queue via API call, you currently cannot specify the name of the job.

Running the job directly from gallery allows this as in the picture below, but there is no setting to do so in the API.










When a workflow is used in many different situations, being able to specify a name for the individual run will make tracking and troubleshooting easier.




when using the blob input for excel, server will output the input file in the output preview section.


please add an option to exclude it from output or remove this function.



Screenshot 2023-07-20 161117.png


run log

Screenshot 2023-07-20 161508.png



only 1 tool in the workflow. blob input tool.

Screenshot 2023-07-20 161234.png


server version: 2021.4

  • Enhancement

The main user profile icon has centralised text. However, for Owner icons under collections the text is top align and does not look as clean. It would be nice if these were consistent and centralised.



  • Enhancement

after run workflow in server, it has to download output files one by one. it very annoying when the number is huge.

please change like other platform like SharePoint etc. enable select all options and/or download all options.


Screenshot 2023-07-03 100120.png



The Swagger page looks completely different to Alteryx Server, and essentially looks like a suspicious webpage to users clicking on. It would be preferable if this was uplifted to be Alteryx branded.


The help icon contains hardcoded links to information standard users do not need to be aware of and so it would be preferable if admins can select items that could be hidden. In our use case, the only one I would like to keep active is Community.

  • Enhancement

With 2023 release of server you now have two tabs Home & Admin, which is nice for Admins, but unless there are plans to add additional tabs for standard users showing the Home tab button is pointless. This is exacerbated but the fact that you cannot change the selection colour of dark blue, which doesn't work well with darker backgrounds, reducing the usefulness of theme settings.


It would be a better user experience if for standard users the Home tab button was hidden.

  • Enhancement

Hi all,


Currently, it is very challenging, nearly impossible, to distribute your workload between worker nodes as the image below. Curators should be able to manage this in multiple ways since the end-user doesn`t have a full understanding of the server architecture or strategy behind the idea.


It would be helpful to have the worker tags working similarly to the credentials pyramid where we can have levels of permissions. That way, we can have collections, user groups or even single users with worker tags configured.


This is an addition to the idea suggested by @ivane_meimban



Thank you,

Fernando Vizcaino



  • Enhancement

Hi all,


For a user to know if a schedule was successful or not, they need to go schedule by schedule to check each of them.


I suggest adding one additional column to show the status of the last run. 

Something like this:




Thank you,

Fernando Vizcaino


  • Enhancement

Hi all,


Having all the schedules/results centralized in the same place would be neat!


Option 1: Have all on the same page and have an additional column to describe the shared source.




Option 2: Have a separation between my own schedules and the ones shared with me.





Fernando Vizcaino

  • Enhancement

In a Designer App, browse to zip file and info is returned, doesn't work on Server

  • Enhancement