Alteryx Server Ideas

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Cache Credentials within same Designer session

I develop workflows or analytical apps in the Designer and save them in a Gallery. If I need the setting "Always run this workflow with these credentials", I have to type in my username and password every single time I want to save it, even in the same Designer session. This is very annoying and results in saving the workflows much more seldom than I would do if I did not have to type in the credentials every single time.


My idea is to cache the credentials (login name and password) for one Designer session. It would be perfect if it was for the entire Designer session for multiple files. But even if it was specific to the opened file it would help.


Result would be:

  • After loading the file, the user has to type in credentials only for first saving.
  • Every subsequent save would be done without further interaction.
  • After closing and re-opening the file, credentials have to be typed in again.