Alteryx Server Ideas

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Enhancement request for the ability to search within workflow files for tools, data connections, key words.


When running an analytical app in designer desktop, the user has the ability to choose the location they want the output saved.  However, when you move that same app to the gallery, they no longer have that option.  They have to download the file and move it to the intended location.  Being able to specify the location would save the end user time.  I also have an app that uses a formula tool to save the output to the same location as the input, but moving to gallery does not allow the user to do this.


Currently there is no way to clear historic notifications, it would be good to add this functionality.


Linked to this is system messages do not work as expected, as system message should either be present or not. However, when cleared it persists in the notifications and the clearage also shows as a blank entry, which is a poor user experience.


Having the ability to clear notifications would help with this, but ideally system messages should be separate from the notifications, as in whilst it is active it should appear as a banner in the UI as per the documentation and not be clearable by the user and when it is not in place, i.e. the event has occurred, it should not be present, there is no need to refer back to this system message.

  • Enhancement

Currently SAML configuration can only pass First Name, Last Name & Email Address. It would be useful if additional attributes could be configured, such as group information. This would link to another enhancement that is automatically linking new users to a given collection based on this additional attribute.


Currently any pages or links that you create are displayed as uppercase, which is a poor user experience.

  • Enhancement

Anyone with access to a collection can see the Users & Groups tabs, which show information that is no appropriate for non administrators to see and prompts unwanted questions. Users no not need to know who else has access to the collection and what rights they have.


It would be useful if there was a configuration option to hide these tabs from roles below Curator.


Currently pages you add to server when opened via the link icon open in a new window. If you are using SSO authentication, such as SAML this essentially logs the user out in that window. This is not a good user experience.


Ideally there should be an configurable option to open pages within the current window, thereby maintaining login and provided a better navigation experience.


Allow Collection owner to be a point of contact rather than a sub-Curator. We want a ticket process to control access to collection workflows and users in a SOX-dedicated gallery and giving those permissions outside the ticket process would be a hole in our control environment. Currently we make a service account the owner, but that means we need a list of contact people on the side.


When a user saves an APP and that APP contains macros with embedded macros (2 to N layers deep).  Make package with ALL subroutine/macros included an option.  This is a PAIN for users to try to manage otherwise.






Hi Alteryx Team,


in one of my current projects we would like to set up a Alteryx Gallery Collection using the API, which already works fine using the current API implementation.

In addition we want users of this collection enable to use DataConnection to DBs they are allowed to access. This can already be done manually. I can create a Data Connection manually and then I assign the same users I already assigned to the Collection also to the Data Connection. Adding these users to the Data Connection can also be done using API. The only part that is missing is the CREATION OF DATA CONNECTION USING API.

The other option is to make it possible to assign Data Connections to Collections, which is unfortunately also not possible at the moment.

Our challenge is that we want to create those kind of workspaces a lot of times for a lot of colleagues without additional manual effort.

That's why I ask for enhancing the DataConnection API in order to create Data Connection using Gallery API.






HI All, 


While creating a schedule to the workflow we could observe that the frequency is basically categorized into four options like Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly. When coming to the "weekly" option why the user can have a choice to select multiple days in a week here? And why not the user who select "Daily" option can have a choice to select their own days according to the requirement?. In Daily frequency we could find only one option "Run only during work Week9Mon-Fri". Whereas in Tableau Schedules we could observe Weekly frequency enables the user to schedule only a single day in a week and in Daily frequency it enables the user to select multiple days in a week which really helps the user to create schedules in an effective way.


Alteryx:Daily Frequency Schedule



Alteryx:Weekly Frequency Schedule



Tableau:Daily Frequency Schedule:



Tableau:Weekly Frequency Schedule:




Ariharan R


Currently we can create static pages on the gallery from the Admin view using the Pages tab. I haven't been able to add in custom HTML code and would like to have such a page dynamically updated from the output of an Alteryx workflow Render tool (or similar). Ideally it would allow as much functionality as possible so that arbitrary HTML features could be implemented. Partly suggested by a prior idea:

  • Enhancement

The page title never changes from Gallery when navigating through it. This is quite frustrating if you are trying to go back to a specific page or searching for something on the browse history.



  • Enhancement

Experts - 


I think the user experience in the "Workflow Results" area could be vastly improved with a simple tweak: rather than having 1 record per job we could have 1 record per workflow, with the ability to then expand each workflow to see all associated jobs, and then expand each job to see all the associated messages.  


Even better: add the ability to toggle sorting by job or workflow!


Most of the time I need to find a particular job (and we may run each workflow a lot during testing) so seeing a long list of workflows with the same name is sort of clunky, and then having to go page by page looking for the job in question makes it even clunkier.  


Thanks for the consideration!

  • Enhancement

Hi folks


There are quite a few very useful Alteryx items I have been using recently that I have found on the help pages / public gallery. However, when I searched for them, I didn't quite use the correct search terms so this took longer than I had hoped and I was on a tight deadline. An example is the "Server Pre-Upgrade Checks" workflow used during Server upgrades.


My idea is to put these utilities in the Download portal in the same way that the Server Usage Report is. 


Of course, there should be a limit as to what goes in there but, like the Server Usage Report  can be done on a case-by-case basis. 


Cheer, jonna




We are getting an error saving flow to our private gallery with US Geocoder tool.



The error speak to "public" and not "private" gallery and we get the reasoning except that we should be able to save to our private gallery and deploys solutions internally that we built using these tools and data.


We are on 2020.4.6 on both the gallery and laptop.


Laptop is in Business Insights trial.

Servers all have Insights add-on


I found in the community a post where you can manually update the flow run settings but the user mistook that the flow did save even with error.



This allows the job to work but it is annoying that

  • Each flow they build they would have to accept that it is ok on saving with error
  • I am concerned they may miss a real error buried in the messaging
    • Please change the font color and message to a “Warning” in gold font like the “Results View” vs an “Error” in red font because it is not really an error and any real errors would then stand out
  • Then they have to take extra step in the Gallery to enable the flow to work…


I recommend modifying the User “Actions” options to include an “Allow Insights” option.

This can then be used in

  1. determining if to even generate messaging on these jobs at save time.
    1. user has authorization and this is to private gallery and not public gallery
  2. avoids having to make someone made a curator when they SHOULD NOT have curator/server wide powers.
  3. Preset the workflow setting based on the saving developers user setting thus eliminating the extra step of setting the workflow setting in the Gallery post save.


Doing this simplifies and automates the process and significantly improves user experience when developing insights flows for use in the gallery.









A user/curator/artisan can schedule a workflow to run even if they do NOT have access to 1 of the database connections within the workflow.  The Alteryx Gallery still allows the user to schedule it to run.However, the workflow will never run because the user does not have access to 1 of the database connections within the workflow. Ideally, the scheduler should validate that the user has access to all 

needed connections within the scheduled workflow.


I have inherited admin duties, and have been running to many problems. Some of which will escalate when the subscriptions go away. 

The pages desperately need to be updated for a more streamlined admin experience.

Couple examples I came up with below. 


Naming Convention

  • Allow workflow renaming without the replace function.
  • Force a unique plan name across all private studios. instead of being unique on just ID.

API Access

  • Allow any user who can access the module from Collections to be able to trigger it from the API using their own API key.
  • Store results of "API" triggered workflows on the page.
  • Groups:
  • Identify Users without a group
  • Identify users in more than one group
  • Add multiple users at one time (Muticheck box) with filters.

User Page

  • Add/remove Users to Groups
  • View, add, and remove Collections from Their User Page

Collection Page

  • Add Collection from the Admin collection Page

Designer "save" window.

  • Give the ability on Save As & Save for the user to automatically share the plan with their collection(s).
  • Default all "Workflow" assets to be unchecked by default, rather than relying on users to click "workflow options"," manage workflow assets", and then uncheck everything.

Workflow Page

  • Change Owner (Can be limited to admin only)
  • Add directly to collection from this page.
  • Do not reset the "private data exemption" to default every time an updated version is updated.
  • Allow admin users to see logs of all users who run the plan (Also add this to the admin page while you are at it)



When it comes to cancelling a running/queued job though the Gallery admin portal it never fails to add some new jobs to the list right as I am about to click to cancel a job,


thus instead of removing the unnecessary queued job I actually cancel the job that has been running for the past hour creating the report I need for the meeting in 30 minutes 


I think that adding check boxes (similar to the "Users" page) would be a nice UI enhancement to this page  


Would like to see more flexible options for workflow run-as credential settings, both for when publishing the workflow and kicking off the job. 


Here is a thread where we discuss the limitations we are seeing when trying to publish the workflow to Gallery via an API. We would also like to see more flexibility when our users want to kick off their workflows via an API where they could pass in different run-as credentials they would like the job to run as.

  • Enhancement