Alteryx Server Ideas

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Workflow results - Alteryx Gallery

In Gallery, I'd like to see the execution log in the workflow results, i.e. what you get if you run the workflow from Designer.  I'd like to see this whatever the status of the workflow completion.  Would be useful to assess warnings and the performance of components within the workflow.  Also would give me useful stats about records loaded etc.

11 - Bolide

With the transition from controller based scheduling to Gallery Scheduling, our users are asking for this as well. 

5 - Atom

We are facing the same challenge in our company moving to the scheduler. The detailed logs of the flows would be very helpful. 

7 - Meteor

We have the same problem - we see the detailed logs as an essential requirement before gallery scheduling.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Coming Soon

Thanks for posting here everyone.  We are hoping to have this in the near-term so I'm marking this as coming soon!  Thanks for all of the great feedback.  

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Implemented

I'm happy to announce that the latest release for Server 2018.1 now includes the workflow execution log in the workflow results.  Thank you everyone for your feedback!  

10 - Fireball

Julie, we Installed 2018.1.4 Server / Gallery, We are not seeing this resolved, we are unable to see all the workflow's that are scheduled or Run  by other users?   

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Example of an output:

Workflow Execution.png

10 - Fireball

Right , but we are unable see results in gallery??


We installed 2018.1.4



10 - Fireball

Looks like we have to clear Browser Cache to see workflow results .....