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Specify Order of Output in Gallery App Results

When posting an app to the Gallery, if the app has, say, one PCXML output for the user to see, and one Excel file for the user to download, it would be helpful for to be able to specify which shows first to the user.  For example, I have a PCXML that gives the user summary tables, and instructions on how to go to the drop down above and select the second report, click on the Excel icon, and download it.  But if the Excel report shows up first, then there is no ability to give them instructions and many simply won't be savy enough to go find the PCXML in the drop down.

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Thanks @apolly !

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Under Review

Changing the status based on @apolly working to get this prioritized



6 - Meteoroid

Really wish this could be added.  It would help with my reporting so much.

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

To those following this, the 2020.2 release (or perhaps earlier, I just noticed it with 2020.2) has seemingly resolved this, for my specific use case, which was displaying the PCXML first.  


Now, what will happen is the PCXML will always display to the user, and they can select their other-formatted-reports from the drop down at the top.  So my instructions on the PCXML are "If you want to download the details, choose the XLSX report from the dropdown above and click Download".

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@mbarone Thanks for your help in closing this. We hope to continue to make things smoother on the outputs page, but we'll consider this closed.



16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula


Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Implemented

Thank you for your feedback and come back to this idea to let us know! I'm updating this idea to Implemented since the use case was met.

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

Welcome, sounds good!

7 - Meteor

Hi there!


This is an old topic but, for those ones that with latest Alteryx update does not resolve their use case or, not being able to perform an Alteryx upgrade, wants to set a specific order in app results... Here my suggestion to workaround this issue.


To force dropdown output files list, just prefix every output file with a number (Ex. 1_xxxx; 2_xxxx, etc.) That way, dropdown list will be sorted. It is not nice, but it will work!


Hope this helps!



8 - Asteroid
