Alteryx Server Ideas

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Mongo Database - AD groups to User Breakdown

Within the Mongo database on the Alteryx Server, when using WinAuth,  if you use AD Groups for Permssioning, there is no direct way within the Mongo database to go from the AD Group to the User table.  This is important if you need to report on who, base upon their AD group membership with their associated role is a user.  Example.  AD Group 'Example-AD -Group'  is assigned Permission Curator.  The AD Group contains user 'Jay Smith'.  'Jay Smith'  is on the user Collection.  activeDirectoryPermssions Collection  contains the Ad Groups and permissions.  But,  in order to connect the two collections,  you will need to go externally to define the AD Group memebership to join these two collections together.


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Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your feedback and idea! I noticed this was your first idea, so welcome to the idea boards as well! We greatly appreciate our users feedback so feel free to check out our other three product boards and ideas, there are some real good ones in each.


Since this is your first idea please be sure to check out our Idea Submission Guidelines, it goes over the criteria needed for an idea to reach product and might answer any questions you could have about the boards.