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Collection and Scheduler APIs

There is a strong need for more APIs to be introduced in Alteryx Server so that our Admin teams can provide automated solutions to our users. My understanding is that a lot of these will be introduced into Alteryx Analytics Hub however, it is also needed in Alteryx Server.


I would propose that the internal APIs for Collections and Scheduler be exposed to the Admin Key/Secrets so that we can use these APIs to move our Users workflows directly to their collection or automatically schedule for them, if needed. It seems that all this would take would be to release the Authorization from internal to the Admin on the API.


APIs I am requesting be released:

  • PUT .../gallery/api/collections/{collectionID}/apps/{appID}/
  • POST .../gallery/api/scheduler/
Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your idea!


Your idea looks ready for product once the necessary like criteria has been met. In the mean time please be sure to check out the other ideas on the Server idea board and provide your feedback on any that you'd find valuable as this helps us best gauge interest!

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepted

Thank you for your feedback!


Our product team has reviewed this idea and have included it on the near future roadmap. We'll do our best to update this idea as we get closer to the release containing this feature.

7 - Meteor

Could we please🙏 take the opportunity and also release the internal API's for Custom Group management on the same release?

  • GET .../gallery/api/usergroups/   --> Get all Groups
  • POST .../gallery/api/usergroups/   --> Add new custom group
  • POST .../gallery/api/usergroups/<GroupID>/members/    --> Add a group member
  • Get .../gallery/api//usergroups/<GroupID>/ --> Get Group Details

Today, if your server is on SAML, you can't leverage AD groups for granting access to resources. The new custom group feature is a help, but still need to manually add groups and member users, having the internal APIs exposed would allow me to do my own "selected" sync of group members between AD groups and custom groups of the same name. 


As a server Admin, I'd like to be able to do via API all that I can do via the Admin UI, but the four above along with the collections ones should cover most of the ground I need for now.



Status changed to: Implemented