Alteryx Server Ideas

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Application (Gallery) Required Fields

I've been writing applications and regularly need to REQUIRE fields for data entry.  When I do, I include ERROR MESSAGES at minimum.  Often I label the field as something like:  Name (Required).  Wouldn't it be nice to have a red star or have the data field in another color for background?  Taking this a step further, the validation rules being activated within the screen (rather than during run) would be awesome.


As long as I'm posting ideas, it would be nice to have an Alteryx supported function to identify the user within the application global variables.  For users, it would make my apps more friendly if they could save their configuration (*.yxwv) in the gallery.  Extending that thought, within my application I would like to be able to have easy access to their responses as well.


My use case for access to the .yxwv file data is that I will repeat some of the fields back to the user within my output.  When needed I will write the responses to a text input tool and format it for display in the output.  That requires an additional action and maintenance within the application.


Just a few application thoughts.





10 - Fireball

I second this. We have several reports that would be great to have the ability to stop someone running an app that is going to fail or sit in the queue for a long time just to let them know it is wrong

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Also see this as a big benefit as we begin to use Analytical Apps more as part of our core usage pattern.

7 - Meteor

This would be great. Would help me out tons. 

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

I was surprised to see that this wasn't an idea on the Server Ideas pages...


Luckily it was already an idea on the Designer Ideas pages (maybe it should be moved?)


Then I was sad to see it only has 19 likes.



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@MarqueeCrew @Joe_Lipski @SeanAdams @tyler_sassara @levell_x_dunn 


Hi folks, thanks for the ideas. I have a few questions though.

  1. "REQUIRE fields for data entry": Wouldn't this be more of a Designer requirement?
  2. Do I understand correctly that the main request is to be able to use the runner of the application as part of the output of the workflow/app?
  3. "identify the user within the application global variables": Would this be for whoever is considered to be running the application (so it could be the RunAs credentialed user)?
Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Under Review

Thank you for your feedback! Our Server team is currently reviewing this idea. We'll update this idea again once we are able to determine when or if we can include it on our road map. We'll do our best to insure this idea is updated again in a timely manner once we have finished the review process.

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

Hi @JohnPelletier - The main thing which I'd be looking for here is the ability to use .yxwv files via Gallery.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@Joe_Lipski We have this ability already in the API. JSON body for the POST jobs will allow you to provide questions with their corresponding answers.

Is that of use to you? If not, why?

13 - Pulsar
13 - Pulsar

@JohnPelletier That is of use to me or to an experienced user, but not of use to someone who only runs analytic apps via gallery.


The use case could look something like: A CFO runs apps via gallery using parameters, lets say there's 10, (interface tools) to run his workflow/report/etc. He runs regularly using similar parameters so would like to save these so he can run them tomorrow or the next day. By saving his template, he can then change just 1 or 2 rather than having to select/type all 10.


Hope that makes sense.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@Joe_Lipski Thanks for this. We will reach out to discuss in more detail.