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Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

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I am taking a new position with a different company and therefore will have a new email. I would like to have the access to all of the posts and knowledge accociated with my current postition's e-mail. However, at this point, the only way to associate with a new e-mail is to create a new community account. This means I will lose all the inertia associated with my old account-- what a bummer! 





As someone on the hunt for badges, I am doing my best to offer solutions as I know many of you are.  Nothing breaks my heart more than delivering a solution and not getting that "Marked as Solution" tag. 


Looking down the list of Discussions in Designer / Server etc. there are countless solutions that aren't marked as such.  Perhaps it would be helpful to automate a follow up email to the Discussion starter a few days after the final post just reminding them to Mark a Solution if their question has been solved.




PS/ not sure where I should've put this Idea because it doesn't relate to an Alteryx product.  There didn't seem to be a category for Community Ideas as far as I could see.

Non English communities lack of a link to the Gallery.









Please add the link.


Hi there,


The login to the community goes through the Gallery - which is a problem for folks in locked-down corporate environments (in our firm, the URL is locked down so that there can be no leakage of intellectual property) - as a result, none of us can log into the community site ( and sign in as ourselves from work.


Would it be possible to replicate the login URL so that if I'm logging in from the Community it punches me through to instead of   You could use the same authentication and the same credentials in the background, but at least then we'd be able to log into the community from the office and contribute to questions and discussions?


Thank you


I would like to be notified when somebody posts something new to the gallery. I can't find the button to do that if it already exists.

Post authors can mark zero, one or many solutions as answers to a post.  I'd like to see more solution alternatives posted in Community.  There are always many ways to solve a given challenge.  While giving stars is an option available to all, perhaps once a certain "level" is achieved you can also mark replies as accepted solutions.


Thanks for your consideration,


Hi there,


In the community we have the concept of user ranks ( @JulieH published the launch notes her: ), and we also have the idea of community roles (e.g. Alteryx Partner; Chief Technology Officer; etc)


Could we separate these out into two different fields?   reason for asking is that folk like @MarqueeCrew and @jdunkerley79 have worked hard for their Magnetar rank, but because Mark is also a partner this is now hidden (because it's overridden with his partner status).    It would be good to see the entire community ranked with the user ranking system, irrespective of role - and then the role provides different privileges and permissions and may be a tuple (e.g. Mark could be an "Alteryx Partner" as well as "Alteryx Ace" as well as "Alteryx Community Super" - James could be "ACE"; "Lead formula innovator" and "Alteryx Community Super")



Currently, there is no consolidated group for Alteryx For Good where individuals can join as members or post a blog or recent visit post. (I understand co-lab is there but it is very different from the ask)


The suggestion is to create a separate tab under - Alter Nation tab of the community portal similar to Women of Analytics.


This will help all the AFG enthusiasts to stay updated about the news and events happening across the world and also take some learnings from each other's visits and implement it in their respective regions.


This will also generate more excitement about Alteryx For Good and eventually trigger more Good to the community!!!

Currently there are a couple of banners on the Alteryx Community with information for users:


However, even if i dismiss/click the cross on both of these, they reappear if i navigate to another area of the community. It would be nice to remember that the user has dismissed them, and have them not pop up again. Otherwise, it may be worth removing the 'x', however i would prefer the former.



I like that we can now connect our linkedin and other accounts to our profile: I would like to also connect my twitter account. 






Hello Alteryx Team,


I know that there is an option to add the badge to LinkedIn but nowadays there are a lot of companies that are usign more and more the Credly platform to check your certifications.


The idea, is that the Alteryx certification badgeds will be added to your Credly Acclaim profile. I think it's not good that there is another company offering this badgeds in this platform, should be the Alteryx Community.

It should be possible to 'like' a reply to an idea posted on the community.


Many times users post workarounds, hints, or maybe even full solutions to people's ideas and the ability for the original poster and other community members to like these would be valuable to show appreciation.


Furthermore, I think it would be great to have the ability to mark idea replies as a solution and/or a workaround. I see this is already an idea, so will up-vote @Claje's post here:


For instance, take this example here, where I hope I've posted a good workaround for @MuralidharAreti :

Are there plans to have a learning path for the advanced certification? The core certification learning path was really helpful and it will be great to have an equivalent for the advanced certification.

Looking through the Top Ideas I was struck by how many are already in the product and marked as "Now Available" - this is fantastic but it does make navigating this view difficult. Could we remove them and move them into a "Now Available" view so we can see what great work the Product Team and Devs are doing at listening to the community?



It would be useful to be able to copy and paste images directly into the discussion forums. In heavily locked down IT environments, such as at my current client site, it's not possible to use the insert/edit image button. The only way I can load an image to a discussion is to copy into a word doc and attach it.


The Tableau forums allow a simple copy/paste of an image into their forums, implementing that same functionality into the Alteryx forum would be a big help. Even for users who are able to load images it would save them time, instead of having to save an image then upload, ctrl-c ctrl-v is much quicker.

Maybe I missed (if so, please tell me where is it), but a "Remember Me" or "Stay Connected" option would be great, so our sessions doesn't end (I keep this webpage opened almost all day).


When I receive an email notification that one of my Community posts got a like, the subject line needs to be more clear. Currently, this is what it says:





This is not very helpful. Instead of this mysterious "Subject $ '{'notification.message.subject}" line, the subject/link should be the title of the post that got the like. If I replied to a post and that response got the like, the title of the post I’m replying to would still be appropriate for the subject.

Wouldn't it be great to have the option to share a bit more information on your user profile page?


I'm talking about:

- Full name

- Profile

- Location

- Who you work for

- Industry

- Links to social media

- Favourite colour

- First pet's name

- You get the idea.......


The first three are the biggies. It's nice to be able to get a sense of who people are, and to share a bit of who you are with others, and the profile page feels like the perfect place to do this (although it goes without saying that none of this should be mandatory).




A great way to promote and share the awesome Alteryx Certification process is to allow Badge and Certification URL  to show up in LinkedIn.  Here is example of IBM certification badges:



I would like to see a beta testing badge. It would be cool for each version so we can see who is pushing for a better Alteryx future.