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Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

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I'd love to see an option for  "With ALL of the words" in Advanced Search as well as "With one or more of the words".

Could the online status for a user be put next to their name everywhere in the community and not just in the 'My friends' section of our profiles? It would really help knowing for when I want to send a PM to someone about a quick question or something. It would also just be pretty interesting to know.

We got,


Why not an;


Including Alteryx youtube videos of presentations in Global Search would be great! (or include them as reference under tool documentation).   Finally found my answer with a google search!   E.g., this video on the network analysis tool:

How is Alteryx a spelling error on the Community? Can we adjust it?

It would be really nice to be able to sort Discussion Forum posts by the 4 stats that you give for each -- Unread, Replies, Stars, Views

I think it would be great if there was a knowledge base section(or something similar) for any user to post random workflows that they find useful and want to share/solicit feedback from the community. Several posts from the last few weeks would fit well in this new category and sparked the idea: by @N___ or by @michael_treadwell. Instead of having these great workflows buried/mixed in with all the questions, it would great if there was a single spot for people to post various workflows back to the community and get comments/feedback/enhancements from fellow community members. I think many more people would be open to sharing and commenting on posts like this if they had a spot to post them that is separate from all the Q&A style spots.

Hello Team - Maybe a simple fix, but could you please change the color of the font with which the names of the user groups leads are written. Most of the time, it's barely visible.



It would be great to have a forum for users/partners to submit their solutions to each of the weekly challenges (moreso the advanced ones). 


Would be a good way to see how others have approached problems, and create a bit of competition as to who can get the 'slickest' answer!

Idea for @PatrickN


Really love the certification - it's a tremendous tool for both the community at large, and for Alteryx to grow their trained user base.  

How would you feel about bringing a page into the "Academy" section of the community site so that people can easily find this (that seems like a logical place to keep this)?


thank you again for the work on the certification program - @patrick_digan mentioned to me that there are now over 50 people certified already (56 this morning) - not bad at all for a 6 day old certification program!



Lumping Connect in with Gallery makes it difficult to find things specific to Connect. There is already one thread tagged as "Connect," which has nothing to do with Connect. I know it is new, and there is little activity, but with the issues I am experiencing, I expect the space to explode very quickly.

Hey there,


Please forgive me if I'm the only one who works like this - but one of my standard processes with the alteryx community is to frequently scan new posts, and then make a note to come back to the ones that either I want to respond to; or spend learning time on etc.


The way I currently do this is to take the URL, and pop it into Google Keep - I have 3 google Keep lists:

- One for Learning

- One for community stuff (general responses)

- one for my immediate priorities (generally stuff that I owe someone a personal response on).


Not sure if anyone else would find this useful, but i'd really value the ability to do this within the alteryx community site itself.  What I'm thinking of is:

a) mark a topic as "Add to list" and then like on the Amazon Wishlist I can select which list

b) I can then print out a digest of the posts that are in a particular list for reading on the train / car / flight etc

c) this list becomes my 3rd notfication list then - currently we have notifications for alerts; personal messages - we can then add this as a 3rd item.


Essentially this could work like youtube "Save for later".


Anyone else find this useful - if so, give it ia star :=_


Happy Wednesday



This is probably just the neat-freak inside of me but I've been noticing more an more Community posts that don't really belong where they are. Examples:

  1. Someone poses a question in the wrong Discussion category.
  2. Someone poses a Knowledge Base or Live Training style article as a Discussion.
  3. Someone poses a question in the Ideas area.
  4. Someone poses an idea for something that can already be done with Alteryx (something that should be moved to a Discussion)
  5. Someone poses a discussion only to find out that there is no solution (something that should be moved to Ideas)

To help the moderators out, I think adding a "Suggest Move" option to the Options Menu on a post (pictured below) would be valuable.


Options Menu.PNG


When selecting this option a little window could pop up with a list of the different areas of the Community. The user would then select the one that they feel the post should be moved too. Moderators would then see all the suggested moves on a special screen and perform the move if they agree. Ideally, any hyperlinks to the moved post that exist within other posts on the community would be redirected.


The positive benefits of this would be:

  • Making it easier to find content
  • Refining the scope of Ideas Alteryx needs to consider
  • Reducing the number of unanswered posts for people seeking to help solve others' discussions (there's a lot of Live Training posts that appear in the Unanswered Posts queue)

Given the certification exams are accessed through the community, I would like the option to have 2 step authentication on my profile by registered email address/phone SMS. Is it possible to add this as a feature within the profile settings so that those who would like to add more security to their profile are able to do so?

Took me forever to figure out what my username was to log into this site. As it turns out, it was my email address.
So instead of asking user for username, maybe ask for email address since that's what it seems to be?

Also, add an 'Other' or 'Site' category to the categories pull down menu on the post idea page.

Finally, Create a mod or AA so we can post/submit ideas remotely. 

I love using "Reply" in email notifications but I've noticed that the reply in community has breaks, e.g.


Is this a feature, a bug or something I'm doing? If it could be fixed that would be great as it detracts from my reply.

It would be great if we could attached multiple files in a single post/reply. Thank you!

I may have missed it, but I can't easily tell if a post that has been starred by others has been starred by me. In my opinion the star should remain hollow until I have starred it, in which case it should go yellow. The text next to the star tells me the total stars the post has recieved, so the extra indicator is currently superfluos.



I bookmarked a Discussion posting but the only way I could see how to find it afterward was to go into my settings or my subscriptions. It would make sense for bookmarks to be a separate section on the main community page, along with Discussion, Ideas, KnowledgeBase, Blogs, etc.

Is there a way that I can view all of the forums posts which have 0 replies?  I've used this on another forum to find topics to respond to.

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