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Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

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A new idea to suggest a new community feature or improvement

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Hi all,


Is there a way to find out whether the solution to the weekly challenge has been accepted?

Is it also possible to track the status of the challenges - e.g. which ones have been replied to, and of them which have been solved?


Many thanks!

[Old Dog] + [New Tricks]

Here's a gripe.  I'm used to typing "" (or a shortened version of it) into my address bar when helping others in the community.  Now you get redirected to a landing page for 3 products and have to choose which Alteryx product you are asking for help with.  I've thought of a few alternatives to this including which would bring you to the most recent version of the help page. 


I try to include hyperlinks to help articles when practical.  Hopefully it gives the hope that help can be found in the help documentation (LMGTFY).  To that end, perhaps a button (to help) on community would be useful?




How about a filter that would reveal all ZERO reponse items in the Discussion forums?  This would reveal old questions that never found a response.

When I've attempted to register for exams, my address is not recognized as valid. It wants a "business" email. But I think that it should definitely accept the email address associated with your community profile and probably just accept anything a user wants, considering that it already also asks for your community profile user ID.


My understanding is that the community email part is already under consideration. Just tossing out an expansion on that idea.

When reading discussion threads on mobile user names don't link to user profiles. Could this be fixed?

Hi all,


In working through older posts, it's apparent that many have been orphaned by the author who may no-longer visit the Alteryx community site.


To check this - could we add "last logged in date" to the user's profile card (screenshot below)?   That would make it very easy to see if we should follow up with the user to progress to a solution, or just close the thread.






Hi there,


It would be helpful on the discussion boards to be able to filter in 2 specific ways:

- Filter for unsolved questions (so that folk can focus on helping people who are still looking for an answer without having to trawl through all the answered ones)

- Filter for only threads that have updates  (similar to an inbox - I only want to see new items so that every day I can keep up with the traffic without having to remember if I've read a particular post or not)


I apologise if these capabilities exist already - if they do exist, then perhaps I'll alter this suggestion to read "help to make these features easier to locate".


Many thanks


I am proficient in SQL and new to Alteryx; I see the answer to many of problems quite easily through the SQL language but want to know how to translate much of that to Optimal Alteryx workflows and would if there are alternative approach to the same thing in Alteryx I like to be able choose the path that is most compatible with my Alteryx skill set at the time eg take the path using an Alteryx Tool; a Function, RegEx or other.



- How would perform the equivalent of a GROUP BY and HAVING Clause 

SELECT A, Count(*)

- How would I perform the Teradata SQL equivalent of QUALIFY, RANK, ROWNUM and PARTITION BY

- How would I assign a PRIMARY INDEX upon creation of a table using the Alteryx output without having to create the table myself using SQL on Teradata itself (this is necessary to mitigate unnecessary storage usage resulting from skew)

This is a minor thing, but it's kind of funny so I thought i'd post on it. Ever use the spell checker when typing posts or replies? It thinks that "workflow" is a misspelled word. Please add "workflow" to the Community spell checker's dictionary!

It would be great if we could subscribe to our User Group so that updates are sent via email just like other parts of the community.

Which post am I starring below? The lines below the attachment serve to separate out the post above and make the Star and Reply buttons appear to belong to the post below. This isn't clear to me, let alone new users of the site. Can the theme be improved to make this separation clearer.



When I recieved a notification of a private message (see screenshot below), the font was Times New Roman.


I guess it could have been worse . . . it could have been the font that dare not speak its name.


I suggest a change to be a more appealing san-serif font.









I noticed recently that the majority of open Community ideas were newly labelled 'Accepting Votes', for instance my idea:


I have to guess that 'accepting votes' is based on the likes on the idea, however this is unclear, and there are numerous statuses that could use clarifying:


For instance, is there a difference between 'Accepted', 'Ongoing' and 'Coming Soon'?

What I suggest is a quick stickied post at the top of the ideas, to explain the ideas section to a new user. What each of the labels are, how to submit an idea, and what to include, with a new idea post. This would display as:

(Positioning could be changed)


Kind Regards,


I often access the Alteryx community on-the-go and find myself using the forums quite a lot on mobile. There have been several instances where I have replied to a post and then needed to edit this afterwards. Without waiting to get to my laptop, I have so far found that the only option I have is to post another reply correcting my original post. Unless I'm missing something, I can't seem to find any functionality to simply 'edit' posts on mobile and from a search of existing posts/ideas, I can't find anything else requesting this. Apologies in advance if I have simply missed something here!





I've noticed that a fair few community members who have a standard sign off on most of there posts, usually consisting of contact and business details. It would be nice UX feature to be able to set a default sign off/signatures to replies and posts much the same as can be done with email. 


I believe this was a bug a while ago, however, I couldn't find the post surrounding it - sorry if this is a duplicate.


However, currently, the LinkedIn icon does not appear on the community profiles:


And it is just a white square next to the twitter logo.


I cant seem to see anything obvious in the chrome inspect elements to suggest why its not appearing, and just for a test, it does not appear on Chrome (logged in), Chrome (logged out and incognito), or Edge.


It is also not just my profile:




As someone who is primarily a Gallery Admin as opposed to a workflow designer, and given that this is the Server section I'm surprised that there is no way to label a message as relating to the AdminUI.


Just a thought that adding the label might be useful?


I usually end up just picking Server and Gallery but this seems a little generic?


There is a way to find all the unanswered but there isn't a way to get to a list of all the posts that have NOT been solved yet. Can you make this available on the community? 


Like this: 







I tried to share on Linkedin the next to come webinar of July 29th


Alteryx publisher should make sure that there is an attractive image linked to the web page that LinkedIn will automatically feature.So far, there is none: the post appears image less and is therefore less attractive.


Posts with an image or, even better, a video, always work better in the feed.


Just a hint 🙂 Kind regards


First off, want to thank Alteryx for the nice AfG gesture. I believe there would be a LOT of people that want to take advantage of it globally. To that end, it would be great to have a Introduce yourselves section/thread where people can go and say hello. I have engaged in some online learning (both MOOC and otherwise) and any class where people get to know each other automatically becomes more engaging. You already have a lot of social elements built-in (photo, cool "rank" names and such) but no social kick-off. This thread could potentially be it!