Are there plans to have a learning path for the advanced certification? The core certification learning path was really helpful and it will be great to have an equivalent for the advanced certification.
Hi @Gopinaath - great suggestion. This is now on the roadmap, however we don't have a definitive date quite yet. There are a few other items we'll need to tackle first (additional Interactive Lessons for example). Once those are completed, we'll begin development on this request. Thank you for sharing your idea - we'll keep you posted!
Just like to add a comment. Given the feature is on the roadmap, I'd like to add a slight detail to the request. I am sure you probably already do this but just want to mention just in case. Can we ensure that both the advanced certification learning path and getting started learning path content are periodically checked and updated to sync in line with changes to the Advanced and Core certification exam content respectively (where changes are made to exam topics).
@Gopinaath Thank you for the idea! As we continue to build content, we're always looking for ways to align our training to help our learners prepare for the certification exams - we're glad to hear that our Community members are interested in the same thing!