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Submission GuidelinesHello all,
This may be a little controversial. As of today, when you buy an Alteryx Server, the basic package covers up to 4 cores :
I have always known that. But these last years, the technology, the world has evolved. Especially the number of cores in a server. As an example, AMD Epyc CPU for server begin at 8 cores :
So the idea is to update the number of cores in initial package for 8 or even 16 cores. It would :
-make Alteryx more competitive
-cost only very few money
-end some user frustration
Moreover, Alteryx Server Additional Capacity license should be 4 cores.
Best regards,
A user/curator/artisan can schedule a workflow to run even if they do NOT have access to 1 of the database connections within the workflow. The Alteryx Gallery still allows the user to schedule it to run.However, the workflow will never run because the user does not have access to 1 of the database connections within the workflow. Ideally, the scheduler should validate that the user has access to all
needed connections within the scheduled workflow.
sometime the schedule workflow is too heavy and take few hours.
it impact the normal workflow run. as it take all workflow slot.
so my idea is to limit the schedule workflow and always leave space for manual workflow.
to avoid delay of both work.
I have inherited admin duties, and have been running to many problems. Some of which will escalate when the subscriptions go away.
The pages desperately need to be updated for a more streamlined admin experience.
Couple examples I came up with below.
Naming Convention
API Access
User Page
Collection Page
Designer "save" window.
Workflow Page
In our environment, we decided to do not use the Data Connexion from the Gallery for internal security reason.
Then we use the internal Designer in the Server to create (IT Teams) all the BDD Connexions for our workflows (In Memory and In DB).
Our Curators (not in IT Teams) has only access to the Gallery and not directly to a Server but it's responsible of these conenxions.
I checked all the API and we cannot retrieve the list of our "In DB" Connexions.
Is possible to have a new API to list all these connexions or to have an update of the existing API /admin/v1/systemdataconnections ?
Thanks !
When it comes to cancelling a running/queued job though the Gallery admin portal it never fails to add some new jobs to the list right as I am about to click to cancel a job,
thus instead of removing the unnecessary queued job I actually cancel the job that has been running for the past hour creating the report I need for the meeting in 30 minutes
I think that adding check boxes (similar to the "Users" page) would be a nice UI enhancement to this page
Would like to see more flexible options for workflow run-as credential settings, both for when publishing the workflow and kicking off the job.
Here is a thread where we discuss the limitations we are seeing when trying to publish the workflow to Gallery via an API. We would also like to see more flexibility when our users want to kick off their workflows via an API where they could pass in different run-as credentials they would like the job to run as.
My customer want to set a certification process for the workflow or application published on gallery, on the same model than Tableau has for datasource :
Best regards,
In the User record you can get the subscription ID, but it doesn't show the Subscription Name and doesn't provide a link to the subscription which would be helpful (and seems pretty simple to implement).
I know subscriptions are going away, but until they do please make working with what we have easier. Thanks!
There is a typo under the Help area for the Default Gallery Administrator (System Settings). It should be a backslash, not forward slash there. Correct is: domain\username
2021.4 Server comes with a ton of new great features.
The one that shouldn't be implemented is moving away from Alteryx initial intentions of being a place of data artisans, and turning the Gallery into a Spreadsheet.
A homepage should feel like home. It should have the flexibility to customize it for each Organization to move workflows, pictures, and notes around to guide the user to the application they need to run their workflow.
Most people using the HomePage Gallery aren't major developers, but new users or even non-analysts who want to run an app to get the report they need.
Please don't go backward by taking away flexibility, readability, and increasing difficulty to understand and get to an app.
But give more freedom to Alteryx Admins to customize and make the user experience even better.
Lean more into these ideas where we can showcase and feature apps and show descriptions of tools
Just like your homepage we should be able to show videos and use negative spacing to help guide users, and be able to scroll down the page
Instead, you took away all spaces and tried to turn everything into raw data. There were spaces and extra lines on the app, but it's all stripped away on the Gallery in 2021.4
Again, lean into your roots of canvases where each artisan can design and put tools and items that make sense to them and their Organization.
Please add features... don't take them away
Currently we can only configure questions and flow priority when using the POST API to queue workflows.
Would be good to be able be able send some of the Runtime configurations as well.
This would allow for much more flexibility.
,{"name":"Test_txt","value":"schedule test"}
, "priority": ""
"disable browse":"True" // When running flows in production this would reduce resource usage as data will no longer be cached. Having it as a parameters would mean that we can ensure that it is disabled
,"disable output":"False"
Current Fields
Possible other fields
It would be beneficial to have integration between Alteryx and SIEM solutions, and send all Alteryx logs to the SIEM solution just like any other IT solution. The reason is to comply with the policies of customers, where InfoSec team must have centralized logging for all systems and hence a holistic view of the security posture for the infrastructure.
An Example of this would be seeing logs concerning change of user privileges' and system settings (on the SIEM).
This is an issue that has been marked as solved, however it isn't.
The problem still persist. When you have a macro with a gallery data connection, the workflow containing the macro gives an error when run on the server: 'Unable to translate alias'
If you select manage assets, then include any macros when you publish, this bug is gone. That's the fix.
But this is not a solution because if someone updates the macro, the containing workflows will still use the old, included version of the macro. You will somehow need to remember which workflows use the modified macro, download them all, include the new version of the macro and republish the workflow.
Well, I can't see how this is a fix to the problem. It's probably better to just keep using the old disabled container 'fix', which is also quite painful.
When I manually execute a wf on Gallery, I sometimes have a tinge of regret that I don't have email events set for the workflow. In most cases, it's just THIS time that I want to receive an alert and not every time. At any point while the workflow is executing, allow the option to request an email event to be sent out for this execution.
Recently after adding 100+ Tags for usage by our end users as they apply to existing or new workflows, we quickly realized that no user was allowed to add more than 5 Tags per workflow. When attempting to do so, the user will either receive the following error, or they will save their workflow, reopen only to find out that only 5 Tags were saved to it.
After reaching out to the Alteryx Support team our rep mentioned the feature update would need some traction in the 'Ideas' board on this site therefore; I'm posting this suggestion with the hopes that other out their in the Alteryx universe have the same issue and would like to see the update(s) needed ASAP to update or correct the Alteryx system settings to allow a user to apply an unlimited number of Tags to any workflow. If a specific number is needed (meaning 'unlimited' can't be accomplished), please increase the number from 5 to 100.
If anyone would like to discuss future, please respond via this post and I'll be sure to get back with you.
Sincere thanks,
Johnny Shepphard
Alteryx Admin/Data Analyst
Currently it's impossible to tell which worker a job is running on. Add a column to the jobs view that shows what worker a job is currently running on.
Currently, if we want to assign a worker node it has to be done at the workflow level. It would be very helpful to be able to make a rule that auto-assigns the type of workflows to a specific node, so all apps go to one, all schedules go to another, etc.
At the very least, if there was an API endpoint to update specific items on a workflow (such as node), this would work as well as we could then build a process that auto-assigns.
More of our customers (we are a premier partner) have Servers with multiple worker nodes. If a custom macro is needed, currently it has to be added manually on each worker node.
Would love to see a feature in the Admin portal that allows for the upload and distribution of custom macros to all or select workers.
The Gallery currently only enables scheduling of the latest version of a workflow, regardless of the published version - for instance, if there are two versions of a workflow and Version 1 is the published version, only Version 2 can be scheduled since it is more recent. There is no straightforward way to schedule Version 1.
Currently two workarounds are to:
1) download the older (published) version, export to Designer, and then save as an entirely new workflow in Gallery.
2) re-save the local Designer file of the older (published) workflow as the most recent version in Gallery, for example re-saving Version 1 as Version 3 so that "Version 1" can be scheduled.
The ability to publish and schedule older workflow versions would be a helpful new feature to add to Gallery, as this would avoid the need to re-create or duplicate workflows simply because the most recent version has an unexpected issue that the previous version does not have.
There is Alteryx Designer, Alteryx Server and now why not an "Alteryx Cluster"?
Does it sound attractive to you to build a Alteryx Server+Hortonworks bundle or package that you may set it on 2 or more machines and your compute cluster is ready to go?!
As far as I know Alteryx Server has MongoDB installed on it
guess not to create a data lake but to store gallery macros and version history...
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