Alteryx Server Ideas

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The idea is that we could grab a workflow that had been placed in the scheduler db and then if the workflow is lost as a file then it could be reclaimed from the scheduler db

Enhance the USER tab in Gallery for showing the active user status, last login time


Easy to filter out the active user

Allow Admin to kill user session 

Currently any workflows/apps published to the gallery can be found via the search function - even when the particular user has no permission to this workflow/app. While this only allows for the non-permisssioned user to see the title, this could still leak information as it allows anyone to find apps published in someone's private gallery.


Both the Alteryx Public Gallery and the Private Gallery product are impacted by this. Additionally this is not just limited to logged in users, but also public viewers of the gallery.


My proposed idea:

  1. Force the search function to be permission aware, and only show a user workflows they have permission to see/execute.
  2. Allow for option 1 to be enabled/disabled if there are use cases where anyone should be able to search and find any app/workflow on the server.


Best regards,


This may be more from an admin standpoint but once I add workers into a cluster (controller token added), I have no way of knowing if the worker is now added to the cluster unless a workflow starts getting serviced and I view it from the 'View schedules' tab.


This causes issues specially when we have to add multiple of them and need to keep a track of which ones are added to the cluster or not.


On the admin page, I should be able to view the list of the workers that is currently existing on the cluster.

There should be a way to set limits on Gallery so users are not able to set up to many scheduled apps to run. Currently you can either allow all users to add as many scheduled jobs to the run or none at all. If one user sets up whatever number to run, keeps other users from running their jobs. Either allow Admins to set limits or have server shift jobs around so one user cannot lock a gallery to only run his/her jobs. A combination of both a set limit per user and better job management by gallery should also solve the problem.

I would like to see this option added to the interface of Designer rather than having a non-technical person edit XML to send usage statistics to Gallery/Server. 

1. view by list instead of icon, can display more items per page 
2. add sorting , like sort by created date, alphabetical order
3. improve the filtering , since there is a bug. The pagination result is wrongly displayed

I am the only Curator and my name is on the 2nd page by default when no filter applied.

When the filter applied, page one showed "There are no users that fit the search criteria" , but my name is showed on the 2nd page.



I would like to request a way to manage API connections. This would mean that API connection strings can be administered in the gallery the way data connections can be created, saved and assigned in gallery. This would help in large organizations, to administer API's within specific groups. This will also help the usage report




The dcm admin apis look promising. I would love if they could add put endpoints for sharing/execution and sharing/collaboration for admins. There is already a delete command for those two endpoints

Option to Zip All Outputs

For workflows that produce various different output files, I think it would be nice if the Gallery had the functionality to create a single zip file containing all outputs. The user would opt in or out of this functionality using a checkbox in the Gallery workflow settings (for apps, this checkbox could also appear as an additional setting above "Questions"). After the workflow has been run, the user would only see the zip file in the output preview instead of each individual output file. 


This functionality would create a more user-friendly experience as it would eliminate the need for zip file creation workarounds, such as using the Run Command Tool or the "zipfile" Python library to create zip files (these options also do not generate a zip file in the Gallery output preview).


Tableau has a nice Postman Collection available... it's really easy to use since you can download or forkt it on Postman and all you have to do is to write the variable values.

I would like the same thing but for Alteryx.

Best regards,


The SDKs are great and allow the community to expand Alteryx in many ways. I think it would be great to have some way to package these so we could easily share them and provide updates and fixes.


Not sure how many people use the SDKs but being able to easily share and install the output would help up take I think.

It would be useful there was the concept of a description for Alteryx content, which was displayed within Gallery, as even with logical folders, naming conventions & tags when there are several hundred items available this additional metadata would be highly beneficial to users to know what the content they can see actually does. The ability to search this description would also be highly useful.

Hi all,


Currently, it is very challenging, nearly impossible, to distribute your workload between worker nodes as the image below. Curators should be able to manage this in multiple ways since the end-user doesn`t have a full understanding of the server architecture or strategy behind the idea.


It would be helpful to have the worker tags working similarly to the credentials pyramid where we can have levels of permissions. That way, we can have collections, user groups or even single users with worker tags configured.


This is an addition to the idea suggested by @ivane_meimban



Thank you,

Fernando Vizcaino



Enhancement request that there is an ability to limit collection naming rights to the collection owner and/or collection admins. Currently anyone with access to a collection can rename it.

Enhancement for the ability to trap errors at the tool level, take actions, and direct workflows based on error messages. If a tool presents an error, check for additional handling instruction in the configuration panel.

As we have more and more users onboarded to the Server, and many users share similar names, it is getting more and more complicated to manage. 


It will be great if we have a management console that allows us to create User Groups, Tags, set User Departments, and more controls alongside their curator, designer, etc status on Server.


Groups like User Groups gives a group of people access into certain workflows, districts, collections, etc. It will also be helpful as it can also be an audit trail of who ran what - with a feature that allows users or groups of users to run certain tasks or schedules. 

Upon utilizing the Alteryx gallery to create and test an automation app in cooperation with other business areas, we found that the list of "recent modified files" that appears when selecting a file browse query has several issues, or areas in desperate need of improvement:


Not only does this list append new files to the bottom, resulting in a less than desirable experience when selecting files from this list across multiple occasions when testing, but the list eventually reaches a capacity where no new files can be shown. Furthermore, for processes that involve small modifications being made to a file or group of files that is fairly consistent in naming, a list of ambiguously named files will quickly cause confusion. If this type of small improvement is possible, please reach out to me about any avenues towards achieving it, or if there is a person or department to appropriately contact.




A maintenance mode would not be luxury, so that the worker does not take any more new job and finishes those which it has in progress. to be able to stop this one more easily.

I have a lot of workflows that depend on each other. Currently there's LOTS of hassle to effectively schedule a set of workflows to run subsequent.


Typically we run workflows (eg. product hierarchies) that would need to be completed before the next workflow should start (eg. sales data). We currently have some wonky workarounds that are high maintenance, but I would love to see this as a feature in the Gallery.