Alteryx Server Ideas

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Currently users have to be manually added to groups and those groups linked to collections.


For large organizations this is time consuming, it would be better if users could automatically be assigned to the relevant collection based on matching an attribute of the collection with an attribute of the user/group.


To take this further, when using SSO the information, such as group could automatically be passed in by the claim and so fully automate the process.


The Gallery (previous to 2022.1) Districts used to be viewed as a grid.  The districts would be listed across the page.  Now the Gallery Districts are in List format.  All down the page in one column and you have to scroll.  Before all our districts fit nicely on one page.  Is it possible to have an option to view by List or by Grid?

  • New Request

I have tried so many python packages to Refresh excel Pivot table automatically through Alteryx and save the refreshed data, most of the packages are working perfectly on designer but none of them are working on server.

If we find out anyway that will refresh pivot tables of Excel through Alteryx then it will be great for us. 

  • New Request

Hi All, 


The Alteryx API documentation was only available for certain entities(workflow, collection, etc.,) and not available for Schedule entities.


I want to see schedule audit information like old value(before change), new value, operation (update, delete, insert).

E.g If you create a schedule in Gallery, information about the schedule like creation date time, frequency, owner, type, last run, next run, etc. will be updated in MongoDB.
If a user edits or modifies a schedule in the gallery, the edit/updated information is only available in MongoDB.



Ariharan R


I think it would make sense to let user have more flexibility when they want to schedule. 

For instance, we should be able to set a schedule every 2 hours for a certain time range on certain days. EG : Every 2 hours from 8am to 6pm from Monday to Friday.


Right now, this is not possible. 


Hello Community!


I really enjoy the concept of the Data Connection Manager, but we have controls in place that don't allow our users to share database connections with each other - the official data source owner needs to approve. We have been able to do this with the typical Data Connections through Active Directory groups that we load into Gallery custom groups. 


It would be nice to be able to allow users to create their own data connections to be shared but we would like to add a couple of governance features:

  • When an Artisan wants to publish a data connection to Gallery, they publish it to a shared space (could be within collections). For example, they could share to the HR Data Connection space. 
  • That shared space is governed by custom groups in Gallery, similar to assets in a collection for workflows (who can access, who can add, who can modify, who can remove, who is the owner)
  • Ideally, we would also like to have more of a submission process - someone can submit a data connection, and then a data owner can "accept" the data connection. The data owner would then check to see if they are connecting properly before it is added to the shared space. 

Perhaps a change in Designer too, but I want the output on the server and for workflows stored on the server.


There is an existing "tool" Auto Documentation to load a locally stored Alteryx flow and to provide a pdf file with an overview of the workflow, the used tools and their configuration.  Example: input file is sales.xlsx, filter on month: January, sum of sales amount.


I would love a functionality that would output this together with the other output on the server for the flow that ran.  This can then be used as a sort of proof in case of an audit on how we got to the numbers of the output.

  • New Request

sometime the schedule workflow is too heavy and take few hours.

it impact the normal workflow run. as it take all workflow slot.


so my idea is to limit the schedule workflow and always leave space for manual workflow. 

to avoid delay of both work.




In our environment, we decided to do not use the Data Connexion from the Gallery for internal security reason.

Then we use the internal Designer in the Server to create (IT Teams) all the BDD Connexions for our workflows (In Memory and In DB).

Our Curators (not in IT Teams) has only access to the Gallery and not directly to a Server but it's responsible of these conenxions.


I checked all the API and we cannot retrieve the list of our "In DB" Connexions.


Is possible to have a new API to list all these connexions or to have an update of the existing API /admin/v1/systemdataconnections ?


Thanks !




My customer want to set a certification process for the workflow or application published on gallery, on the same model than Tableau has for datasource :


Best regards,





It would be beneficial to have integration between Alteryx and SIEM solutions, and  send all Alteryx logs to the SIEM solution just like any other IT solution. The reason is to comply with the policies of customers, where InfoSec team must have centralized logging for all systems and hence a holistic view of the security posture for the infrastructure.


An Example of this would be seeing logs concerning change of user privileges' and system settings (on the SIEM).


When I manually execute a wf on Gallery, I sometimes have a tinge of regret that I don't have email events set for the workflow. In most cases, it's just THIS time that I want to receive an alert and not every time. At any point while the workflow is executing, allow the option to request an email event to be sent out for this execution.


Currently, if we want to assign a worker node it has to be done at the workflow level.  It would be very helpful to be able to make a rule that auto-assigns the type of workflows to a specific node, so all apps go to one, all schedules go to another, etc.  


At the very least, if there was an API endpoint to update specific items on a workflow (such as node), this would work as well as we could then build a process that auto-assigns.




More of our customers (we are a premier partner) have Servers with multiple worker nodes.  If a custom macro is needed, currently it has to be added manually on each worker node. 


Would love to see a feature in the Admin portal that allows for the upload and distribution of custom macros to all or select workers. 


Our company prefers to setup active directory groups to manager our users and resources separately for better tracking of what a group has access to.  We setup global group roles with users as members and local groups with privileges to a resource and the role as a member. We would like to be able to use nested global groups in the User>groups and have it still setup the users once a nested group is setup. Attached his the priv group an role.  We were not able to login with the priv group, but could login once the role group was added.



When I publish a workflow, I want it to have different behaviour based on the collection from which it was executed or scheduled. Let us suppose that I create a DEV collection and a PROD collection. The workflow is shared in both. If the workflow is executed from DEV, then I will have some logic to do X (output to specific folders, etc). If from PROD, the logic will do Y. The logic will be up to me. If the collection information is captured in the MongoDB layer, then I can pull it out on the fly by joining the collections, appInfos, and AS_Queue or AS_schedules collections. Querying the DB on the fly during execution and pulling that value is trivial. Once I have it, I can use it for any sort of logic as an environment sensing variable. Can you please store the info in MongoDB?


Is there a way to check the version of the CASS data packs or other data packs on a server without logging into the server? It would be nice to have the option to check current data packs from the gallery within your profile. Today we can check the Client and Server version when logged in as a user. 

Thank you,



It would be a nice feature for users on the 'keys' tab in gallery to provide code examples in python (maybe pre-configured in python tool) or javascript (maybe pre-configured in js tool) or even offer download of @patrick_digan 's API macro with the key/secret already placed in the macro with the end game being able to not have users stumble through building a block of code that they know or don't know should work! 




I would like to see ability to limit the number of versions a user can save of a workflow. As a server environment ages we start to see the database become unnecessarily larger because the number of version of workflows. For servers related to DEV and QA environments as an Admin I would like to be able to say users can keep their 10-25 most recent versions of their workflows. Then anything over that will start to auto-delete just like the auto save feature in Designer. 


Alteryx saves log files in UTF-16 please change the format to UTF-8 as the logs can be streamed using applications like New Relic to track the performance as they only support UTF-8 format.