Alteryx Server Ideas

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I would like to see this option added to the interface of Designer rather than having a non-technical person edit XML to send usage statistics to Gallery/Server. 

I have my  component set to email me if it errors, which is great.  But then when it does bork, I get a 6M email that is impossible to scroll through on a mobile device.  Maybe give an option to only email the error line / tool identifier so you have a better idea of what happened, but don't get war and peace as told by info logging.  



I've created a few apps for our company's private gallery for users. These take a couple of minutes to process. Also, some of them have very long lists to choose from. If the user doesn't make all of the selections because they don't realize there are more questions at the bottom, the app fails--but, only after running through the long process time. It would be nice to have:


1) a pop up message that lets them know they haven't answered all the questions ("STOP! You've a few more questions at the bottom to answer before this app can run.")

2) a customizable pop up message once the app is ready to run. These users don't actually use Alteryx, and aren't necessarily tech savvy or patient. Something along the lines of "OK. Now, stand up, stretch, grab a cup of something warm and come back in a minute or two while your app is processing." would be very nice.


Smiley Happy


The idea is that we could grab a workflow that had been placed in the scheduler db and then if the workflow is lost as a file then it could be reclaimed from the scheduler db

It would be nice to connect multiple Databases from different servers, without configuration of Linked Servers


The workflow execution log file is locked while execution is in progress. Can we look at making the log file available in read only mode while execution is in progress. This will to triage any performance issues on run time and track the progress on run time, rather than waiting for completion of entire process.




Judging by the Community, it seems like the Alteryx business model is to crowdsource documentation. Do the same for a QA checklist. The 2019.4 release of Server shipped with some major regressions, notably:

DE21143 Workflow events no sending Email

DE22751 32-bit OCI connections not working in 2019.4 release


The QA team should publish the QA checklist and allow feedback from the community. The entire point of the community is to make the users and the product better. Let the users see which scenarios are tested and add ideas here for the QA team to utilize.


I have a chained app that is running on the gallery/server. When I run it, I see status changing from Processing to Running, but the window doesn't show a meaningful message as to which app is running. Is it possible to show that in the Browser window which reflects what stage is currently running in the Chained App? 


See snapshot of window below.


This would be super useful to monitor the progress of the chained app currently executing on the server. 


Please provide support for sharing a (gallery/Stored) Workflow Credential with a Group.  


Current capability appears only to support Users/Studios.




When scheduling in Gallery and creating a recurring daily schedule, if you a start time of 7AM @ any time after 7am you also have to click the date on a day, for the schedule start date, else the you will receive an error message.  Please click the date on automatically, after all if the time is after 7am you can't schedule a job to run at 7am today. 


When you want to re-run a chained app in Alteryx Server, give the option to run the first, second, etc app. Right now it only reruns the last app.