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Alteryx Server Ideas

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As the single user who upload workflow MYWorkspace ends up being very crowded.  I move them to collections to be able to share but on My workspace, I can not see which collection they are associated to. It would be nice if there was a column displayed that showed associated collections.   As well as being able to have some different types of category classification.  I would want something like a development stage: (In-progress, UAT level, deployed, retired) If they are retired a way to remove them off my general workspace area.



Hello all,

Right now, we can choose either MongoDb or Microsoft SQL Server as a backend. I would suggest to add Postgresql. Why ?

-it's open-source
-it's reliable
-it's free
-it works well on many environments
-it's popular
-it's already used as backend for Tableau or Qlik and many others
-it respects SQL norm and doesn't have a lot of specificity

Best regards,


After a job is run on Alteryx Server, Gallery lists Job Results with a Status column containing with one of 2 values:

  • Error (represented by a red exclamation point icon); and
  • Success (represented by a green checkmark icon).
    See attached screenshot for illustration.


If any WARNING messages are generated by the workflow, the operator/user is unaware unless they take the time to expand the message log details, then scroll through the long list of messages that typically appear in the log.


Because the Success Icon appears whether there are Warnings or not, the user must dutifully spend extra time scrolling through the list looking for Warnings even if there are none to be found.


My Idea: provide additional information under the Status column in one or more of these ways:

  1. add a 3rd status option with a yellow/orange icon that indicates if/when 1 or more warnings are present
    • This should be a quick/easy enhancement that would provide immediate value

  2. append one or more numbers after the Icon to indicate counts (see mock-up example)
    • There seems to be ample space for this type of info
    • This could be done at a later date as a subsequent enhancement

I think that the user would benefit from a filter where they could focus on errors, warnings, or other types of messages in the same spirit as the Designer interface, but I recognize that would be a lot of work and I am not asking for that now.



Currently the default 'Rows Per Page' is set to 10 when within various pages on the Gallery. 


As we add more and more Apps to our Gallery it would help to be able to increase the default so it is higher than 10.


This will help ensure users do not forget about or miss tools that are available to them which are hidden on other pages. Additionally, they will not need to remember what page to jump to if the App does not pull through to the first 10 rows, or prevent the need for them having to increase the number of 'Rows Per Page' themselves.


Please could all log file paths on Server have the option to change their location, including 




To enable all log files to be written to an alternative drive than the installation.


The benefit it to prevent excessive space usage on the C: drive


Support have advised there is no way to alter the path or limit these log files by number or size.


Many thanks.


in version 2019.3, with artisan role, I able to add workflow to collection in the workflow page.

I not sure for later version, but in version 2021.4, only curator can do so. 



If I uploaded a workflow, designer already give me a link to the workflow, hence if I can add the workflow to the collection.

it goes through 2 pages within 2mins (max). it is very fast for me. 


but now, I have to go back to the homepage > collection > add workflow > wait eternal time for server to get the list of workflow > select it > click add.

it extra 5~ steps. with min 10mins extra time. and if the number of workflows larger and larger, 

it has chance that it fails to load the list and have to wait another 10mins, and another and another endless 10mins.


so 2mins > endless 10mins? please add back this feature.


Alteryx DCM has been an incredibly useful addition that supports key security concerns from companies. Currently, only three external key vaults are supported:


  • Hashicorp Vault (KV secrets engine) - supported for Designer 22.3 and later.

  • CyberArk Conjur - supported for Designer 22.3 and later.

  • AWS Secrets Manager 


I propose that we also include Delinea Secret Server.


Thank you and hopefully we can start to add more to make this feature widely useable and support security compliance.


Hello! We just upgraded to 23.2, and I see in v3 an endpoint to start a job (v3/workflows/{id}/jobs) and then another to get that job's status (v3/jobs/{jobID}). Compared to v1, I think the outputs endpoint is missing (v1/jobs/{jobID}/output/{outputID}). I'd love for this to be added so we can upgrade from v1 to v3. 


The dcm admin apis look promising. I would love if they could add put endpoints for sharing/execution and sharing/collaboration for admins. There is already a delete command for those two endpoints


I want to let my artisans choose the collaboration option when sharing dcm sources. Currently they'd have to be promoted to curators to do this.


I remember when i started using Alteryx and the gallery i was able to display the results of a workflow run and then copy a value from the screen to complete checks on.


Now when i run a workflow and the .yxdb results and displayed ever if its one record i have to download a file and open it just to copy the value.


Can we not get the screen to allow highlight and control c of text as required?

  • Enhancement

Results page keeps defaulting back to 50.

I would like that each user for the gallery can default his own amount of records show on the gallery ui .


At the moment i go in a set it to 100 but as soon as the gallery completes a job it then defaults back to 50. i want to be able to go into settings and have a function that says default view and it remembers that every time i open the gallery.



It would be good to see when a workflow started running on the gallery when looking at Workflow Resuts. 
Currently it only tells you that the worklfow is running. Seeing when it started would be very helpful.

  • Enhancement

Currently the Gallery loads all of the workflows before displaying objects on screen.  As our collection has grown this makes the Gallery painfully slow to load.  It would be more efficient to load 10 workflows and get the rest with the next screen arrow.




  • Enhancement

I think it would be nice to have a user-defined name for events in the Workflow - Configuration - Events tab.  You can see in my image that the default view is not super helpful.  It would be nice to label the steps so a user can edit more easily.

It would also be nice to more easily disable or disable these items - a batch select to enable for instance.


The current Alteryx user interface is displayed in a vertical orientation without the option for customization. To optimize space efficiency, it would be highly advantageous if the filters could be arranged horizontally, as depicted in the attached figure.


Additionally, there is a usability issue with the options list for interface tools like the list box. Currently, all options are displayed without utilizing a dropdown, requiring users to scroll extensively when multiple tools with numerous options are present within a single analytic app. Implementing a dropdown functionality for improved navigation would significantly enhance the overall user experience.

  • Enhancement

Previously, Alteryx Gallery had a progress bar when the job is running. However, it has been removed in the newer version and the screen only appear blank when the job is running. This could lead to confusion in users as they might be wondering what is happening when the screen goes blank when it actually is running the job. Users might also attempt to click the run button repeatedly due to this.


Hence, I hope Alteryx could bring back the old UI that showed progress bar or anything similar when the job is running so users will aware of what is happening. 


Right now, there's no easy way to see everything that is running across all your workflows. It forces you to live on the "Schedules" tab. It would be create if it saved how I've sorted my columns and the "rows per page" setting. 


Basically I have to hit those buttons every time I click into the schedule. And I need to click into the schedule 4-5 times to see where we are in the backlog. 




  • Enhancement

On the Job page, in addition to seeing the worker tag that a job is running on, it would be great to see which server the job is running on to ensure the work is being spread out and look for bottle necks.  We have a group on servers broken down into Small , Medium and large with several servers in each group.  Looking at the current screen, you can not tell what server a job is running on within the group.  Example, 'Large' has 3 servers with 4 jobs running on it.  But you can not identify which server the job is running on.


I would like to be able to suspend scheduled jobs - those that are queued to run. 

The only option currently is just to delete them. 


I want to be able to 'put them on hold' then release them as and when is convenient.  Once you release them, they just go back in to the queue or run if there is a free scheduling slot.