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Alteryx Server Ideas

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As Alteryx Admin, we want to understand what our users are doing in their workflows as much as possible to ensure best user experience. In order to do this we would like to scan through User workflow XML in order to breakdown everything going on. We understand that their are many posts on workflows already doing a lot of this but:


Our Ask:  is to release XML DTD or similar documentation that can help us breakdown workflows at individual tool levels (as well as differences between tool versions)


This would allow us to further build out solutions to admin visibility of user workflows.

After a job is run on Alteryx Server, Gallery lists Job Results with a Status column containing with one of 2 values:

  • Error (represented by a red exclamation point icon); and
  • Success (represented by a green checkmark icon).
    See attached screenshot for illustration.


If any WARNING messages are generated by the workflow, the operator/user is unaware unless they take the time to expand the message log details, then scroll through the long list of messages that typically appear in the log.


Because the Success Icon appears whether there are Warnings or not, the user must dutifully spend extra time scrolling through the list looking for Warnings even if there are none to be found.


My Idea: provide additional information under the Status column in one or more of these ways:

  1. add a 3rd status option with a yellow/orange icon that indicates if/when 1 or more warnings are present
    • This should be a quick/easy enhancement that would provide immediate value

  2. append one or more numbers after the Icon to indicate counts (see mock-up example)
    • There seems to be ample space for this type of info
    • This could be done at a later date as a subsequent enhancement

I think that the user would benefit from a filter where they could focus on errors, warnings, or other types of messages in the same spirit as the Designer interface, but I recognize that would be a lot of work and I am not asking for that now.



The current Alteryx user interface is displayed in a vertical orientation without the option for customization. To optimize space efficiency, it would be highly advantageous if the filters could be arranged horizontally, as depicted in the attached figure.


Additionally, there is a usability issue with the options list for interface tools like the list box. Currently, all options are displayed without utilizing a dropdown, requiring users to scroll extensively when multiple tools with numerous options are present within a single analytic app. Implementing a dropdown functionality for improved navigation would significantly enhance the overall user experience.

  • Enhancement

Hello, Alteryx users,


My idea is simple but would make things way easier for the analytical app users on the Gallery.


Currently, the order is ascending and we can see all the files from all the applications we have run before.


It would help a million to see the most recent files first and only see the files related to this workflow.



Thank you,

Fernando Vizcaino


  • Enhancement

Currently, DCM credentials appear to only be used in combination with a DCM Data Source.  


For ease of use for my end users (non-Designers), I would like my end users to be able to save a user ID and password as a standalone DCM credential.  Then, I want the user to have the option to select that credential for use in two places:

  1.  Run-As - when running a workflow on demand, the user should be able to choose their saved DCM credential.
  2. Credential injection into Input Data or other relevant tools in Analytic Apps - I want to use the DCM Connection tool to build Analytic Apps that prompt my users to select their DCM Credential (NOT a full DCM Connection with data source - I don't want my users to have to set that up.)  When the user selects their Credential, their user ID and password should be securely encrypted and inserted into the existing connection set up by the App designer.


Having this functionality would remove administrative burden from both our Designers and the end users they support.

Currently when we need to disable/enable schedule on API,we need to update all the schedule info,could you provide only one attribute to disable.


Can we just update on parameter


"enabled": true, --> "enabled": false


current update example,we need update all


"workflowId": "string",
"ownerId": "string",
"iteration": {
"iterationType": "Once",
"startTime": "2022-09-06T08:01:52.717Z",
"endTime": "2022-09-06T08:01:52.717Z",
"hourlyContract": {
"hours": 0,
"minutes": 0
"dailyContract": {
"runOnlyWorkWeek": true
"weeklyContract": {
"daysOfWeek": [
"monthlyContract": {
"simpleDayOfMonth": true,
"dayOfMonth": 0,
"occurrence": 0,
"dayOfWeek": "Sunday"
"customContract": {
"daysOfMonth": [
"months": [
"name": "string",
"comment": "string",
"priority": "Default",
"workerTag": "string",
"enabled": true,
"credentialId": "string"

Hi all,


I've found, i guess, a bug on the Gallery. It's not really an issue as we've found a workaround for it. 

Whenever you're in need to delete a workflow that is owned by your co-worker, the Gallery doesn't let you instantly delete it (yes, we're in the same private studio) (screenshot 1).

To work around this issue, you just have to replace the specific workflow by a random workflow you own (basically i just upload a workflow with a browse tool in it, screenshot 2). 

When replaced, you get the god power to delete the workflow and thus also deleting the workflow of your co-worker. 

It would be convenient if i could just delete the workflow without this workaround tough :-)!.


Screenshot 1 - Not being able to delete a workflow owned by a co-worker.




Screenshot 2 - After replacing the workflow by a random workflow....





  • Enhancement

Today the v3 api requires curator access.  V3 has Getters that should work for users with API permission.  The Getter should return the objects that user has access to.   Example:   GetCredentials for a normal user with API access should return credentials that the user has access to.  Today they get a 401 auth error.


We don't want to make these users curators just to let them access the V3 api.

  • Enhancement

On Server Version 2019.4 I was able to use a SQL query as an external data source for my analytic app options for a drop down menu, tree, list, etc. When we upgraded to 2022.4, this capability was lost and according to the article below a chain analytic app is the best, but unnecessarily complex work around.

Tool Mastery | Drop Down Tool - Alteryx Community liste déroulante dropdown

  • Enhancement

Currently when administrating the Alteryx Server, within the 'users' page, I can see that new users will be setup as 'default'. 



This will display as 'default', which can be confusing, as I need to navigate to the configuration page to remind myself what the default role is. Additionally, they may be part of a group, either in AD or within the server, that upgrades their default rank, for instance if they are part of a group set to be curators. They will still always display as 'default'.


I would like to suggest the following:


This would allow me to see much more clearly who is set as what rank on the Server, but also which users are set to different ranks as part of an AD group.

My question is, is there a way to see after a job is executed how much memory it consumed in total? Today we have monitoring set at server level that records memory consumption over time but it doesn’t tell which job caused the spike unless we manually go and check list of jobs executed around that time frame. Even with that we cannot know for sure which job is causing the spike.  


Today there is no realtime inbuilt job monitoring tool that can answer questions like above. 

I think for business purposes it would be great to be able to update the apply for an exemption page that displays when you have a flow that is blocked in safe mode so you could provide accurate documentation to your users about their companies go through an approval process and allowing you to link out to external sites like JIRA to submit a ticket

The full question tree is not visible within the JSON object returned when requesting the 'Questions' in the .yxwz file on the Alteryx Server. There are nested questions that are visible but there is no indication that they are nested, missing label groups, tabs and no indication whether a question should be shown or hidden. This is limiting.


A full question tree in the JSON would allow for dynamic interpretation of the 'Questions' in the .yxwz file as structured through the Interface Designer.




  • Enhancement

I manage a server with 200 + Artisans. Some of them tend to abuse the Scheduler by having workflows running every hour or every x hours. This can penalize other users creating big queues thought the day. Currently I monitor the queue and schedule often and then contact these individuals to better accommodate their needs.


Having the possibility to disable hourly workflows, or enable to only specific users, would help a lot to deter the abusers.




Mauricio Estevez

It should be possible to trigger the same workflow in different ways from Alteryx Gallery: 

- Workflow chaining: 

      -  Workflow B runs after the successful execution of Workflow A

      -  Workflow B runs after the failure of Workflow A

 - Schedule: Workflow B runs on multiple schedules

- API call (even when it is not an analytical app) 


For example (considering the same workflow): 

- Audit workflow runs every day

- Audit workflow runs every hour during the last day of the month

- Audit workflow runs if triggered by financial close on 3rd party tool 

- Audit workflow runs after the execution of the financial workflow






It would be very useful if Alteryx would allow users to create folders under their Private Gallery. My private gallery is now 3+ pages long & it would be super helpful to be able to organize the workflows into different folders (Archive/Retail/Linear/Fin/etc), allowing for easier housekeeping & tracking. I realize their is collections but I'm not trying to share anything here, just organize my content for easier viewing.


Thank you!

1.JPG   1.JPG  1.JPG

When a render tool is run on Designer pointed to a temporary file the log gives you a clickable link to access the output.  When deployed to the Gallery unless you have given it a specific output destination with %temp% in the filename you get... nothing.  


What did I expect?  The pdf or other temp file to render on the screen or at least download for me.  Or give me a dropdown selection of the various files render could create for me.



Currently, we have the functionality to set a recurring schedule with daily frequency with an option to 'Run only during work week (Mon-Fri)' I would like to add this 'Run only during work week (Mon-Fri)' option to the Hourly frequency interface. 




No current option to run on weekdays only:



In Alteryx Gallery admin, please add a confirmation before applying a change to the default user roles.  Since it can be changed so easily and isn't very clear to what happens when new admins make a change to that drop down.  For example:  They do not realize they changed all the default users to curators!  But they do learn quickly.



John Colgan



With a majority of our Alteryx users working via VPN, our Firewall systems are detecting a brute force attack if a user tries to open another Alteryx tab within 60 seconds.  We would like to request to reduce the amount of authentications attempts on the Alteryx Gallery site when launched, so there isn't 100+ 401 unauthorized errors to trigger the Firewall system to disconnect the session.

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