Alteryx Server Ideas

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Specify Order of Output in Gallery App Results

When posting an app to the Gallery, if the app has, say, one PCXML output for the user to see, and one Excel file for the user to download, it would be helpful for to be able to specify which shows first to the user.  For example, I have a PCXML that gives the user summary tables, and instructions on how to go to the drop down above and select the second report, click on the Excel icon, and download it.  But if the Excel report shows up first, then there is no ability to give them instructions and many simply won't be savy enough to go find the PCXML in the drop down.

6 - Meteoroid

Can we please reopen this? It would be great to order the files without having to put numbers at the start of the file names.Thanks!

5 - Atom

I would also like to bump this post. For me I have 2 outputs, one pcxml which i want to use as a summary of the output, and then an excel file which be selected and downloaded if required. Currently in the gallery the excel file is always being the output displayed, rather than the preview-able pcxml.

7 - Meteor

Hi @jabaldwin,


As previously suggested, quick&dirty solution is to prefix for outputs with numbers, Alteryx will order the list of outputs by name. In your case, prefix the preview  pcxml format with "1_" and the Excel file with "2_". Alteryx will display them in the order required.




5 - Atom

Thanks @AntonioKeyrus, that does work for me, although the ability to manually choose the output order would be great so we don't have to have the prefix in the filename.

5 - Atom

Hi - Is this feature now available, or still being reviewed?


Thank you,
