Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

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Hi @LeahK


To really power the cleanup - what would be tremendously helpful is data on unsolved problems.

I think that this could take 2 forms:

a) a table format (like @JoeM does for the weekly exercises) - this would be fairly trivial to auto-generate this from the underlying data rather than hand-crafting - and can include links directly to the unsolved item

b) a grouped data structure, where we could see a few things:

      - Unsolved items by requestor (that allows us to group and target the biggest populations first)

      - some indicator of whether this requestor is still active in logging into the community (no point in chasing someone that hasn't logged in since 2013)

      - Links directly to the thread item

      - Last post date on the thread (no point in chasing someone to mark this as solved if it just happened 2 days ago)


That would enable us to go through the full population and more effectively work on getting the remaining items marked as solved or closed - and it would also allow us to track our progress as a metric of success day-by-day!


:-) I feel a data-driven-cleanup-project coming on - with as-of snapshots; trend graphs etc.   Very exciting stuff!


Hi there,


The login to the community goes through the Gallery - which is a problem for folks in locked-down corporate environments (in our firm, the URL is locked down so that there can be no leakage of intellectual property) - as a result, none of us can log into the community site ( and sign in as ourselves from work.


Would it be possible to replicate the login URL so that if I'm logging in from the Community it punches me through to instead of   You could use the same authentication and the same credentials in the background, but at least then we'd be able to log into the community from the office and contribute to questions and discussions?


Thank you


  • General Suggestion

Other online communities I particiate in (mainly for home automation or iOS programming) use a signature tag or header with your current hardware and/or software specs.  It makes getting questions asked and answered much easier when you know what the limitations are or that someone is working with an unusual setup.


For the Alteryx community that would probably be at least putting the user's current version number in their posting signature.

We would have to make sure that the post is preserved with the version number that was in use at the time of posting.


This would probably help users who are on an older version know that they may not be able to use an answer that they find until they upgrade.  And likewise it would help a user know when they are looking at outdated information.


Hardware specs would be nice to know too; although for most of what Alteryx does it is irrelevant (in my experience).

Post authors can mark zero, one or many solutions as answers to a post.  I'd like to see more solution alternatives posted in Community.  There are always many ways to solve a given challenge.  While giving stars is an option available to all, perhaps once a certain "level" is achieved you can also mark replies as accepted solutions.


Thanks for your consideration,


Hi all,


@Joe_Makopointed out to me yesterday by a PM that the export & package tool for Alteryx has a known defect, where the nested macros (a macro inside a macro) don't export properly.


That set me thinking - what's the best way for the community to log defects, and I'm wondering if there's a place for a section on this forum for defect reports?   That would also make it easier for the Alteryx team to parse out defects (which folk like @Ned care very deeply about) from other types of posting.


This would have to be heavily curated though - in my experience, a large number of defects raised for systems I've managed over the years have not been defects, but actually users not understanding the tools - however these did give us very valuable insight into usability; training; etc.


So -  if we had a "Potential defects" section, and if the more senior members of the community had the ability to curate along with alterxy, we should be able to do something good here:

Curate actions needed:

- move some to "Ideas" if they are new functionality

- move some to one of the discussions thread if they are actually a usage question

- Escalate some to the technical leads at Alteryx

- the alteryx team could workflow them in the same way as the ideas but with an additional step of "replicatable example pending from user"


Let me know what you think?




  • General Suggestion

Hi there,


In the community we have the concept of user ranks ( @JulieH published the launch notes her: ), and we also have the idea of community roles (e.g. Alteryx Partner; Chief Technology Officer; etc)


Could we separate these out into two different fields?   reason for asking is that folk like @MarqueeCrew and @jdunkerley79 have worked hard for their Magnetar rank, but because Mark is also a partner this is now hidden (because it's overridden with his partner status).    It would be good to see the entire community ranked with the user ranking system, irrespective of role - and then the role provides different privileges and permissions and may be a tuple (e.g. Mark could be an "Alteryx Partner" as well as "Alteryx Ace" as well as "Alteryx Community Super" - James could be "ACE"; "Lead formula innovator" and "Alteryx Community Super")



  • General Suggestion

@TreyW I'm loving all of the community updates! 1 thing I do miss is the ability to sort my community subscription emails based on looking for certain key phrases. Specifically, I like to know when someone is posting a comment/reply on an ideas board. My email updates from the ideas board used to include the word idea in the body of the email like so:



Now with the updates to the various boards, it looks like the word "ideas" was dropped from my notification emails, so now I can't tell that it was an ideas post:


It would be great if "idea" could be added back to email updates!




  • General Suggestion

Currently, there is no consolidated group for Alteryx For Good where individuals can join as members or post a blog or recent visit post. (I understand co-lab is there but it is very different from the ask)


The suggestion is to create a separate tab under - Alter Nation tab of the community portal similar to Women of Analytics.


This will help all the AFG enthusiasts to stay updated about the news and events happening across the world and also take some learnings from each other's visits and implement it in their respective regions.


This will also generate more excitement about Alteryx For Good and eventually trigger more Good to the community!!!

I like that we can now connect our linkedin and other accounts to our profile: I would like to also connect my twitter account. 






Hello Alteryx Team,


I know that there is an option to add the badge to LinkedIn but nowadays there are a lot of companies that are usign more and more the Credly platform to check your certifications.


The idea, is that the Alteryx certification badgeds will be added to your Credly Acclaim profile. I think it's not good that there is another company offering this badgeds in this platform, should be the Alteryx Community.

  • General Suggestion

Can the categories for the Gallery be sorted alphabetical and always keep that order ?

Same for the results (add the ability to sort)

  • General Suggestion

It should be possible to 'like' a reply to an idea posted on the community.


Many times users post workarounds, hints, or maybe even full solutions to people's ideas and the ability for the original poster and other community members to like these would be valuable to show appreciation.


Furthermore, I think it would be great to have the ability to mark idea replies as a solution and/or a workaround. I see this is already an idea, so will up-vote @Claje's post here:


For instance, take this example here, where I hope I've posted a good workaround for @MuralidharAreti :

Are there plans to have a learning path for the advanced certification? The core certification learning path was really helpful and it will be great to have an equivalent for the advanced certification.


We don't have any place to post idea about the cloud products. Since it's clearly new products, isn't it relevant to ask your users about what they need?

Best regards,


Hi there,


On several of the challenges, we are limited from attaching exported solutions (it only allows workflow files).    Additionally - it would be helpful to be able to attach flows & data files to PMs and to replies on ideas to avoid having to use drop-box etc.


could we change the settings on these discussion threads and on the PM area to allow this?


many thanks


  • General Suggestion

Hi all!

This idea stems from my team's need to have Alteryx materials on hand. We have a repository internally built to store all Alteryx related presentations and materials, but it would be great to have it available to Community members if it comes directly from Alteryx.


For example:

  1. Presentation slide templates with high production value curated by Alteryx can be shared to Alteryx teams to showcase results, workflows, value engineering, and so much more! It should also cover common topics like how Alteryx and IT Security go along, the requirements to run Alteryx, what is needed to use Alteryx etc. This helps teams get passed the hurdle of actually introducing Alteryx to their companies too. 
  2. It will also be good to have slides or PDFs that explain roadmaps, best practices, and a sample doc which all teams can use as a base for their governance or just for references. 
  3. Alteryx image assets (as long as it used strictly for Alteryx purposes / demo and not outside commercial purposes) will be great too! Adds flair to what we do in our documentation. This discussion is pertinent! 

Screenshot 2023-07-04 085658.png


  • General Suggestion

Is there any way to add filter/sort functionality on the events page when they are shown as a list? It looks like the default is to show events in chronological order, but maybe someone wants to see only events in Kansas or only events that are user group meetings.

When I receive an email notification that one of my Community posts got a like, the subject line needs to be more clear. Currently, this is what it says:





This is not very helpful. Instead of this mysterious "Subject $ '{'notification.message.subject}" line, the subject/link should be the title of the post that got the like. If I replied to a post and that response got the like, the title of the post I’m replying to would still be appropriate for the subject.

  • General Suggestion

It would be great to see an email with the Top Idea Submissions at the End of the Year sent out to everyone who is registered on the Community to encourage participation going into the next year. 



What feature do You most want added to Alteryx? Vote before January 14th.


We have added over X number of features in 2018 and are looking for your input for 2019 features (see below for some of the top ideas currently on the community):


1. Programmatic Detour

2. Between Operator Function

3. Containers should move other tools when Expanding Collapsing

4. Append YXDBs

5. SQL syntax highlighting


  • General Suggestion

Sometimes, Ideas are posted by users that have solutions or workarounds that meet the user's need.  When others in the Community respond with these suggestions, the ideas usually end up in a status of "Not Planned".

I think it would be really helpful to be able to mark these as "solved".  An example of this is the following post:


Here, the user posted a suggestion, and I as well as @mcarrico were able to provide suggestions that met this need.  I think marking this post as Solved could help other users who have the same thought in the future.

I also think that this might be an opportunity for an additional tag for Community ideas, either "workaround available" or "already implemented".  "Not Planned" doesn't necessarily read as well as it could in cases where a solution exists.