Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

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Video Documentation

More vlogs on the usage of all Alteryx tools will be awesome. Some tools do not have example of its usage so more documentations most especially video documentations (vlog)  will be helpful

  • Content

I am attempting to re-take the Alteryx Designer Core Exam again this morning - yes I attempted last Saturday as I am very determined to achieve Certification!  Could we please have the Time Zone added to the notification?  Hopefully the image I posted below comes thru ok.  I am on ET time and its 10:27am ET 04-18-2020 but the exam time zone must be a different one !



Thanking you !!  I will wait until my Exam becomes available for me again !



Can we have a guide on how to utilize community macros? Under My Settings>Macros there are a lot of slots for different macros, but no explanation of what they are, how to use them, or even when they should (and should not) be used.

Can we have the ability to search or organize our bookmarks? With so much great content, it's hard to keep similar bookmarks together. Some communities allow you to save articles under different collections, but at the very least, I think it would be useful to search through things you have already bookmarked (eg."Now, where did I read that?).


We currently have ideas boards for Designer; promote; Connect and server; along with this Community ideas board.





Could we please add an ideas board for the SDK; which would be the place to log ideas for:

- SDK for formulae (I'm looking at you @jdunkerley79 ) 

- SDK for using the API in various APIs across the product stack

- SDK for building custom plugins (HTML; C++; Python)


That would also align well with the fact that there's already a discussion board for the SDK


Are there plans to have a learning path for the advanced certification? The core certification learning path was really helpful and it will be great to have an equivalent for the advanced certification.

It seems that there are 4 ways that the community can help to increase traffic to the BETA program, which is a key priority for the dev team:


a) Add a beta section to the community; at the top level of navigation - preferably with some kind of a highlight so that people's eyes are drawn to it when there is new content

b) Reward people for participating in the BETA; adding suggestions; and logging defects in the BETA - with badges and highlights in the community news

c) Advertise the beta.   We can tell people about it with splashes on the front page; notes in the community news etc

d) Outreach to members of the community who are posting issues etc.


This would be a way to make use of the power of the community to make each BETA better.


cc: @TreyW 

  • Content

The weekly challenges provide such a rich resource for strengthening your Alteryx abilities but for new uses a lot of time is spent merely collecting the older challenges to work on them.  I would suggest creating a page with all of the start files, and a page with all of the solution files so that all of the challenges can be downloaded from a single location.  This would also provide an opportunity for a new weekly challenge to build a workflow that downloads challenges within a specified range, create windows folders for each week, and cleanse the pesky underscores from the front and end of many of the files.

  • Content

With the growing popularity of Alteryx challenges, the new topics gets lots of "noise" as challenge posts are made.  Could we either filter these messages to their own tab (for those interested in the real-time updates of challenge solution posts) or just remove them from notifications?  When you're logged-in to the community, you get lots of these messages.






Hi all,


I love the (somewhat) new look of the community.  It's much more helpful to find what you're looking for through search and the menu buttons on the left.  One small enhancement I would request is a better fitting of the menu icons along the left side of the page.  It might be my smaller screen size (Lenova Yoga 920) but not all of the menu items fit to my screen.  So I have to use the mouse wheel to scroll to see all of the buttons (the Alteryx Resources button!).  And the situation gets worse when you hover over the menu to scroll as it adds a box displaying the URL of the page (see screenshot below), which further hides the Alteryx Resources menu item (I actually didn't even realize it existed for a few months).  Also, once I do scroll to the bottom to see the Alteryx Resources menu, the submenu suffers from the same cutoff problem as well (second screenshot attached).


If this is an easy fix, it would be much appreciated!


Menu button for Alteryx Resources hiddenMenu button for Alteryx Resources hiddenSubmenu for Alteryx Resources hiddenSubmenu for Alteryx Resources hidden




John Miller



Congratulations!  You've ______________ 5 times this week.  Some new gamification ideas to reward continuous involvement in the community.





Currently, there is no consolidated group for Alteryx For Good where individuals can join as members or post a blog or recent visit post. (I understand co-lab is there but it is very different from the ask)


The suggestion is to create a separate tab under - Alter Nation tab of the community portal similar to Women of Analytics.


This will help all the AFG enthusiasts to stay updated about the news and events happening across the world and also take some learnings from each other's visits and implement it in their respective regions.


This will also generate more excitement about Alteryx For Good and eventually trigger more Good to the community!!!



How about having a page dedicated to the Grand Prix?  It could include a virtual trophy and bios of the winners (even the participants).  It might also be interesting to have links to the actual problems that they had to solve and potentially even have the data too for download.  Videos of the winning experiences would be a bonus.




So we have specific divisions on the community;


  • Designer


  • Server


  • Connect


  • Promote


but nothing for Datasets!


Actually Connect and Promote are "additional capabilities" to Server as you can see at the pricing pages;


So are the datasets so I would suggest a Dataset division on the left hand side...

  • This will enable us to ask specific questions about the ever evolving and quarterly updated datasets...
  • Plus we will be (at least me) able to provide new ideas and sources of datasets...

Can't find inspire 2016 and 2017 videos web pages on Alteryx web site are they removed?

  • Content

I think the New Posts feed could be improved by filtering the Challenge question answers out of it. They push out people's actual new comments and questions.

While this is probably a stretch, I think many of the developers would love to see the option to use Markdown when authoring their posts and/or blogs.


I've seen a few posts in the past couple days, mostly from new Community users, who are finding old posts from 2015 and 2016 and replying to them with "tweaked" versions of the problems solved in these posts.  This is tough for a few reasons:

1) The people on that thread may not frequent the community today, so the question might not get visibility

2) The new poster can't mark any suggestions as a solution

3) This causes notifications to active users from old threads, which may not be appropriate if their issue was already solved.


I think if there was a date after which threads were locked that would help.  To enable ease of use for new users, I think adding a new button "Create Related Thread" to these posts would help new users to post their question quickly.

Clicking this button might inherit the Tags that the old question had, and write the header for the user, and maybe include a link to the old thread for context?

I think this would help a lot with the experience of new users on the Community, and would also give more visibility to these kinds of "modified" requests.


I got a subscription update today for the SANTALYTICS Weekly Challenge, and noticed that the person who responded used spoiler tags, and that the spoiler'ed information was immediately visible in email.

 if I needed any more reasons to love the Summarize tool... of course it has an option to combine images!





At the very least, I think these spoilers should be hidden in the Weekly Challenge thread, but I think hiding spoilers altogether in the emails would be helpful since currently you don't have the option to not "spoil" yourself.

The Alteryx community serves many people across many continents.  When a user posts a comment or wants to read a post, there should be an option to "Translate" the post to their preferred language.


