Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

Lock down threads after a certain amount of time, and allow "Linked Thread" creation


I've seen a few posts in the past couple days, mostly from new Community users, who are finding old posts from 2015 and 2016 and replying to them with "tweaked" versions of the problems solved in these posts.  This is tough for a few reasons:

1) The people on that thread may not frequent the community today, so the question might not get visibility

2) The new poster can't mark any suggestions as a solution

3) This causes notifications to active users from old threads, which may not be appropriate if their issue was already solved.


I think if there was a date after which threads were locked that would help.  To enable ease of use for new users, I think adding a new button "Create Related Thread" to these posts would help new users to post their question quickly.

Clicking this button might inherit the Tags that the old question had, and write the header for the user, and maybe include a link to the old thread for context?

I think this would help a lot with the experience of new users on the Community, and would also give more visibility to these kinds of "modified" requests.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Under Review



Thank you for the great idea! We are looking into sunsetting posts so that users cannot reply and are forced to start a new conversation. We haven't determined yet about timing of when to sunset, but will hopefully begin this process soon. We will consider your suggestions as we move through the process.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Partner Dependent

We absolutely love this idea, and it's the kind of functionality that would be a big quality of life improvement for everyone. Something like this would be heavily dependent on the community platform itself, so I'm updating this to be Partner Dependent