Alteryx Server Ideas

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I think it would be good to arranged the Workflow results into tabbed pages by completion status, e.g. a tab for failures, warnings, success, all.  We run about 200 jobs in the morning and have to page through all the workflow results to find failures.  


Also would be useful to search workflow results by completion status, e.g. find all workflows that have failed.

I know that the documentation shows that you can setup a worker to a specific QoS so that it will only pick up work for a particular workflow or app, but there could be a greater use for it.


For example if the Admin could control what QoS means for each definition.


I.E. Application, vs a workflow that runs over an hour, vs in-database tools. Then it will allow the admins to self guide where the work is going.


Right now there is only three levels


  • Normal workflow execution: QOS = 0
  • Chained application execution: QOS = 4 (all apps in the chain aside from the last)
  • Workflow validation requests: QOS = 6

This was great for Alteryx public, but for private Galleries we need to distribute the work better than FIFO.

Currently , once a user have SetPriority access ,he can select from Low, Medium, High or Critical priority levels to ensure certain jobs always take priority over others.  


This feature can be misused as users can upgrade their priority levels to jump up the queue and later downgrade the levels. It's difficult to justify and ask each others when you have 1000+ jobs running in a day and it makes administration tough and gives unbiased Gallery to all end users.


It would be nice to have on Admin console, global option to set max priority level so that no user can jump up level beyond this.



As Alteryx Admin, we want to understand what our users are doing in their workflows as much as possible to ensure best user experience. In order to do this we would like to scan through User workflow XML in order to breakdown everything going on. We understand that their are many posts on workflows already doing a lot of this but:


Our Ask:  is to release XML DTD or similar documentation that can help us breakdown workflows at individual tool levels (as well as differences between tool versions)


This would allow us to further build out solutions to admin visibility of user workflows.

In prior projects (before the gallery started acting more like a management console (still would like to see a few more features there too ;) ) , we were able to automate the deployment of the workflows. But there's no good way to automate the deployment of the schedules.


The best I've heard is doing a complete dump of the mongo instance on the lower environment and moving that file and ultimately restoring that to the prod environment (messy).


Even using the Gallery, there will still need to be an admin who goes through the process of setting up schedules to deployed apps. 


There should be a REST call to export and import schedules of apps from one environment to the next within the gallery. 




I would like the ability to add Groups to a collection as well as individual users. This would make things a lot easier for situations where large sets of users needed to be added to a collection at once, or removed at once.

Within the Mongo database on the Alteryx Server, when using WinAuth,  if you use AD Groups for Permssioning, there is no direct way within the Mongo database to go from the AD Group to the User table.  This is important if you need to report on who, base upon their AD group membership with their associated role is a user.  Example.  AD Group 'Example-AD -Group'  is assigned Permission Curator.  The AD Group contains user 'Jay Smith'.  'Jay Smith'  is on the user Collection.  activeDirectoryPermssions Collection  contains the Ad Groups and permissions.  But,  in order to connect the two collections,  you will need to go externally to define the AD Group memebership to join these two collections together.


*This is an idea from @riverotoledo_21 from the Portuguese Community*


  • How to bring user’s variables/information that we want to use within the workflow that will be published in the Analytic App in the Gallery (For example, I believe that all “non-sensitive” information from MongoDB related to the Gallery actual session should become variables)

We are looking for the ability to use Alteryx as PaaS in the Azure cloud similar to how Databricks is working on Azure. So servers spin up when demand shows up and then they spin down.  Where we are not on the hook for server patching etc., but instead, we lease processing power/time from Alteryx in the cloud on an as needed basis. The licensing model will also need to be a scalable to support this type of usage.

It seems from my own experiences and other community posts (e.g. that when scheduling a workflow in the gallery, the gallery will run whatever version was most recently uploaded, regardless of which one has been labeled as "Published". Since naturally the intent is for the Published workflow to be the only version running, it would be nice (adnd would me much more logical and intuitive) for the scheduler to run that version.

 Java Version upgrade requires LLS settings to be changed manually and LLS service to be restarted. 


Product should be capable of using the newly installed configuration and not require manual Config change and service restart. 


so every time there is a java version upgrade,  users have to be notified of the downtime  (even though they could move into 7 day grace period) and then the flexnetls.settings file should be updated with Java home path.  


@Kosi @SeanAdams 

Password entered during installation is changed to LLS default password after the following sequence of events.

LLS Service start -> Settings update -> Service restart (to let the settings change take effect). 


Avoiding this behavior will save server admin's time in changing password every time setting is changed. 

@Kosi @SeanAdams @ydmuley @RajK @LizaNemchynova @Arianna_Fuller @MPistone 

In Gallery 10, List Boxes (that are within a Radio Button) have their contents sorted horizontally.  Previously (Gallery 9.5) the contents of List Boxes was sorted vertically.  This new orientation makes it very difficult to find specific items within the list.  The problem is particularly severe for long lists, when it becomes common for the check box and associated text to become separated on two different lines.

Currently if there is a password change, I have to download my workflows, update the password in the Tableau connector, and reupload the files. 


This would enable groups with a single sign on to ensure scheduled workflows are not interrupted. 


Currently a workflow sends notifications when is configured to do so (by adding an event in Designer).


I think that there should be an option to add a notification event for a schedule. It makes more sense because:

- I don't need notifications when I run a workflow by myself. I need it for schedules

- Turning on/off a notification is technically a development - it should be a configuration.




It would be great if each user could persist their gallery UI sorting/view changes and leave them as default. When I log in I nearly always immediately switch to list view and sort by most recent modified. This means everytime I access a set of workflows there are at least 3 click actions before I can even start working.

Hello Alteryx Team,


we would like to customize SAML login with additional claims (departement)?


We want to grant authentication based on claims we are using in addition of firstname, lastname, email. 


So we need custom code as well, is this possible to integrate or merge with alteryx code ?


simple example would be:

we add city to the claims and on user with from city "New York" will be accepted all others will get access denied page.


Best regards,



My company is using SSO which prevents us from publishing datasets to Tableau or Wave/Einstein Analytics. Is there a workaround for SSO? 


The Inputs to an Alteryx App look very clunky and are not formatted well on the Gallery.  The App Inputs look fairly decent when executed from Designer, but the Gallery input tabs looks like a work-in-progress that never got out of beta.  We desperately need some way to make the app input tabs aesthetically pleasing and functional.  An "artisan" does not like to create a masterpiece app that has a Model-T front end.  

Gallery Scheduler can schedule the workflows recurring,custom and once.


Idea 1 : Incase the scheduled run fails it would be good to have an retry option incase the source file path has network latency or network glitch.


Idea 2 : It would also be good if the scheduler checks if the latest feed or file is present in the source file path and have an option to kick off to run job the moment the latest file is present.


Idea 3 : For workflow to run on start and end of the working day month date we currently do not have an option in scheduler. we have an option to choose the first day and last day but the first and last working days in a month.


Idea 4 : When we choose the replace workflow option that changes the version of the workflow on gallery the schedule automatically is disabled. We will have to manually enable the schedule and also re-enter the credentials which is difficult if we keep updating our workflows every time with new changes as per business needs. request to have the schedule option enabled incase the replace workflow is done and also not to erase the workflow credentials.