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Right now, there's no easy way to see everything that is running across all your workflows. It forces you to live on the "Schedules" tab. It would be create if it saved how I've sorted my columns and the "rows per page" setting. 


Basically I have to hit those buttons every time I click into the schedule. And I need to click into the schedule 4-5 times to see where we are in the backlog. 





In one fell swoop, you can see if all the workflows included in the collection have run smoothly.



I did it with a workflow but it should be native.


When using a flow that produces multiple outputs each has to be selected in turn and downloaded, which is no effecient.


It would be a better user experience if standard selection box functionality where the user can select one or multiple files they wish to download, including a box to select all and where more than a singular file is chosen they are provided as a singular zipped download.


Hi Team,


We used the 2021.3 version earlier, which included a user interface feature allowing for search by owner and a
few other filters. However, upon upgrading the server to the 2022.1 version, we discovered that this option was no longer present on the UI page. Moving forward, it is imperative that this functionality be reintroduced in future releases of Alteryx for better user experience.





Ariharan Rengasamy



when using the blob input for excel, server will output the input file in the output preview section.


please add an option to exclude it from output or remove this function.



Screenshot 2023-07-20 161117.png


run log

Screenshot 2023-07-20 161508.png



only 1 tool in the workflow. blob input tool.

Screenshot 2023-07-20 161234.png


server version: 2021.4


The main user profile icon has centralised text. However, for Owner icons under collections the text is top align and does not look as clean. It would be nice if these were consistent and centralised.




The help icon contains hardcoded links to information standard users do not need to be aware of and so it would be preferable if admins can select items that could be hidden. In our use case, the only one I would like to keep active is Community.


With 2023 release of server you now have two tabs Home & Admin, which is nice for Admins, but unless there are plans to add additional tabs for standard users showing the Home tab button is pointless. This is exacerbated but the fact that you cannot change the selection colour of dark blue, which doesn't work well with darker backgrounds, reducing the usefulness of theme settings.


It would be a better user experience if for standard users the Home tab button was hidden.


In a Designer App, browse to zip file and info is returned, doesn't work on Server


When running an analytical app in designer desktop, the user has the ability to choose the location they want the output saved.  However, when you move that same app to the gallery, they no longer have that option.  They have to download the file and move it to the intended location.  Being able to specify the location would save the end user time.  I also have an app that uses a formula tool to save the output to the same location as the input, but moving to gallery does not allow the user to do this.


Currently there is no way to clear historic notifications, it would be good to add this functionality.


Linked to this is system messages do not work as expected, as system message should either be present or not. However, when cleared it persists in the notifications and the clearage also shows as a blank entry, which is a poor user experience.


Having the ability to clear notifications would help with this, but ideally system messages should be separate from the notifications, as in whilst it is active it should appear as a banner in the UI as per the documentation and not be clearable by the user and when it is not in place, i.e. the event has occurred, it should not be present, there is no need to refer back to this system message.


Currently any pages or links that you create are displayed as uppercase, which is a poor user experience.


The Gallery (previous to 2022.1) Districts used to be viewed as a grid.  The districts would be listed across the page.  Now the Gallery Districts are in List format.  All down the page in one column and you have to scroll.  Before all our districts fit nicely on one page.  Is it possible to have an option to view by List or by Grid?


Currently we can create static pages on the gallery from the Admin view using the Pages tab. I haven't been able to add in custom HTML code and would like to have such a page dynamically updated from the output of an Alteryx workflow Render tool (or similar). Ideally it would allow as much functionality as possible so that arbitrary HTML features could be implemented. Partly suggested by a prior idea:


The page title never changes from Gallery when navigating through it. This is quite frustrating if you are trying to go back to a specific page or searching for something on the browse history.




Experts - 


I think the user experience in the "Workflow Results" area could be vastly improved with a simple tweak: rather than having 1 record per job we could have 1 record per workflow, with the ability to then expand each workflow to see all associated jobs, and then expand each job to see all the associated messages.  


Even better: add the ability to toggle sorting by job or workflow!


Most of the time I need to find a particular job (and we may run each workflow a lot during testing) so seeing a long list of workflows with the same name is sort of clunky, and then having to go page by page looking for the job in question makes it even clunkier.  


Thanks for the consideration!


Perhaps a change in Designer too, but I want the output on the server and for workflows stored on the server.


There is an existing "tool" Auto Documentation to load a locally stored Alteryx flow and to provide a pdf file with an overview of the workflow, the used tools and their configuration.  Example: input file is sales.xlsx, filter on month: January, sum of sales amount.


I would love a functionality that would output this together with the other output on the server for the flow that ran.  This can then be used as a sort of proof in case of an audit on how we got to the numbers of the output.


2021.4 Server comes with a ton of new great features. 

The one that shouldn't be implemented is moving away from Alteryx initial intentions of being a place of data artisans, and turning the Gallery into a Spreadsheet.


A homepage should feel like home. It should have the flexibility to customize it for each Organization to move workflows, pictures, and notes around to guide the user to the application they need to run their workflow. 

Most people using the HomePage Gallery aren't major developers, but new users or even non-analysts who want to run an app to get the report they need. 


Please don't go backward by taking away flexibility, readability, and increasing difficulty to understand and get to an app. 

But give more freedom to Alteryx Admins to customize and make the user experience even better. 



Lean more into these ideas where we can showcase and feature apps and show descriptions of tools




Just like your homepage we should be able to show videos and use negative spacing to help guide users, and be able to scroll down the page




Instead, you took away all spaces and tried to turn everything into raw data. There were spaces and extra lines on the app, but it's all stripped away on the Gallery in 2021.4





Again, lean into your roots of canvases where each artisan can design and put tools and items that make sense to them and their Organization. 
Please add features... don't take them away




This is an issue that has been marked as solved, however it isn't.

The problem still persist. When you have a macro with a gallery data connection, the workflow containing the macro gives an error when run on the server: 'Unable to translate alias'

If you select manage assets, then include any macros when you publish, this bug is gone. That's the fix. 
But this is not a solution because 
if someone updates the macro, the containing workflows will still use the old, included version of the macro. You will somehow need to remember which workflows use the modified macro, download them all, include the new version of the macro and republish the workflow. 
Well, I can't see how this is a fix to the problem. It's probably better to just keep using the old disabled container 'fix', which is also quite painful.


When I manually execute a wf on Gallery, I sometimes have a tinge of regret that I don't have email events set for the workflow. In most cases, it's just THIS time that I want to receive an alert and not every time. At any point while the workflow is executing, allow the option to request an email event to be sent out for this execution.

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