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I’m facing issues with scheduling workflow in Europe/London timing. I’m trying to schedule jobs to run at 10pm UK hours everyday (except Fri and Sat) starting from today i.e. 26th Jan (as per UK timing)
However since I’m in India and my local desktop is showing India time (which is 00:15hrs on 27th Jan), the Alteryx Gallery scheduler is picking India hours but not as per the region we selected. The 26th Jan date is greyed out and unable to select.
The workaround for this to change local time on desktop which is not in our control in our case.
Could you please bring a change in this behavior. If I am am scheduling on x date a workflow for a timezone which is x-1 the scheduler should allow me to set up the schedule.


Hi, our analytics team has dozens of workflows saved to Gallery and scheduled to refresh at regular intervals--or at least we did up until this weekend when the scheduled refreshed terminated for some unknown reason.  We currently have a team investigating the cause. 


The last run for the workflows took place between 10 PM on Friday 3/6 until 2 AM Saturday 3/7.  We didn't notice the refreshes getting terminated until start of business Monday morning.  Immediately our internal customers started asking us why things were out of date and we quickly found the issue and we're now going back and refreshing the data and re-initiating the scheduled refreshes.  However, some of our workflows can't be retroactively restated, so we'll just have a gap in the data from this point on. 


Needless to say, this is unfortunate for our org, so I'm trying to think of ways to avoid it in the future.  Having a notification set to send an e-mail when a workflow errs is helpful only if the workflow gets kicked off to run to begin with.  However, this will not help in cases when something has gone wrong to prevent the running of the workflow to begin with.


What I think we need is a system to auto-generate an e-mail to a person/group whenever a schedule is termed for any reason whether if it's by a person actively terming it, or for any other reason.  Just as you get a confirmation e-mail whenever you term an e-mail subscription, getting a confirmation whenever a scheduled refresh is ended, would be extremely useful.  


Thanks, Kurt


Allow the server administrator the ability to create named, shared, custom calendars, such as:

-- Holiday Calendar

-- Manufacturing Calendar

-- Accounting Calendar

-- Trading Calendar



The idea is to have a predefined calendar that can be used, by name, with identified working and non-working days.



As you can see from the screen shot below, “Version 10” is my latest version, but I’ve selected “Version 9” to be the published version. When I hit “Run” or when I schedule a run, it is running version 10 instead of version 9. The only way for me to run version 9 is to click on it and select “Run Selected Version” (also in screen shot below).


This doesn’t seem logical to me that the runs are not using the published version. Would love to see this setting changed! :) 


Screen shot 1.pngScreen shot 2.png



Whilst executing long running jobs in Gallery, it would be useful to be able to view the log so I can judge progress.


Currently 'Schedules' are a separate category in the navigation bar on the left, and while it is nice to have an overview of all my workflows/apps, most of the time I need that information in the Private Studio screen where I'm checking in on the run status and getting ready to schedule the job again.


Additionally, Designer disables the schedule whenever it saves the workflow/app back to the Server. This is not always the desired intent when we make a small change to the workflow/app. Having an option to disable a current schedule would be better, with the default to keep the current schedule. Also, the abilty to manage the schedule from the Private Studio to say 'Activate' a disabled schedule, or schedule the workflow/app multiple times with different inputs would all be good.


A strange issue is found that the Alteryx Gallery schedule suddenly becomes disabled.  After checking with support, it looks like the mechanism underlying is using a concept of queueID.  Whenever there is a network issue between controller and worker, the queueID get scratched, the job gets corrupted.  This means it cannot calculate the next run and thus, it will disable the schedule.  When the worker node gets back, it cannot "try again".


From usage perspective, if network is having issue, it is assumed that the connection gets back, it would "re-try" and resume.


Hope Alteryx team can help consider a fix on this technical issue.




If you are viewing schedules, on the Queue Panel, you should have the option to refresh the information to get an idea how far things are progressing.  If you swipe back and forth between panels you get updated % done information, so it is definitely available.  Not the most pressing need, but a very easy fix. 


Ninja Edit:  Did not know there was a dedicated server ideas forum so I removed a part. 


I would like to be able to suspend scheduled jobs - those that are queued to run. 

The only option currently is just to delete them. 


I want to be able to 'put them on hold' then release them as and when is convenient.  Once you release them, they just go back in to the queue or run if there is a free scheduling slot.


the idea would be to be able to chain Workflows (execute Workflow B at the end of Workflow A). Or to condition the execution of a Workflow in relation to another when there are dependencies.


I think it would make sense to let user have more flexibility when they want to schedule. 

For instance, we should be able to set a schedule every 2 hours for a certain time range on certain days. EG : Every 2 hours from 8am to 6pm from Monday to Friday.


Right now, this is not possible. 

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