Alteryx Server Ideas

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I would like the ability to "favorite" Public flows that are on the server and then have a separate "Favorites" section.  As the volume of Public flows on the server increases, It would allow for users to be able to navigate to frequently used flows much faster.


The gallery needs to implement basic auditing in the data connections.Currently, there is no way to determine who or when a data connection was created or updated.


The dataConnections Collection contains data connections with these keys

  • _id: (ObjectId) Document primary key.

  • ConectionString: (String) Hashed database connection string.

  • PasswordSecured: (String) Encrypted password for the database connection.

  • ConnectionName: (String) Data connection display name.

  • Subscriptions: (Array) Array of subscription IDs the data connection has been shared with.

  • Users: (Array) Array of user IDs the data connection has been shared with.

  • UserGroups: (Array) Array of group IDs the data connection has been shared with.

Add these keys to provide a basic audit trail

  • CreationDate: (DateTime) Date time in UTC when the data connection was created.
  • CreatedByUser: (String) user ID of the user that created the data connection.
  • LastUpdateDate: (DateTime) Date time in UTC when the data connection was updated.
  • UpdatedByUser: (String) user ID of the user that updated the data connection.


Modify the gallery to allow the values of the new keys to be displayed. Modify the API endpoint to retrieve this information.


You cannot currently upload a new workflow and specify your own workflow_id GUID.  This would be useful for systematic workflows that need to be referenced in code.  Currently, you either to search for a workflow by name, but you are not guaranteed it a workflow instance you uploaded.  This would be helpful for server and workflow administration.


Given there are multiple api versions.  I need a way to call the api and get the server version so I can make the correct API call or construct code logic which provides the user code requirement based on the versions features or limitations.


I propose a api call ../getserverinfo/ that returns server metadata like version, default worker thread count, and default memory allocation.


There is currently not a way to call the API and find out the calling user.  For instance, if I have a user API key and secret, I  to return the rest of the user info for the calling user or who is calling the api.  I propose a api call like ../user/whoami


After a job is run on Alteryx Server, Gallery lists Job Results with a Status column containing with one of 2 values:

  • Error (represented by a red exclamation point icon); and
  • Success (represented by a green checkmark icon).
    See attached screenshot for illustration.


If any WARNING messages are generated by the workflow, the operator/user is unaware unless they take the time to expand the message log details, then scroll through the long list of messages that typically appear in the log.


Because the Success Icon appears whether there are Warnings or not, the user must dutifully spend extra time scrolling through the list looking for Warnings even if there are none to be found.


My Idea: provide additional information under the Status column in one or more of these ways:

  1. add a 3rd status option with a yellow/orange icon that indicates if/when 1 or more warnings are present
    • This should be a quick/easy enhancement that would provide immediate value

  2. append one or more numbers after the Icon to indicate counts (see mock-up example)
    • There seems to be ample space for this type of info
    • This could be done at a later date as a subsequent enhancement

I think that the user would benefit from a filter where they could focus on errors, warnings, or other types of messages in the same spirit as the Designer interface, but I recognize that would be a lot of work and I am not asking for that now.




Workflows which are scheduled and continuously failing in a row 5 times need to stop/disable the schedule. Sent a mail to the workflow owner stopped schedule due to continuous error.


For Administrating the schedule workflows this feature helps a lot. Many users create workflows and dump into server and schedule it and forgot it if we implement this strategy, it will be helpful to both users and Admin team.


Maybe it's time to have a better licensing model. In addition of the current and restricted core-base model, why not having a user-based model?

Best regards,



At my organization, we have many workflows on our server that take data from one database and store it on another. We would love the ability for an alert system that warns us when a job fails so that we can solve it immediately and not risk the chance of not noticing until a few weeks or months later.


why didn't you implement the search in the schedules for users, it is available for admins?

for users who have a lot of schedules, it's essential



Maintaining multiple workers (five currently, soon, six) with identical setups is challenging when dealing with In-Database (InDb) connections. I must log in to each worker, start Alteryx Designer, go to In-Db settings, and create the connection. This also becomes tedious when trying to update passwords, which occurs every 90 days in my company.


The suggestion is to set up an In-Db connection on one worker and have it propagate to the other workers. 

indb.jpg Propagates to other workers → indb2.jpg


This would save time maintaining workers in the gallery and help prevent errors during setup on each worker (e.g., typing in the wrong password).


As an "extra credit" mission, expose In-Db connections through an API that can list, create, update, or delete an In-Db connection.


When scheduling workflows in the gallery that are recurring, it would be beneficial to have  start and end times also. For example, when setting the frequency to hourly, if there is an option to run between 9 AM and 5 PM that would be great. This would prevent us to schedule workflows for all 24 hours and take up systemic resources when other important workflows could run instead

Hello all,

According to 






An open framework for data lineage collection and analysis

Data lineage is the foundation for a new generation of powerful, context-aware data tools and best practices. OpenLineage enables consistent collection of lineage metadata, creating a deeper understanding of how data is produced and used.



This is typically the open standards needed for lineage analysis and I think it will become more and more a differenciator with your competitors. As of today, DBT or Apache Airflow already supports it (as producer), Egeria or Marquez already support it (as consumer) and guys from Datahub are working on it  (as consumers)
So I think Alteryx should implement this standard API as a producer, it's the next big thing in Data Governance and you don't want to stay behind !

Best regards,



I would like to be able to suspend scheduled jobs - those that are queued to run. 

The only option currently is just to delete them. 


I want to be able to 'put them on hold' then release them as and when is convenient.  Once you release them, they just go back in to the queue or run if there is a free scheduling slot.

I just underwent an exercise of recovering my controller in the event of a catastrophic failure. One of the steps is to recover the DCME keys (DCM Encryption keys) - which is documented here:


This DCME recovery needs to be revisited. This document assumes that the previous controller is running. In a disaster recovery situation, this is not possible. What, if any, can be done to recover the DCME keys if the host has is completely irrecoverable?


For context, having an irrecoverable host has happened. Complete hard drive failure (showing my age), nuked virtual machine and its backups (no one paid attention to the notices that the data center was shutting down), and fire.

Current State:

Currently, all workflows and applications are in list-form within "My Workspace" (formerly Private Studio) and Collections.  In My Workspace, I might have workflows and applications that support a broad range of domain spaces and audiences.  As the developer (or Artisan), they're all in My Workspace, but shown as an exhaustive list with no categorization unless I name them to represent not only the function of the workflow/application but also the domain. 


Once those same workflows/applications are moved to collections, there can exist confusion over whether the workflow/application is intended for a schedule, manual run, or application.  Separating by naming convention gets messy and degrades clarity for non-developer roles.



Proposed Solution:

I would like to see folders, only one or two levels deep, be added to My Workspace and to Collections.  This proposed solution would not alter permissions, as those would be common for the parent collection and any assigned roles would function the same for that entire collection.  The solution is simply adding organization to enhance the user experience.


For example:  I might have a Collection that is intended for my Finance team....

Finance_Collection / Scheduled_ETL_Workflows / Workflows

Finance_Collection / Scheduled_Analytic_Workflows / Workflows
Finance_Collection / Applications_for_AccountingDepartment_ReceivablesTeam / Workflows
Finance_Collection / Applications_for_AccountingDepartment_PayablesTeam / Workflows
Finance_Collection / Manual_ETL_Workflows / Workflows

Finance_Collection / Manual_Analytic_Workflows / Workflows

Finance_Collection / etc...

All persons who have been assigned the role connected to the "Finance Collection" will still see everything in all of the folders but would have a better sense of what "workflows/applications" are intended for their use according to the folders the workflows/applications are organized into.



Value Added (Why This Matters):

  • Enhanced user experience (easier to find the correct workflows
  • The volume of roles and collections can be reduced, thus reducing Admin strain
  • The solution does not impact roles and permissions
  • Overall management of workflows and applications is enhanced for the Artisans




I welcome input and feedback from the community and would appreciate your support if you find this suggestion useful for your Alteryx experience!


Hi Team, 


The Alteryx API documentation for Audit was only available for certain entities(workflow, collection, etc.,) and not available for Schedule entities

If you create a schedule in Gallery, information about the schedule like creation date time, frequency, owner, type, last run, next run, etc. will be updated in MongoDB. If a user edits or modifies a schedule in the gallery, the edited/updated information is only available in MongoDB. There is no possibility of seeing audit information like old value(before change), new value, or operation (update, delete, insert).


We required the Audit information of the entire gallery operation such as schedule, Collection, Workflow creation, updation, and deletion. 


Ariharan Rengasamy

Option to Zip All Outputs

For workflows that produce various different output files, I think it would be nice if the Gallery had the functionality to create a single zip file containing all outputs. The user would opt in or out of this functionality using a checkbox in the Gallery workflow settings (for apps, this checkbox could also appear as an additional setting above "Questions"). After the workflow has been run, the user would only see the zip file in the output preview instead of each individual output file. 


This functionality would create a more user-friendly experience as it would eliminate the need for zip file creation workarounds, such as using the Run Command Tool or the "zipfile" Python library to create zip files (these options also do not generate a zip file in the Gallery output preview).

  • New Request

In one fell swoop, you can see if all the workflows included in the collection have run smoothly.



I did it with a workflow but it should be native.

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Tableau has a nice Postman Collection available... it's really easy to use since you can download or forkt it on Postman and all you have to do is to write the variable values.

I would like the same thing but for Alteryx.

Best regards,


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