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Support SAML 2.0

Please support SAML 2.0 for gallery

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Under Review

SAML 2.0 support in the Gallery is something we're looking at so I appreciate this post @joeGade!  It will be great to see any votes from others who would like to see this feature and we will be sure to keep this post updated as we have more info to share.  Thanks again!

6 - Meteoroid

Very high need from us.   Lack of SAML 2.0/SSO limits our deployment options

7 - Meteor

This would definably enhance our usability of Gallery. Who wants to remember yet another password in a multi domain environment .. when SAML is one of the available options

7 - Meteor

If this is implemented please include the ability to change/modify authentication without having to do a complete reinstall of Alteryx Server.  This is very limiting if you need or want to change authentication methods.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@Cimmel thank you for adding this suggestion.  We are definitely trying to take this into account to make a smooth transition.  Thanks again for the feedback!

6 - Meteoroid
Is this on the roadmap now? If so, is there a planned release date?

Sent from my phone
5 - Atom

Please add SAML support soon.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Accepted

Bumping the status up to being on the roadmap.  Thanks!

10 - Fireball

Thank you.

8 - Asteroid

would love to see this soon.  any update on expected release?