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Alteryx Server Ideas

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Request the chained app timeout (chainedTimeout) be made a user-configurable parameter

See following article for background reference:


I have a support case (#00278355) advising unsupported changes to the alteryx.config file, involving an undocumented setting for chainedTimeout, as in:


<engine enableAutoLicensing="true" useServiceLayerComposer="true" chainedTimeout="10800"


This setting should be documented, supported, and made user-configurable through the System Settings GUI. 



10 - Fireball
I'm supporting this idea. I've recently come across this issue and had to dig through some KnowledgeBase articles and open a support ticket to figure out what was going on. The positive thing is it made me adjust my workflow through performance profiling.
Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepted



I'm updating this idea to the Accepted status, however I wanted to fully explain what that status would mean in the case of this idea. 


The ability to control the chained apps timeout through the System Settings would actually be controlled through the Designer product within Server, and thus by the Designer team. However the Designer team has not reviewed this idea, so I cannot provide insight if that's on the road map. However the underlying issue involving the chained apps timeout is being addressed by a large initiative involving our orchestration on Server.


Thus I'm moving this to Accepted as the source of the issue is being actively looked into. However if you would like this feature to be included on the System Setting, please feel free to post a corresponding idea on the Designer Idea board for the Designer team to review.