Alteryx Server Ideas

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Manage Gallery Connection permissions via an Active Directory group

We leverage Active Directory groups to manage user permissions to most of our company's resources like databases, file shares, applications, etc.  This idea is for the ability to manage a Gallery Data Connection via an Active Directory group.  In many cases, our AD group membership actually dictates what permissions a gallery connection should have, but we must manually add/remove users to the Alteryx connection to keep it synched with AD.


I think there are several ways Alteryx could be enhanced to support this; i.e. the AD group could be specified on the connection itself or it could be inherited from a Studio where the subscription is enhanced to support assigning AD groups to it (which could benefit other areas of Alteryx).


I'm told by Alteryx support that this functionality is unsupported but to post the idea here.  If anyone knows of workarounds to this limitation I'd certainly be interested!

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Our team could use this feature! We use AD groups for everything else and this would make managing data connections easier.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

Thank you for your feedback and idea!


We greatly appreciate the feedback on how to improve and streamline permissions in Gallery. If you haven't, be sure to check out our Submission Guidelines if you haven't yet, as it goes over the idea process in a bit greater detail.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Thanks for the feedback. This is now implemented in 2020.4 with a small workaround.


We've added custom user groups with which a Gallery Data Connection can be shared.


For infrastructure reasons, a GDC cannot be shared directly with an AD group, however, you can create a custom user group whose only member is an AD group of your choice. Then you can assign the GDC to the custom group and all of your AD group members will have access to it.


So with a very small amount of upfront work, your maintenance challenge is solved. 

7 - Meteor

Thanks John, I'm looking forward to giving this new feature a try when we apply that latest update!

Alteryx Alumni (Retired) previous statement was incorrect. We are planning on being able to share GDCs with custom groups but the work is not yet complete. Stay tuned for this feature in the near future.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Accepted

Thank you for your feedback!


As John mentioned this feature has been included on the roadmap for a near future release. We'll do our best to update this idea once the functionality is available!

5 - Atom



We are looking for this functionality too. Any idea which future version this is going to be implemented? 



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @imanchem, we'd rather not name a version but it's one of our top priorities and it's mostly baked, so stay tuned...

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

@imanchem, we released the ability to share Gallery Data Connections with custom user groups in Alteryx Server 2021.2...have you gotten that version? How's it working for you?

11 - Bolide
Status changed to: Under Review