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Collections Administration

As a server administrator, I would like to have more control over collections.  I have a user who is in charge of a collection out of office, and we have some users who need to get to be added to the collection to run workflows.  As admin of the server, I would like to be able to add users to this collection, modify permissions, modify workflows, etc.  This would be necessary both for when users are temporarily out of the office as well as if someone were to leave the company.

5 - Atom

@patrick_mcauliffe I agree with your proposal. Team admin, at least two people, are allowed to administrate their teams. The gallery admin will be less involved in "daily team administration".


6 - Meteoroid

Can I please suggest that you allow users to be members of more than 1 studio, we started off by having all our users having their own private studio but then we were unable to collaborate on workflows (ie edit other users workflows) with this set up so we have removed the user studios and have team studios for all workflows, the idea being everyone within a team can access, edit and run all workflows. This allows us to use the versioning on the server but it is in no way ideal. Our curators can be moved between these studios - however we did discover than if we move a curator out of a studio where they have created a scheduled job - the scheduled job is disabled, the only way round this is to give permissions to the other studios to run the workflows.

8 - Asteroid

@suemc Agreed 110% to this idea of allowing a user to exist in more than 1 studio. Restricting to 1 studio per user is such a hassle. Imagine a user who is part of either 2 or more projects/ 2 or more teams, how can we configure the user? Needs a better solution for sure.

5 - Atom

This is causing us a bit of a problem, are there any plans for later releases?

5 - Atom


7 - Meteor

Definitely support

8 - Asteroid
Thanks, DanM!

Chris J. Sanders
8 - Asteroid

Unfortunately, I cannot star this idea because it says it was already completed. Do we need to create a new idea?

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

@Csand ,


The reason why you cannot Star the post is due to the fact that we have accepted this idea and are looking into adding this functionality requested. We cannot give you any time table or specifics of the feature at this time. This status of this post will change to "Available" when it is in the product.



11 - Bolide
